American Patriot, Truth Seeker, Seer, I Support Our Armed Forces & Vets. Q found me, unlike any way I've heard. Oath Keeper. ❤️👊 🇺🇸🙏🐸
That guy who shot is best friend in the heart hunting turkeys? Who survived? Executed, I hope

QMAGA, Awaiting the REAL POTUS! And the evildoers to be CrUsHeD! JesusReignsAlways&Forever
dead i hope

Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
may have run outa hearts

Ordinary American who loves her country, tears up during the National Anthem and recognizes what President Trump is doing for the world.
stranger things have happened slong the way...

🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Ol' I-have-a-plan-for-911 Dick! I have wondered. Great guy. I wish him very well. ⌛️

God is everything, literally. Blessed, married, mom x2, ❤️USA, Trump, military, patriots ,MAGA. 🤬 pedos commies & traitors of ALL stripes
have you looked in hell?

Truth Seeker ,Don't take no shit from anyone, All American cowgirl!!
maybe we should put him on a milk carton!

💕YHVH, YESHUA, FAM, PEACH PIE, AMERICA! TRUMP! 💕🙏👍🇺🇸🎶😎🌼→→👹🤺🤺🤺 New "Revis" Music: revissounds.com

Alabama gal raised in Tennessee worn out from spiritual warfare need reinforcements much rejection 💔Jesus, Rosie my dog r true friends ❤️
it's been a long while 😁❤️🇱🇷🦅

🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives
CovDick 19 stat 🤷♀️

I heard he got shot in the face in a hunting accident.

I got a lot to say! You can interact with my blog, see my books and art.
at this point I'm guessing he was cloned into his traiterous daughter ? 😆- for an estate tax play at best...

These Things We Do, That Others May Live. gab.com/@Borescoped

The Best is Yet to Come - #SaveTheChildren MAGA forever
wish his daugher was MIA as well...apple didn't fall far from this tree!

i hope rigamortis has alresdy set in!

Question everything! Expand love and remember to smile and laugh! In twitland @Iamhone15248095 (previously twitter.com/iammiele)
🤣🤣🤣Yeah, been a lil while since I've seen Dick...but lots habbening!

Trucking Patriot‐God fearing husband & Father-Paramedic-Mentor
Anybody seen Gore, or Quail? Where the heck are they?

Truth seeker. Run everything through a BS filter - looking for the agenda. All media is manipulated - waiting for that to change.
Gone to Hell-iburton?

I got a lot to say! You can interact with my blog, see my books and art.
now that is darn funny!

Patriot who served in our armed forces. I love this country! De Oppressor Liber
oh shit! that is good! Word is he and rummy were together. A twofer if you will.

Dick be dead. Probably why his shit-for-brains daughter has so much vitriol for Trump.
Reminds of Meghan asshat and her old man 'No Name'

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
BTW. Did he INTENTIONALLY shoot that fella in the ass?

I got a lot to say! You can interact with my blog, see my books and art.
I have an eyewitness! that wasnt the only bystander Dick shot on a shoot! 🤭😆I kid you not!

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
Hope somebody gave him a reason to lose the smirk.

I love God, my family, my country and my freedom!
Good question.
According to a WP jornalist he was interviewed prior to John Marsh Jr. funeral 2/15/19, which he alegedly attended. Of coarse this was only 'confirmed' by an unidentified person also in the room.

I have real reservations when you write about hanging people, but when thinking of all of the innocent people who died because of this animal, it seems like it's the only option.

The Hunter became the Hunted💥👊

I cannot help what im about to say but i cant stand it and it must be said,"thats what she said". sorry guys im 52 with a teenage mind sometimes. everyone needs a laugh now and again.

Truth seeker. Run everything through a BS filter - looking for the agenda. All media is manipulated - waiting for that to change.
This is the RED PILL board - not the little blue pill.

I think being forgotten (put into the "oubliette") is a good place for these people to be. So they stop disturbing the saving of America.

last I heard 8 people died to give him new hearts sequentionally
donors have to be alive

First of all above anything I am a Patriot. I whistle while I work, because whistling is my work. world's greatest whistler. Want Freedom