Ghost in the Kachime
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Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
I’ve changed my tune completely-now that i see the vast scope if what is being done, it is my privilege to wait on the white hat’s plan.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
we have pressured the school to stand down on making graduation mandatory- so that is a relief. they are now saying that all activities are going to require testing, prom, graduation, etc. or you dont get to go. we have contacted a lawyer that is raring to go to help us fight this. thanks for all of your help anons- it means a lot to me.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
Anons- I am looking for reccomendations for a lawyer who can help us fight back against our school district. They are mandating that every senior get tested for covid in order to attend graduation, AND mandating that they attend graduation, or they will dock their actual grades.My son should not have to get medical tests to attend his public school graduation. I am looking for reccomendations for actual lawyers in the state of Utah, who would be interested in fighting this, and even reccomendations for what kind of lawyer would be best for this suit. Please feel free to share this message with any one you think might be able to help. Thanks, I know I can count on Anons to help me fight this tyranny.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
waiting on the Lord is a sacred space, a sacred duty

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
im beyond tired,im angry-really angry&im slow 2 anger.we kept hearing,wait til April!you'll see!date mongers r always right-something happens on the date,but its never a good/useful/faith promoting thing.what does that tell u about them?yesterday was supposed 2 reveal truth,what we got instead was the beginnings of ww3,kinetic version.i can feel the manipulation of the not checking out,how can u?im done believing weve got this/the plan is divinely not feeling seeing a massive demoralization campaign aimed straight at our hearts,by all public voices.they r playing both sides.same as it ever going to take Trump at his word-he's possibly running again in 2024.until that time,we appear 2 b on our own.the thing that makes me the most angry,is that people will knee jerk say,wheres your trust/faith?we anons r acting like battered wives,we keep coming back for more abuse.i dont trust any of these people any faith is in the Almighty,thats it.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
The way I see it-lots of “bad”things have to happen, because regardless of who is in charge,our corrupt “civilization”/rigged economy are going to implode.There is no stopping that.It is crumbling under its own weight.The question is-do we get a controlled demolition,under a master of construction and creative destruction,or does everything spin terrifyingly out of control,and we end up in a thousand years of chaos and terror? Folks,I think it’s obvious it’s the former-all the intel being so tightly controlled points to a controlled demolition,with plans for after.The demolition gets blamed on Biden and the folks who put him there, & then Trump rises from the ashes to build a new nation.If we were in the latter scenario,we would not be safely in our homes.We would see the destruction all around us,and be neck deep in a massive,out of control,world war right now.I get everybody’s anxiety,Im anxious too.thinking it through helps my calm.The first shall be last&the last shall be first.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
All the people i have red pilled are convinced that the Q team is just new boss,same as the old boss. we still have a shadow president that we didnt elect, and everything sucks,and they are still running the bamboozle,same as the old bad guys.i try and point out that they were not aware of the bamboozle before this,but they dont think they were bamboozled before this,theyve always known.its unreal the conversations im having, where people lierally dont remember what they believed 6 months not sure if this effect is what the white hats were going for-but in my circles,they are losing everybody.they see the comms, but they dont believe husband, who spent a year thinking i was going nuts,went out and bought a wall of toilet paper this week. my red pilled son is like,i cant trust some shadowy plan,if it was good,it would be in the open. im at my wits end. its like,if you didnt follow along with Q in real time when he was dropping,you cant see the forrest for the trees.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
Self reliance 5.1- save money. 2.1)dont buy retail.want your furniture to last forever?ok, nothing lasts forever,but so many people i know are in this place where they hate their old sofa,its stained,its awful,they are never going to be able to afford a new one.poverty mindset.everything sucks,&everything will continue to suck.sofas cost 2k, right?wrong.what if i told you you could have a brand new sofa for about $300?we have had the same Ikea sofa for 21 years.we have also bought used ikea sofas for 50 bucks on can get a brand new slip cover for an Ikea sofa for around $300/less,depending on what you like.or you can get a slipcover that is more universal to cover your old couch for about 250 from a company called surefit.the great thing about slipcovers is they can be washed a million threw up on the couch?have toddlers?doesnt can make it look brand new by throwing it in the wash.our lifestyle is about finding clever ways to live abundantly.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
self reliance 5 - save money
Sometimes i think the things we do routinely are just common sense,not very weird or what not. Then i had my daughter in law/son move in with us for a bit.Dont get me wrong,shes a nice, normal girl.But she originally came from a wealthy family who has always been able to buy what ever they wanted.until they lost everything-they didnt even know how to begin to cope.weve taught her how to save $$$ and still get things you need/want.some ideas:1)cut/ color your own hair. its not hard, look up"brad mondo"videos,and just learn some clippers-you can save a ton of money.dont be stupid about it,dont process your hair more than once in 3 months.2)dont buy boys got this hilarious reputation that we were "rich"because they each have this collection of about a dozen cool leather jackets that they wear.every single one of them was bought at a thrift store, for less than ten bucks.their whole collection was bought for the retail cost of 1 jacket.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
I woke up this morning with this song blaring in my head. i had to look it up, didnt know who it was by- i probably havnt heard it since i was a small child on the radio. if its some kind of communication to me- i concur. i would like to open the door and let brother John, brother Michael and our boy Don back in.
Someone's knockin' at the door
Somebody's ringin' the bell
Someone's knockin' at the door
Somebody's ringin' the bell
Do me a favor
Open the door and let 'em in, yeah, let 'em in
Sister Suzie, brother John
Martin Luther, Phil and Don
Brother Michael, auntie Gin
Open the door and let 'em in, yeah

