Hammurabi (Eye for an Eye)
3 months ago

Hammurabi (Eye for an Eye)

Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273

Future Proves Past = 20,000,000 “missing” dem votes from KMLA were never really there for BDN = the numbers electing DJT in 2024 prove he won legit in 2020 = future proves past

Kari Lake (Lakes are bodies of Water)

+ “Watch the Water”

= Watch Kari Lake

“We are saving Israel for last”

The new twitter logo looks an awful lot like a backwards Q to me…

"The Convergence of the Twain“

And as the smart ship grew
In stature, grace, and hue,
In shadowy silent distance grew the Iceberg too. Alien they seemed to be;
No mortal eye could see
The intimate welding of their later history,
Or sign that they were bent
By paths coincident
On being anon twin halves of one august event,
Till the Spinner of the Years
Said "Now!" And each one hears,
And consummation comes, and jars
two hemispheres.

- Thomas Hardy

The tip of the iceburg, as the saying goes…

LOVE that he used the word ANON (9th line, 3rd word). This poem feels prophetic to me, I interpret many layers to its meaning (sign that they were bent - because they are bent/corrupt), and one thing for sure, when the iceburg is revealed for what it truly is, when “consumation comes”, it
will MOST CERTAINLY “ Jar Two Hemispheres.

Peace be with you all, WWG1WGA,

"The Convergence of the Twain“

And as the smart ship grew
In stature, grace, and hue,
In shadowy silent distance grew the Iceberg too. Alien they seemed to be;
No mortal eye could see
The intimate welding of their later history,
Or sign that they were bent
By paths coincident
On being anon twin halves of one august event,
Till the Spinner of the Years
Said "Now!" And each one hears,
And consummation comes, and jars
two hemispheres.

- Thomas Hardy

The tip of the iceburg, as the saying goes…

LOVE that he used the word ANON (9th line, 3rd word). This poem feels prophetic to me, I interpret many layers to its meaning (sign that they were bent - because they are bent/corrupt), and one thing for sure, when the iceburg is revealed for what it truly is, when “consumation comes”, it
will MOST CERTAINLY “ Jar Two Hemispheres.

Peace be with you all, WWG1WGA,

**Please Help If Possible. I am in dire need of financial aid to get myself (and household) through the next couple weeks. I am humbled, embarrassed and ashamed to have to ask for help but don’t see another way other than asking for the kindness and generosity of my community.

Any amount is greatly and sincerely appreciated and can be delivered through PayPal or Venmo at:

You can also direct message me to figure out a more convenient method. 

*Please repost to lend a hand (Thank You).

What is “The Plan”?

What does “NCSWIC” and “WWG1WGA”
truly mean?

The Q born ANON ARMY is a CABAL-CENTRIC (failsafe) DOOMSDAY DEVICE & Despot-Destroying Dead Man’s Switch. The Plan is a Military / Civilian alliance set into motion by the Q-Team and the Q drops were truth bombs posted to wake people up to the reality of this world.

Truth is inevitable. The defeat of evil by good is inevitable. Fulfillment of the Plan is inevitable. Darkness is always revealed by light, good always triumphs over evil and God always Wins. So stay strong my friends, put on the full armor of God, and keep seeking the truth, because total, absolute and inviolable victory is within reach of us all and nearer to come than most realize.

God Bless Q, God Bless the Plan, God Bless the Anon Army and BEWARE to our foes for they will surely feel hard the rough lean of our toughly won presence soon. SEEK TRUTH!

Elon Musk just posted that DJT’s twitter account will be reinstated after conducting a poll where he let the people decide.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei = The voice of the people
is the voice of God (Latin)

Q is posting again, DJT announced he is running for POTUS, the georgia guidestones were blown up, we have the house / senate, MAGA candidates swept midterms, fiat currency being exposed as scam it is, Biden crime family being investigated, Nancy P fired, plus SO MUCH MORE … things are lining up pretty nicely for some major JUSTICE.

Could the Storm be upon us soon,
Can The Great Awakening be too far from here,
Do you have your popcorn ready?

02-Nov-2017 2:44:21 PM EDT

Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
God bless.

Elon Musk just posted that DJT’s twitter account will be reinstated after conducting a poll where he let the people decide.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei = The voice of the people
is the voice of God (Latin)

Q is posting again, DJT announced he is running for POTUS, the georgia guidestones were blown up, we have the house / senate, MAGA candidates swept midterms, fiat currency being exposed as scam it is, Biden crime family being investigated, Nancy P fired, plus SO MUCH MORE … things are lining up pretty nicely for some major JUSTICE.

