Nathan Evans
3 years ago

Nathan Evans

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Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

Flat earth brings out the worst in humanity

Here's a map.

Gab: ReadyPen @ready_pen 107Daily.Com ReadyPen

General Flynn posting from Clouthub

Lin Wood 🇱🇷
When I surrendered my life to God 2 1/2 years ago, I did so after I seriously posed to myself for the first time this question, “Is God real?”

I reflected on my life and life on Earth in general and concluded that the only thing that made perfect sense to explain everything from start to finish was the conclusion that God is real. A conclusion that turned seeming chaos into a plan. A perfect plan.

God is TRUTH. God is RIGHTEOUS. God is LOVE.

So the longer answer to why I named my channel, “LinWoodSpeaksTruth” is that I love to pursue truth because I love justice and justice is found in trying your best to honestly reach the right result.

I am still learning. I have much more to learn. Don’t we ALL?

Sorry if I am rambling. I will call it a night, not with the words of an imperfect man, but rather the words of the only perfect man to walk on the face of the Earth:

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
- John 17:17

I love TRUTH, ALL of y

I always know the frogs are hanging strong here. After a long day of battle I know the jacuzzi here is warm.

I strongly urge you to consider how you can repackage ideas and content, or rehash it into language that is better understood, so that you can reach your own niche audiences. Be it your family, community, church, school, company, etc — "everywhere is local". What I write in a "British intellectual" style won't land well everywhere, for example. The job is to awaken as many people as possible, and you are in a better position than I am to judge what can be "heard" in your content. Forgiveness beats permission; recycle what you can, but add your own spin and packaging as necessary to get the message over. "Remember when…" to locate it in events people can relate to.

The best.

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.


Happy President's Day Sir.



Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

Getting the vibe that George will be on here soon. Anyone else?

A reminder to all the digital red pilled soldiers. Our goal is to encourage one another AND to wake up the masses. Don't forget the 2nd goal. We have a lot of red pillers here. That's awesome. Go out there into the world and wake some blue pilled sheep. There's tons on Gab and telegram. Get out of your comfort zone.Then come back to regroup. God woke you up for a reason today. Don't forget it.


Newsflash. This wasn't just a 4 year plan. It started much earlier before Trump took office.

The weekend is a lip singer. MJ 1000000% sang that.

Imagine the guy under the Biden mask is really some amazing Patriot that Trump picks for VP. That would be some show huh?

Who's ready for evil to start departing earth? Very soon.

I'm buying this hat and wearing it everywhere.

The most polite group of violent protestors ever. Wrote "justice is coming" to Pelosi and then prayed.🍿🍿

I didn't produce the movie, I'm just watching. Take it up with this asshole.😂

General Flynn called you all digital soldiers. Why? Because this is a new era. Truth is your weapon, more powerful than a musket. Not one shot was fired and they nearly stole a republic. Cyberwarfare and espoinage. If your voice didn't count why did they suspend you from Twitter and Facebook? It's because it does count in a mjaor way beyond what most can imagine. Keep up the fight, justice is on the way.

A word of encouragement to the digital soldiers. Q doesn't need defending. Don't be afraid or shy to share something that doesn't add up in the news cycle. That's the whole point of the movement. The great awakening. I feel so many are shy or nervous to be wrong about something. You sharing something doesn't mean it's the gospel truth. Nor should anyone think that. It's simply another piece to the puzzle. Your one shared picture or video can unlock many other things for other digital soliders. There's never anything too small or insignificant to share.#wwg1wga

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!


Swift is no longer used and XRP is replaced with it AND it becomes gold-backed and quantum proof.... wow.

Can you imagine what would happen to both Gold and XRP?

*Not an authorized financial advisor

It's amazig we've had almost 0 downtime with Anonup website. Quite spectacular.

Elon Musk is an interesting guy. Is he a good guy undercover playing a role or a bad guy that made a deal? We'll eventually know. One thing for sure is he's a smart guy playing by a different set of rules. His motives are questionable though. I've heard that demon girl he's with is his handler. She's full of darkness.

When did everyone start noticing everything looking fake in the news regarding videos in DC? For me it started around the 6th of January.

The question isn't if justice will be served. It's being served. Rather, the question is when will the reveal of that justice be revealed. The problem with prolonging the reveal to wake up the masses is, at some point you run the risk of a civil war/rebellion. People will never accept Bidan as President. It's a fine line to walk. Just remember you were promised a dark winter. Not a dark spring. A quiet Potus Trump is out of his character. You don't go yelling we won the best is yet to come, unless you are busy behind the scenes with a masterplan.

Folks, the real General isn't pushing bitcoin on telegram. Be careful.

The real Jfk Jr. doesn't post photos of himself all day long.

If you see a reply on telegram with a / do not click, reply, or forward. It's a spam bug chain. Can you say panic?

Excuse me today as I cut through the bullshit.