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
3/3So lots of newbies,who never gained a thick skin,never waded through hours of trolls posting horrific porn to find truths,never got called mean names for whining,are scared to death&digital battle-hardened warriors tell them to shut up&go home if they can’t take it.The way people are being treated is rather mild,in their view.I get it-they feel that they don’t deserve any help because they haven’t earned it.They feel like they shouldn’t get for free,what they earned through hard work/digital battle.In my view,newbies don’t have time to gain the battle scars we got-that’s why the battle has largely moved on from places like 8kun.We need to help them-we need everyone.I learned a lot by hanging out w/autists-I’m eternally grateful for the education I got.But it's not for everyone.Don’t be offended by anons who say:this the work of God,then punch you in the throat-they are probably heroes.we need to learn their truth-then pass it on in a more socially acceptable manner for the newbies❤️

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
2/3 Being called niggerfaggot was actually a term of endearment,weirdly.If you could stick around through all the terrible things these people would say(because they could)you could learn an immense amount about what was happening because these people do not mess around,they would slice and dice events,they learned the gematria and other code easy as breathing.They have unique, special minds. The ethos on the chan was that respect had to be earned, and you earned it by not whining, and trying to do your part. That’s not a bad ethos, really.Along the way, a lot of people came to Christ through this movement- but most of them did not lose their engaging personalities!😂 so here we are. 2/3

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
1/3 I was having a conversation with a person on telegram about how some anons will preach Jesus and then punch you in the throat. that anon did not understand this behavior and i thought my explanation might be useful for anyone else who is relatively new. i find it to be totally normal for this movement, and here’s why: if you are new, you never put in long hours on the chans. The chans are the Wild West, full of terrifying anons with brilliant, sharp minds. Q posted there first because these were the people that were going to recognize the code for what it was. One of the things we were taught on the chans was to have a thick skin. 8ch was a bastion of free speech- people would greet you with, hey niggerfaggot! (Sorry) if you were offended, and tried to police the language, you didn’t belong there, because you didn’t understand that people should be allowed to say whatever they wanted, however terrible. Sometimes truth is terrible. 1/3

