Warrior on my knees a digital warrior GOD BROUGHT ME HERE Here I am LORD is it WWG1WGA MEGA justice War room is where I take my battles
methinks the lady does protest too much or man not sure how he identifies. after all he does that he’s a reporter you may know that’s a lie

I have a BS in Psychology. Married for 48 years. Now a widow. A wise old bird that didn't get this old and learn nothing.
The alleged school shootings, which were Mass Casualty Emergency Drills portrayed on the MSM as real events, didn't begin until Obama signed the revised Mundt-Smith Act in 2013, which allowed his Administration to begin "brainwashing" Americans using propaganda against guns, just as AG Eric Holder had suggested.

If there is no truth in these statements, then why are they wasting prime time TV to discuss it?????

If there is no truth in these statements, then why are they wasting prime time TV to discuss it?????

If there is no truth in these statements, then why are they wasting prime time TV to discuss it?????

If there is no truth in these statements, then why are they wasting prime time TV to discuss it?????

in a world full of 🐑, be the 🦬. move forward even if it means taking the stairs. music is life. excuse us while we sing to the sky tøp.
this made me laugh out loud. literally. hey man, newsflash...conspiracy=TRUTH ✌🏻❤️🍿
Only followers of this user (@USAalways) can see their posts

Fredo invoking Barbara Streisand, more than Linda Richmond...

Refugee of Twit and Parl. Christian patriot who weeps for her country.
Go fist yourself Fredo!

absolutle agree...trying so hard to convience the public


Professional Free Spirit ✨ On a Mission for Mother Hearth💚 #KennedyVision Ambassador 🕊️ #FamilyIsEverything💖

Patriot, USAF Veteran, Father, Grandfather, Capitalist, Truth Seeker
Yeah. Look how well they are doing with "Qanon"...which there is no such thing as "Qanon"... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Only followers of this user (@imat) can see their posts

Wife. Mother, Sister and Daughter of the Captain. Love My Country, My Flag and My President TRUMP. Listen, Verify & Lead - Loyal To The End
He doesn't give a shit about any of us - but thanks for bringing up Clintons, JFK Jr....we love the light you're showing the sheep that watch your pitiful network (that's questonable). Perhaps some of them will question as well and go digging. ALL SHOVELS WELCOMED!

A Freedom supporter. However that looks to you. Trying to change the parts of the world around me one minute at a time.
why what you bring up JFK all the sudden ?

I am a Mom. Love my country. Love my children even more. Creating a better future for my kids and grandkids.
Whelp! He is finally telling the truth! Bravo!

They are getting ballsy for sure! Now they are putting the truth out there but labeling it as comspiracy.. when are they going to realize that just makes those people that never thought of it more curious! Panic for sure!!

“Life has two rules: # 1 never quit # 2 always remember rule # 1”
i hope it makes people so curious that they actually start researching!

I love God, I love my family, I love this great country of ours! I follow back! Let's make America great again!!! I miss POTUS Trump!
What a blatant idiot!!! ANYBODY can review the pentagon 9/11 footage and see for themselves there is no plane wreckage!!! They honestly think we are stupid and/or blind!!! This will be their downfall!!!

wow first time hes spojen the truth from his corrupt mouth!!!

He was looking into that - lol

DEFINITELY the face of fear. I think it's great that Cuomo's putting this out there for people to research so they can prove forthemselves that it's not true. 😉😉 I don't know about you guys, but when someone tells me "no, not or can't," it just makes me more curious.

They tried to bury us, [They] didn’t know we were seeds
Didnt this guy used to be connected to jfk jr somehow? Through marriage or something? I remember reading about it. So much info. flying in from everywhere; the Willy Wonka Tunnel of Hell, right now-lol. Anyway- end of the day-this guy is a traitor.

@GhostEzra Not sure when this is from, but listening to Ben Shapiro on FM Tuesday night near D.C. he said the EXACT same stuff about MTGreene, just before talking to Ted Cruz, then reiterated it again, once Cruz was on the line with him.
Creepy, always thought Ben Shapiro was a shill, like 50% of shit he says doesn't rest well with me.
Ted Cruz I've never been even lukewarm on either, can't put my finger on it, just gut feeling he's extra bad news.

American patriot living on a rock in the middle of the Atlantic

So is Fredo handing out red pills now?

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
You know Fredo is panicing because I've never seen him unshaven on air. I think he's about to get COVID again and return to his Long Island Bunker again...