Could the Storm be upon us soon,
Can The Great Awakening be too far from here,
Do you have your popcorn ready?

02-Nov-2017 2:44:21 PM EDT

Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
God bless.


Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Operations Research Technical Manual
Code Number: TM-SW7905.1

The original purpose of Operations Research was to study strategic and tactical problems of air & land defense with the objective of effective use of limited military resources against foreign enemies (i.e., logistics).

It was soon recognized by those in positions of power that the same methods might be useful for totally controlling society (with a math equation).

The term for this equation is called the Q FACTOR.

Keep the public ignorant, maintain access to control (price) points for feedback, create preoccupation, attack family unit (young), give less cash & more data credit & doles, attack privacy of church, social conformity, stabilize consent, tighten control of variables, establish boundary conditions/equations, proper timing, maximize control, collapse of currency, etc.

SOUND FAMILIAR? Doc developed in May 1979.


True Meaning of WWG1WGA as it relates to the movie White Squall, Q-Team, DJT, Anons and the Great Awakening.

Q mentions White Squall repeatedly and says of it “some things leave lasting impressions” insinuating it was a birthplace of the Great Awakening & beginning of the Storm. White Squall = severe weather on the high seas - WTW.

It’s a message for us to reunite, stand together, sew unity & march shoulder to shoulder at a time (foreseen by Q & happening NOW) when global media would try and create division among us which is [their] only lifeline. A united freethinking public is [their] greatest fear.

WWG1WGA = Where We Go One We Go All,
no one stands alone, come together, especially when it’s hardest to do so. We started this journey together, took many routes getting to here & NOW and it’s time to reunite for the last battle. We win this war by destroying division and only when we do so can Nothing Stop What Is Coming. The
Great Awakening intensifies with every new Anon

Spiritual Warfare
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can
make your stand against the devil's schemes.

Never give up.
It is all connected. WE are ALL Connected.
WE are being shown what is happening behind
the scenes. Don’t confuse silence with inactivity.
The silent war continues... .. .

US Army = It’s time to ARMOR up = Learn About Army Modernization Strategy = LAMS = LAMBS = SHEEP = QDROP 4397 = Your life means nothing to them [SHEEP] = Put on the full ARMOR of GOD

(Full Circle deCode)

Time Stamp = 11:06 = 11+6=17 = Q

No one is SAFE until we are all SAFE.
Know yourself & you will know the universe...
Only RATS hide underground (they thought we’d follow the STARS. Morning sun brings HEAT).

1776 = 1+7+7+6 = 2021 = Time to slay the Dragon

“We are living in BIBLICAL times.” — Q

COVFEFE is an Antediluvian term for “In the end we win.” It was commonly used by the sons of Adam to rail against the evil actions of the fallen who had led man astray.

The Dead Sea War Scroll describes the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness (Army of Belial & those who assist them from among the wicked) with inscriptions TRUMPETS, banners and liturgies for the priests during the conflict.

In the War against the Evil ones each side will fight alongside angelic hosts and other supernatural beings and final victory is achieved for the Sons of Light directly by the hand of God. In the end, all of Darkness is to be destroyed and Light will live in peace for all eternity.


Hammurabi “predicts” J BDN will pull America into a “war” with Russia over aggressions in Ukraine on April 3, 2021...

10 months later...

J BDN pulls America into a “war” with Russia over aggressions in Ukraine on
Jan 24, 2022...

Past Predicts Future - Future Proves Past
(We have SO MUCH more than we know).

Elon Musk (Master Troll) tweets BOOM at 9:54
Q-drop 954 = BOOM

BOOM = B/2 + O/15 + O/15 + M/13

… AND … 2+15+15+13= 45
…AND… 45 = POTUS 45 = DJT


3/26/22 = Hammurabi posts “Watch Musk.
Watch Twitter. Feels like he’s going to UNCAGE it”.

4/25/22 = Elon Musk buys Twitter.

5/27/22 = Elon Musk posts pic of himself

KaBOOMERANG! Future Proves Past.
When does a CAGED BIRD sing?

What is “The Plan”?

What does “NCSWIC” and “WWG1WGA”
truly mean?

The Q born ANON ARMY is a CABAL-CENTRIC (failsafe) DOOMSDAY DEVICE & Despot-Destroying Dead Man’s Switch. The Plan is a Military / Civilian alliance set into motion by the Q-Team and the Q drops were truth bombs posted to wake people up to the reality of this world.

Truth is inevitable. The defeat of evil by good is inevitable. Fulfillment of the Plan is inevitable. Darkness is always revealed by light, good always triumphs over evil and God always Wins. So stay strong my friends, put on the full armor of God, and keep seeking the truth, because total, absolute and inviolable victory is within reach of us all and nearer to come than most realize.

