Erica Swenson Elliott
@eelliott001Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
I got a lot to say! You can interact with my blog, see my books and art.

I was only asking if same person. Don't really follow him because I left Gab early. Just thought when I did have him on my follow that he was Ron for some reason. Thanks for the insight.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Couple of options: if you feel the person worth the effort (or if you like the phrase "if the juice is worth the squeeze"), try re-engaging them with with a softer touch, easy to swallow red pills. Then, let those simmer for a ling time before slowly turning up the heat.
However, you can't save them all, even with the best of your intentions. Sometimes you even need a tactical retreat as opposed to a strategic defeat. Flank hard!

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Yep, that is a problem for some of us veterans. We do need the employment, but employers have now tied mandatory mask wearing to our conditions of employment. Furthermore, as you are saying, raising the issues of Trump and Bidan can get you in hot water, and the excuse will be something along the lines of "That isn't work related" or "We don't find political discussions appropriate at work (even if they are guilty of spreading Dem propaganda themselves).
Tread lightly, but use good judgement and discernment on who you do speak with. Otherwise, use "generic" openings to engage discussion IMO

Everyday I feel so grateful to know. Trying to plant seeds but they end up being duds. Need to work on my technique.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
Even if its just the people you know- i've managed to red pill my husband, 2 of my children, 4 of my siblings, and a few of my friends. if those people red pill ten people, and so on, rhe exponential growth will get us there. Its harder with those you know, but more rewarding.

Just be careful, only mentioning Trump got me literally disiplinary action (even when asked and I only replied). The Blue pilled corporations are on a war path. They even want - counceling - it is bad. Here is the funny part, I am X Military and this is an issue.

Keep an eye on Bidan's latex face this week.

If you think we aren't going to come under attack here you got are living in a fairy tale land. Last night on Telegram I experienced the most demonic brute force demonic and disgusting porn attack I've ever seen. 3000k replies with 90% of them beasiality from a dozen in a group attack. The demons will fight, and they will kick and scream. Be prepared, prayed up and mentally ready for battle. Be wise and vigilent, always on guard.

Major malfunction today with the nose. Likely on purpose.

Trump didn't tell you a 100 times we won/we will win to walk away and quit. He didn't fly into the sunset to disappear after doing more rally's than any other President in history. He's just shuffling the deck right now. Ready to play the Trump card. Hang tight, it may get bumpy first before we have clear skies. The dark winter is coming to and end.

Imagine the guy under the Biden mask is really some amazing Patriot that Trump picks for VP. That would be some show huh?

For the record, there was no insurrection at the Capitol. Facts. It was a staged production. Who staged it? You'll soon find out. If there's a conviction because of it, that will also be staged and fake as well. Enjoy the show, bathroom breaks are allowed.

There are three main themes of “To Kill a Mockingbird”: The Coexistence of Good and Evil: The novel shows the reader the transition of Scout and Jem from innocent children, when they assume that all people are good, to a more adult perspective where they encounter evil, prejudice and hatred.

Ever pray for something for so long you give up because you didn't get it in your timing? Yeah, dont do that here. Expect to receive.
But he must ask in faith, without doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
James 1:6

The media is more powerful than China, N Korea, and Russia combined. That's about to change.

Target list in order.
1. Child Traffickers
2. Corrupt Politicians
3. Mockingbird Media
They are the last the last to fall.

You have to have a thick shell, good discernment, and a very good understanding of the drops to watch this impeachment. I accidentially had it on during a power nap earlier and woke up raging pissed. It was like poision to the subconsciounsess.

I never found the mint.
Still, they keep saying: in peach, mint.

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
BTW. Did he INTENTIONALLY shoot that fella in the ass?