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
anybody else see the Bidan hands/mic video? when i saw it yesterday, the weird thing was that i didnt see even see what was happening at first, even though somebody told me to watch his hands. every single person i showed it to had the same reaction at first- what am i looking at here? once i pointed out the obvious errors, people were like, oh waaaait a minute, how could i have missed that??? its almost like our brains are editing out the stuff that doesnt make any sense. im starting to really see how we were duped for so long. its sort of frightening to me, im a very observant individual and often see things others dont. now i feel like the blind leading the blind. anybody else have any thoughts, theories? smilar experiences? im wondering if there is something physically wrong wih us that needs correcting.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
Self reliance 4 DIY-repairs
When I was young, mom had tradesmen in the house fixing plumbing,electricity,cable.It never ended-she couldn’t afford it,but what could she do?1/2 the time they never fixed it properly.Then I married this guy who says,how hard can it be&does it himself.Him:I’m not having some idiot come in&make things worse.Folks,watching him has been inspiring.Theres a manual online 4 everything:cars,computers,phones.1/2 the time,all u need 2 do is RTFM,& u can figure it out.He uses the old guy rule-find an old guy w/ a video/who works at Home Depot.They will tell u the right way 2 fix it.He got really cocky when he fixed our furnace&saved us 20k.Weve been trained 2 think we r 2 stupid to figure it son, who is just like his dad,bought equipment 2 take a phone apart,layer by layer,&learned how to replace everything.I’ve learned to fix it myself b4 I decide I’m not smart enough.Maybe you’ll mess it up-u can call tradesmen in if that happens.y not try &fix it yourself?

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
Self reliance 3
As a society we r used to picking up“food”on the run.Fast food,packaged food-most of it is terrible for you&2 expensive.Learn 2 preserve what u grow&produce u can buy on sale,or in bulk.Get a ball canning book,&some canning equipment.U can find it 2nd hand.Learn 2 make your own pickles&jam.It’s not hard- it just takes some practice.An Excalibur dehydrator is expensive,but worth the investment.U can use it to make snacks,your own powdered herbs,your own tea.I make everything from soup mixes 2 medicines.Have a years supply of food on hand if possible.Live in a small apartment?U can store a lot of cans under beds&living room furniture.Just buy a few extra things every time u go shopping.Make sure u rotate through what you buy.U don’t have to buy emergency patriot “food”.When the plandemic hit,&everybody was out of toilet paper,we had plenty,because I store a wall of toilet paper in my bathroom like a crazy person.Except,nobody thinks I’m crazy now😉

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
Self reliance 2
Food- hunt and gather.
You would be amazed at what you can find just growing in between the cracks of the sidewalk that you can eat.Purslane grows everywhere, people think it’s a weed.(do your research, make sure you know what you are picking)purslane is highly nutritious, and the main ingredient in fancy $400 face creams. I peel the stems and rub it straight on my face.My profile pic is recent- friends, I’m 50 years old.For reals. This summer I found a ton of medicinal herbs growing as weeds in my yard.Get a good reference book, or get online and look up what’s growing in your yard before you pull it out. Don’t have a yard? Go hunt and gather in a local park or public wilderness area. Use discretion and make sure you know what the laws are. Make sure that what you pick hasn’t been sprayed.Offer to weed a friends yard,in exchange for taking the weeds home.Dandelions are nutritious and medicinal.Get a hunting license- go fishing.Fill your freezer with local wild food.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
Self reliance 1
Food- grow your own.
Obviously, if you have a backyard, you can have a garden, grow an apple tree, keep chickens and quails, ( Japanese quails are awesome) and do all sorts of things like collect rainwater. Use your imagination to think of how you could make a greenhouse. We ripped the roof off our existing shed, added clear poly panels- instant greenhouse. I have a friend that has a little alley between his garage and his house- he threw some poly panels on the roofs to bridge the gap, and hung tarps on the sides- instant greenhouse. Use what you have. Don’t have a yard? You can grow strawberries and tomatoes in pots on your patio. Grow herbs in a sunny window. You can grow stuff in a closet, if you don’t mind paying the electricity for grow lights. See if a friend will let you garden in their yard, and share the veggies. Make friends with a farmer, and swap services for food. theres always something you can do...