God Bless Q, God Bless the Plan, God Bless the Anon Army and BEWARE to our foes for they will surely feel hard the rough lean of our toughly won presence soon. SEEK TRUTH!

Elon Musk (Master Troll) tweets BOOM at 9:54
Q-drop 954 = BOOM

BOOM = B/2 + O/15 + O/15 + M/13

… AND … 2+15+15+13= 45
…AND… 45 = POTUS 45 = DJT


**Please Help If Possible. I am in dire need of financial aid to get myself (and household) through the next couple weeks. I am humbled, embarrassed and ashamed to have to ask for help but don’t see another way other than asking for the kindness and generosity of my community.

Any amount is greatly and sincerely appreciated and can be delivered through PayPal or Venmo at:

You can also direct message me to figure out a more convenient method. 

*Please repost to lend a hand (Thank You).


Q told us to read Alice in Wonderland to know what’s going on with his posts and how they relate to events in the world around us.

I paraphrased the whole story with comments critiquing how it mirrors the epic journey we’re all on.

Pay special attention to the 6th & last pic because it describes the Wonderland trial of the TRUMP PLAYING CARD and details the whole Q movement perfectly.

This will be game changing if you haven’t studied the connections between the story, the drops and DT’s Plan to Save the World ⤵️.

2018 = 2024

24 Exclamation Marks

2024 will be GLORIOUS

Everything is in the drops

Caged bird is about to sing (4.10.20’s coming back to twitter)

This is a 17+ page History of the Secret Cabal that quietly rules our world from 5,000 BC to modern times. It is harsh but only part of the story.

Big things are coming to Pass. Titans will be Toppled, Mountains Moved & Entire System’s uprooted & replaced with the Triumph of Good over Evil. 2022 will be a BANNER YEAR for The Great Awakening. We live in a time of Wonder & Amazement of like the World has rarely known. NCSWIC-WWG1WGA-GOD WINS!

*Donations for Digs are greatly appreciated. Obviously I provide all of this work (very gladly) for free (and always have) because the TRUTH is all that matters to me but it is time consuming and if anyone out there is in a position to, any and all contributions would go a long way toward keeping me going and my Deep Dive’s prolific. Thank you in advance for any consideration if you are in a position to help and are so inclined.

Paypal & Venmo: pleaseemailpatrick@gmail.com
Patreon: Patreon.com/HammurabiNI4NI

*Parts 2 & 3 in comments.

9/1 = 9/1 Date Match
+ 8:56 PM = 20:56 MT Time Stamp/Q Drop Match
= DS Communicating through the Drops:

It must be hard to communicate.

Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs?

SCIFS + Mar a Lago Raid = ?

Interesting times
Future Proves Past - Past Predicts Future
All Drops Connected - Every Single Time!

9/1 = 9/1 Date Match
+ 8:56 PM = 20:56 MT Time Stamp/Q Drop Match
= DS Communicating through the Drops:

It must be hard to communicate.

Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs?

SCIFS + Mar a Lago Raid = ?

Interesting times
Future Proves Past - Past Predicts Future
All Drops Connected - Every Single Time!

The $10,000 “student loan bailout” doesn’t help post grads struggling to repay their debt as much as it does the government controlled banking institutions who hold the loan. It will only contribute toward the interest so the banks are bailed out (once again).

If left unchecked, these same cabal controlled institutions will eventually introduce multi generational lending schemes so that newborns will be automatically born into debt without personally having taken any kind of loan for themselves.

The Great Awakening is NOW, don’t give in to despair, continue fighting and turning on the sleepers to the TRUTH. Without a mass cultural shift in thinking our descendants will be born into debt slavery and much worse. Don’t give up, MUCH is happening behind the scenes. Great things are in the works, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

~ Hammurabi

The $10,000 “student loan bailout” doesn’t help post grads struggling to repay their debt as much as it does the government controlled banking institutions who hold the loan. It will only contribute toward the interest so the banks are bailed out (once again).

If left unchecked, these same cabal controlled institutions will eventually introduce multi generational lending schemes so that newborns will be automatically born into debt without personally having taken any kind of loan for themselves.

The Great Awakening is NOW, don’t give in to despair, continue fighting and turning on the sleepers to the TRUTH. Without a mass cultural shift in thinking our descendants will be born into debt slavery and much worse. Don’t give up, MUCH is happening behind the scenes. Great things are in the works, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

~ Hammurabi

It’s all beginning to UNRAVEL...

Cancel Culture is Canceling itself.

Absurdity is in the Eye of the Beholder.