Erica Swenson Elliott
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See my post above in response too. I've read Neon's very intelligent book- he actually disects Q posts in a masterful way and it is an excellent autobiographical trail of his singular voyage of discovery of what many of us know today as truth. He talks about his PWood experiences and his return to NJ in excruciating detail- so it wouldn't be hard to Dox him if you were a hacker type. So this expose isn't really exposing anything that Neon himself hasn't already told us himself, except his name. I wouldn't know anything about Q or the Anons if it hadn't been for Neon's book so the last thing I'm going to do is now denounce him. If I did, I would be like Mitch McConnell betraying Trump after begging for his endorsement! :)
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No Ezra. I read Neon's highly intelligent book cover to cover numerous times in hyperspeed as the primer that it is. I came to understand so much of of what the dark side has been upto b/c of his important work. I don't attack people for what they say. I read and listen. Therefore, I question your motives here. It appears that you are attempting to stir up dissension. However the one thing I do battle for is if anyone threatens me or my family. Now that is a multi-tiered fight no holds barred. I save my energy and pick my battles very wisely. Its the great American way.
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agreed fellow digital warrior! i am publishing a bread crumb novel that goes live next week- very happy about it-and got my sweetheart over to gab today from FB - its a FT job aint it? :) keep the faith!
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take care of yourself and your family first- i have lost loved ones along the way - now i know more of how and why...stay smart❤️
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i tried for a long time- all censored- - kinda feel like Noah now walking up the ramp on the ark- however im creating an aggregator of Redpill content creator websites - that i think will crossover the AI nonsense - so 🙏🇺🇸...
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the size of a mustard seed
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now that's funny...
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can we leave at the intermission? ... I must confess I'm more like a no show...too stupid...
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now that is darn funny!
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I have an eyewitness! that wasnt the only bystander Dick shot on a shoot! 🤭😆I kid you not!
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at this point I'm guessing he was cloned into his traiterous daughter ? 😆- for an estate tax play at best...
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staying quiet is definitely NOT HIS character - they should be scared is all I can say. I graduated high school in Philly in 1985- and he hasnt been quiet since then:)
I got a lot to say! You can interact with my blog, see my books and art. perfect...
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Agreed@ghostezra this is the Q ship! The Q posts are the most intelligent things I've ever read since the Holy Scriptures. Just trying to keep up. It's been a long time being "out in the cold." feels good to come inside, even if Im not sure where that is. :).... And its not about any of us and our egos its about truth. Onward into the great wide open.
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heard how hard that was to do- to make all 3 diff planes fly at the same speed...
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you are so right!
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that is definitely classed as weird! and ove known weird!
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wow weird- does Mother T look like the Mother of Fauci? how is that mathematically possible? 😆
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that is a great pick! Kennedy had a bomb shelter near by on Peanut Island when he wintered in PB too! it is prepped! like your thought process!
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now that is some weird sheista
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a new capitol will be coming, where will it be ?
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preach it brother 🙏
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I've spent enough time reading the Qposts for myself over the last year, which are a lifetime cipher. The overarching intelligence, logic and timeline xrefs and proofs are amazingly impressive. Those that choose denial will be shown as foolish. They can go back to reading their group think teleprompters and mouthing company lines.
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OMG that is pretty hilarious- word for word blip by blip same clippity clip clip clip- thank you for the smile!
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Lincoln would be sick to know they hid behind his name- I like Collusion Project.
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these times are so crazy that its beyond description - the irony of the citizen journalists reporting is highlighting MSM suppression of the truth. - this one is extr great thx for sharing!
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these times are so crazy that its beyond description - the irony of the citizen journalists reporting is highlighting MSM suppression of the truth. - this one is extr great thx for sharing!
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the HRC double lives! is the CIC the same thong I mean thing as the CF? im just asking.
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how does that even happen? who happens ro ne looking at chuckie while they are supposed to be sending out amber alerts? only psycho killers!