You know those posts that ask "how's your vibe"?

Here's my vibe: I am a really pissed off Patriot who is out of shape, in Menopause, fighting a migraine, might be seriously having a mid life crises and struggling to find a movie or TV series that doesn't remind me of the shit show reality we are currently living in. Seriously, I find a new show on Netflix or Prime and 10 minutes in I am like, WAIT, that's really happening, they are talking about the Cabal.... Forget a panic room, I might need a padded room.

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Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Netflix? TV? Turn them off...really. They are all about mind control. Who wants to support the enemy? Study God's Word..turn on audio tapes of The Holy Bible. Journaling is good to do through thiis 'period' in your life. I was just listening to this woman who talks about creativity and how fear blocks this. Create a safe spot in your home, for prayer and meditition, a place of peace. God bless you. This is about TV:

God is my strength and Jesus Christ is my Savior ✝️ Freedom loving 5th generation Texan 🇨🇱 American Patriot 🇺🇸 🐸

In response Search Truth to her Publication

I listen to The Shepherds Chapel on yt. Pastor Murray give in depth bible study chapter by chapter and verse by verse. He is an amazing teacher. Retired Marine so stern and strict which i love.

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In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

It means you are no longer in 3D land, and are looking in from a higher dimension ... Look at it as a transition, and part of the Hero's Journey (aka Joseph Campbell).

SeaChelle Gramma, Christ follower, Constitutional Conservative, artist

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

add in survived a heart attack and have entire family (9) living in my house, and you wrote my story.

Full time Complain artist, Patriot, Truther! I was labeled a Nazi and then blocked by Twatter!

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

just remember, you are NOT alone even though it may feel like it at times!

Married 38 years to my best friend, living the Life! Christian, Pro-life, Repost doesn't necessarily mean endorsement. Do your own Research!

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Same here cant watch TV any more to much evil has and is taking place. I'm glad it has been exposed and i look forward to a better life after all this is sorted through. I trust the plan and pray for Gods help in delivering us from the NWO freeks.

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

hahaha, same😂😂😂

i could pick up the symbolism and so forth before,
but now just knowing about all the actors
has totally left permanent automatic distaste
that i no longer have a desire to watch stuff on these networks
and actually get quite bored and rarely finish anything
if i do think i need a few hours at night for 'entertainment'.

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Here is a great way to feel better and know that the CCP would be very upset w you: Do Falun Gong; taught for free, 5 easy exercises to do once a day find a teacher:

My family is everything to me ❤ God Bless The USA 🇺🇸

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

I think I have found my twin!

Wife for 20 years, mom of 3, Nana to 1 - crafter of all things paper! WWG1WGA, Patriot, America Lover! Kicked off FB AND Twitter in 4 days!

In response Angela Creel to his Publication


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Happy to find my favorite follows here! I'm a retweeter from the blue bird. No one there to retweet anymore!

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

I'm 62 female, I watch cooking and discovery channel. hubby watches old episodes of carol burnett on his tablet.
We're trying to stay calm and wait for the plan to unfold.
I am praying for ALL of us!

In response We the People to her Publication

Thats awesome, I still watch old westerns with my dad all the time, work in the same environment so we watch things like, Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, and Bonanza (Carol Burnett plays later in the day) i mostly dont stay long enough for that, but i love watching it with him.

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In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

You don't need a padded room... actually you sound pretty normal to me.. but hey what do I know! We are strong girlfriend and we will survive this .. the movie has to play out! Soak in a nice tub.. grab a good.. God Wins and so do we!!

Proud American Patriot Family is Everything Seek the Truth #wwg1wga #maga #thegreatawakening

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

totally right there with you...

Wife. Mom of 5. Believer. Love freedom. Homeschooling mom. #MAGA #KAG #fightback

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

You are not alone! My husband enjoys watching cooking shows and kids’ cooking shows. Those are the only things I will watch on tv these days.

#King'sDaughter 👸🏻#GodGirl ⛪️#IndianaUniversityAlumnus🏀🏎 #RNBSN🩺 #CoalMinersWife⛏ #MasterGardener🐝 #Patriot🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 #MAGA

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️Oh, how I can identify!🤣

Empath. BA in ministry. Mental Health Advocate. Don't tread. Libertarian. Conservative where it counts. Pics-mine. MTN time, USA.

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Awww, know the feeling! I will keep you in my prayers!

100% America & God Loving Patriot. Booted [x3] from Twatter. Truth is Paramount. Not Stopping! #GodWins #FightLikeAFlynn 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

😂🤣😂🤣Oh My! The description is the BEST!! Vibes~ they're real....

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Same here where movies are concerned. I suggest watching the old British black and white movies. Hayley Mills the daughter of Sir John Mills stared in some movies together, older movies had a feel good factor, no sex and vilence. ( Tiger Bay) (Whistle down the wind) both on YT. Some lavender oil helps with relaxing, take care the best is yet to come.🙏

Proud mamabear of 4 kids. Dedicated wife to the love of my life. Truth seeker and a Texan! Good bless America! We will Previle !

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Totally understand the feeling .
We watch YELLOWSTONE its an awesome series .

Empath. BA in ministry. Mental Health Advocate. Don't tread. Libertarian. Conservative where it counts. Pics-mine. MTN time, USA.

In response TXmommaBear wilcox to her Publication

It's a long story, but we feel that God brought us to a much safer place because of watching that show. When I share the story, people are wowed and say they need to spend more time with God.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John‬ ‭8:32‬ ‭NLT‬‬ Fight for Freedom!! 🇺🇸 Love our POTUS❤️ WWG1WGA

In response TXmommaBear wilcox to her Publication

My daughter got my husband into that one

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Land of the Free because of the Brave! #WWG1WGA Proud Trump Supporter! Facts Over Fear! Love my #MAGA family!

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

I am right there with you sister!

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

HAHAHA Try 90 day FIance & 90 Day Fiance (the other way) ...entertaining, no brain watch...I even got my husband watching the series now. Of course the very newest episodes have the stupid masks but there are so many seasons... Enjoy...

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

same here! i can't even watch tv or movies any more

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Amen!!! I feel exactly the same!!!! what's funny is earlier this morning I asked for recommendations of something to watch 😂