In the rebirth of our nation there will be labor pains.

Find family..its EVERYTHING. Time to regroup, ARMOR UP, wear those twitter tours like badges of honor and fight all the harder!! GOD WINS!!!
How would we ever be able to physically, emotionally, and fully appreciate getting our country back without the suffering and pains of labor? How could we ever grasp true freedom without realizing we never had it in the first place? Earning it is costing us all, in many different ways, but I can't think of a single thing that could be more worth every single sacrifice. I feel like God has heard us from Heaven, is forgiving our sin, and healing our land--He is doing what He said He would do if we, His people, who are called by His name, would turn from our wicked ways, and seek His face....and I'm pretty comfy in that.

🙏Been there, I can handle it.❤️

Bring it on.. I've birthed a couple of babies and I still remember how to breath and remain calm!

CalmInTheStorm 🇺🇸 FollowerOfJesus * FamilyIsEverything * Eph 6 ArmorOfGod * 2 Timothy 1:7 * PrayerWarrior/Writer/Researcher
yep. True. I think those of us who are awake will gladly go through the pain to get to the light: defeat evil...awaken our loved ones... save the children...stop the cabal from enslaving us. Worth it.#darktolight

❤🌎❤Fighting for God, Country, & our children's future. Globalists want you dead. 4 twitters, 5 Instagrams. God always wins. 🚫 Romamce DMs
bring em on ❤🌎❤

Anything worth fighting for will have some kind of pain. What we are fighting for is our familes, our nation, our freedom and the world. A little pain will be well worth what we recieve in return!!!
Stay Strong and Hold the Line together we will get through this!!

I've given birth to two amazing babies. Pushed for HOURS. In the end it's beautiful and glorius. A whole new world filled with love awaits. The process though, it's EXHAUSTING...

I love Jesus, my family, my country, my POTUS DJT and the TRUTH! Called crazy by many and wear it proudly! WWG1WGA
I've given birth twice...c-section and natural birth...I can handle it. YOU CAN TOO! BRING IT ON!! WWG1WGA

Truthseeker. Christian Patriot who loves God and country. Budding photographer, writer and creative soul and steadfast prayer warrior.
im tired of PAIN. ive dealt with chronic pain, some days excruciating yet I still get up every day and work. i need medbed healing. im also tired of working for a slave for an organization that appreciates no one but themselves. Dear Jesus, please place your armour of protection around the special forces, military, militia, white hats, our sacred leaders, digital soldiers, the prayerful and the faithful. heal the children, those rescuing and the traumatized. give us strength and patience and PLEASE hurry conguering of our enemies. Awaken those who are blind and dumb and let us get this show on the road -#medbedinneed#praisethosewhorescue,#infreedom'snameAmen

Heard about this site from Santasurfing. I am a Clothing Designer & Fit Officianado:. Going on deep dives, hitting head Rabbit Holes.
😱! Ghost Ezra 😂😂😂. What can a man truely know about labor pains!! Seriously.. ❤️ur work!! So ❤️🙏🏻you. But you kraken 🐙 me up!

Heard about this site from Santasurfing. I am a Clothing Designer & Fit Officianado:. Going on deep dives, hitting head Rabbit Holes.
I have been checking into WH cam and Reagan International since 5am. I did watch all night of the smoke and took several screen shots. What am I missing here? (Other than that Potus in the house.) What is hovering above? I did see them move the trailers that were out in front, away today.

Agreed. That's how I see this.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Casualty of the twatter purge (7 accounts gone) WWG1WGA ❤️✝️❤️🇺🇸🙏🍊
As a mom of 2, I will say that I loved every part of labor and delivery! Anticipation of the end result dulls the pain and makes every second worth it! ❤️



Trying to be like Sarah Connors. On your feets, soldier! Dark to light~ dark clouds bring waters, when the bright bring none.
apt metaphor. Giving birth is not the 5 seconds of screaming they show on tv. its hurry up and wait. and wait. and wait. it gets more painful as the day wears on. at points you blame your husband, and there is swearing. you have to work really hard to remain calm, for the sake of the baby. you get really hungry and exhausted and you cry. then there are problems- he's not ok, he is in distress. you are terrified. they tell you to push- its the hardest thing you have ever done. there is blood, and water and agony. Suddenly, he's out, he's here, they hand you the most beautiful angel you have ever seen. you become solemn with joy as you realize that your work has just started. ( this boy i speak of is turning 18 in a month. he's still a beautuful angel. and he weighed almost ten pounds 😂)

Mom 4 boys, 2 Army Vets. MI Grandma to 9 Wife 40 yrs GOD Family Country... I Truly miss the Good Old Days when life was Simple. less HATE
wow that sounds horrible!!!
4 sons max labor 2 1/2 hrs with 1st one!!! No pain meds, makes it last lots longer.

Today is my oldest's Birthday! He is worth every minute of pain I endured for him to enter this World! The same for his Brother and Sister! They have been the joys of my Life, and the Grandchildren they have given me is the reason I still fight today for our Freedom! Sweet Freedom, we will experience it together for the first time! Thank You Father God Amen 🙏🏼🥰🙏🏼❤️🇺🇸❤️🙏🏼

"Freedom Loving American Patriot" Jesus is King,Husband,Dad,Gun Owner, Trump is my President WWG1WGA. Q.
our country needs them to wake the FUCK UP!! Thank you Patriot.
It will only hurt for a bit, then we will heal

#WWG1WGA, #FIGHTER4KIDS,#MMA, #KAG, # NESARA Been here from the start, not going away till we get out country back.
Thanks Ghost, I believe we're ready now to start that suffering as long as it takes to take down the evil doers. The DS and Cabal need to go once and forall, never to return. Shock and Awe on the death beds for all of them. Paint the picture so nobody will ever want to try this again.

I love to crochet with yarn! 😊 GOD, is my ROCK & SALVATION! 🙏❤️
OH BOY have we ever been having labor pains! Right now it feels we are being SQUEEZED in the birthing canel! 😆 No matter what, we will see light & will be able to take that DEEP BREATH of fresh air & all will be right as rain!! 😃♥️
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“Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”
Matthew 24:4-8 NIV
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I BLEED RED America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
After three NATURAL child births, having been run over by a car, broken ribs, puntured lung, broken jaw, breaking my leg with a compound fracure,

Very long and painful ones.

Would like to know what to expect to help ourselves and others prepare.

HEY!!!! my labor for my son was 42 HOURS!!!! 4 EPIDURALS AND OVER 2.5 HOURS OF PUSHING HIS 9'1oz ass out!!!!

I love to crochet with yarn! 😊 GOD, is my ROCK & SALVATION! 🙏❤️
I so understand what you are saying! 😂 My labor was long with ALL my children. ( I had 3 boys) and my youngest was 9 lbs. 6.6 oz.s & his head was HUGE from his Fathers side of the family. 😂😂😂 Piece of cake! 😂😂

Can we get an Epideral or are we to far along for that?
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