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
1 of the best things we can do 2 get out of the cabals control matrix is 2 shake off the shackles of dependency by being self reliant.this week,I have had several people tell me they cannot opt out of the system,because u need a million dollars 2 buy an organic farm on 40 acres 2 do so.Frens- this is not an all or nothing thing.I dont know why this is a prevalent idea,only thing i can think of-people have been brain washed 2 think this way.there are a million things u can do 2 be more self reliant in small ways that really add up over time.anything u can do to do it yourself,save money,work for yourself,not rely on the doctor,big corps,tradesmen,food conglomerates,university, government,etc.all actions u take4 yourself add up over time 2 make u capable, more intelligent,& less reliant on any1.we do this routinely,4 many years out of necessity, now because its cool 2 learn new things¬ pay 4 them.Im probably preaching 2 the choir,but im going 2 do a series of posts 4 any1 interested.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
its finally really hit me exactly why we need to wait so long for everyone to wake up,anons.i keep hearing people say things like,good,let these sleepy sheep get shocked awake!they deserve it!kinder people say,oh dear, think how much they will suffer, when they find out they were lied to!think it through, patriots.they may be shocked&they may deserve it-they may also suffer.but what will they do directly after?they will be mad as hell,&will want a the liberals&tv watchers you know get angry at the right people?or do they get angry at you,when you point out simple science like,microscopic viruses can easily get through a cloth mask?do they get mad at Fauci, or do they shoot the messenger?in my experience, its all my fault when i try and point out the truth.we have to wait for them to wake up slowly because WE dont deserve what they will do when they are mad as hell.normies are going to have to accept everything naturally,they may never figure out or see the plan.

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
my beautiful child was stolen.not in the traditional sense that she was taken from me&trafficked- she had her mind stolen with vaccines.back in the day when i was a 20 yr old mom,i did what i thought a good mother would do,&made sure she got her shots.when autism descended&stole her away,i was blamed.i was told i was a cold mother.autism in girls was still pretty rare in the early 90s.raising her,watching her decline-was&is the most excruciating thing imaginable.i did everything imaginable to try&cure called a "cureby".i dont even care anymore,call me what you will.the sacrifices i made, the tears i have cried-God counts women's tears.what i know now is that this was done to her,on purpose,by sick criminals in the not vaccinate your precious children.they will call you an antivaxxer. heck,i get called that& my children were all vaccinated!damned if you do,damned if you dont.sticks&stones may break my bones,but names will never hurt me.vaccines will hurt wise.

🇺🇲Proud Mom of 3 Patriot Sons - A Navy Seal, Navy Pilot & Boeing Engineer🇺🇲 MAGA God wins! ♦️🇺🇲 Trump Is My President! 🇺🇲♦️ 🌟🌟🌟

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
My dark and cloudy words, they do but hold
The truth, as Cabinets enclose the Gold. - john bunyan, pilgrim's progress

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
dark clouds bring waters when the bright bring none. ~ john bunyan, pilgrim's progress
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Proud Patriot NYPD 113pct (Ret) “FortDespair” Law & Order Liberty & Justice for All~ God Family Country President Trump 🇺🇸💪🏼🙏🏼

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
truth is stranger than fiction speculative theory:we are in a time war with the cabal.dueling looking glass devices.there is only one timeline where we win, and events must be checked off like a list. in fact, the white hats must keep rejiggering time until it's right.we all feel ill and cranky and discombobulated because we are having our timelines/memories/life events jerked around exponentially.the white hats know the alternative is total destruction, so they do it for our own good.but every time a change is made, a thousand new variables emerge that must be dealt with.righteous action generally leads to possibilities, evil action narrows it down.why must we be kept mostly in the dark?the two slit physics,when any action is observed, it changes.too many people watching the timeline changes it. so we watch a movie instead, so the good guys can work unhindered. look over here, not over there. i may have the details wrong,but i bet the gist is they have help?🤔

Suspended from Twitter same day as President Trump and very proud of it 😎 Oops something I said? #wwg1wga #maga #thegreatawakening #godwins

Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.