Lady Vi 2U
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Bring it on.. I've birthed a couple of babies and I still remember how to breath and remain calm!

I would love an answer to this... IF the Corporation of the United States was dissolved ... that literally obliterates any organizations or entities tied to it... was SCOTUS not a corporation asset? Q always said.. Military is the only way... this SCOTUS thing to me .. really doesn't matter .. or does it? We have any lawyers in here?

Be patient Jim.. there will come a day where they will remember you and they will come back.

This right here should be enough to convince the non-believers in a "Plan" .. Trump couldn't live so rent free in their heads if they weren't terrified of him!

Would have to be No for me.. her best bud is Chelsea Clinton.. I can't get beyond that.

Nope... I don't have anything for Lindsey Graham.. know too much about him.. his flowerful words will not allow him to escape... No deals.. no escapes!

Correct me if I'm wrong.. wasn't Sasse the one procurring young boys for Dennis Hastert?

What Oath would that be Hillary... the one y'all took to Satan when you got your eyes blacked?

All of them... including all the RINO's!

Zero porn is a good policy ... IF somoene is in the process of redpilling and it requires more graphic images of proof..there are private ways of doing that. Support the no porn policy here.. it is a good thing.

You know you have dug too long when you can pass this..LOL Great fun!

I've alwasys thought that John Walsh was smarmy and killed his own son.

Many I know have set March 5th as their deadline.

Best thing I've seen all day LMAO

I don't think it truly matters how many are awake fully.. the left is capitulating and turning on me that is what matters..the voters discontent with their choice. I'm getting calls from those now that thought I was stark raving mad.. they want to know the truth now. I think our job begins in earnest after the EBS announcements.. to help them over the shock and unite with those that have been lost. We won't be able to reach ALL ..some are just too lost.. we can only continue to try.

You don't need a padded room... actually you sound pretty normal to me.. but hey what do I know! We are strong girlfriend and we will survive this .. the movie has to play out! Soak in a nice tub.. grab a good.. God Wins and so do we!!

Trump probably Helped in that little endeavor.. they are dangerous!

Probably a pic from his VP days .. they have used others also.

I try to remember that we are watching a movie and the blatant outrageousness is for the others to wake up also. Can you imagine for one second what our reality would be without God, Trump, and the tireless fighters who have brought all this out into the light? Too scary for me to think about.

They all need to be destroyed in the Market!

USDA USDA Rural Development - Nothing good for us .. BBB is all about the Globalists!

My children think I've lost my mind!

Thank You so much!

To me it is the continuation of the disinformation and the lies they tell. They are trying to get out in front of the narrative to discount what is actually about to happen. The brainwashing continues.