Connie Hughes
@ConniehugsNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

nothing ever long are we suppose to believe Trump is coming back? its been days, weeks and now months since Trump left the white friends think I'm crazy. why cant we know whats going on? so Biden turned the wh green they always do.

quite a bombshell in that!

so how long? it isnt all going fall apart anytime soon. we talking 4 years?

gettin rid of the fed?

ok who remains?

dont forget to buy the cheap white cabinet for anither $16,000...i saw this months ago and knew what they were doing...sick bastards!

this is amazing im going through cancer treatment now and taking very dangerous drugs...wish this was available now.

so this judge a coward is giing to let a mob decide America's fate?

is the time travel machine the magic wand?

is that what happened to reporter Michael Hastings?

what has he and his chinese wife done?

they make me sick!

dont forget take back the country!

General Flynn and Biden are the same weight and height?

I just watched JFK to 911 Everything is a rich man's trick and I dont know how we'll ever be free of these evil people...they're so rich and powerful everyone is scared of them.

itf its a sick joke why put it up and confuse people?

I pray we see this.

Where's Adam Schif?

is this guy the seal team 6 survivor?

1221 is an angel number

i sure hope something happens soon...this waiting is to hard ive believed for so long now that im starting to run out of hope!

He is the BOSS and this is epic way to go Mr. President!

Yes dont listen to that listen to us...they tell us what to think...well not anymore you lying piece of scum!

Stopped watching them when they caved on voter fraud. We know they stole it and so do they. Stand up for your country instead of the almingty dollaruntil then peace out!