I would love to know ...from Q's perspective, are we ahead / behind / right on target with the # of people who are awakening at this point?!

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In response Kim Runner to her Publication

107 said last month "we have the numbers" It is a numbers game

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I would say behind. Even though WE know there is disinformation and optics, the people we are trying ro help do not. Since videos and pics and posts are all designed to confuse the left, it also confuses the very people we are trying to wake up. This is clearly only my personal opinion. I trust things will happen on God's time and we must hold the line.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I'm not going to lie, I think we are disappointed. People dropping off like crazy. Break time for me. People asked me if this would be another "nothing happens day" and I got mad about it, then nothing happened. Heading back to cleaning and decorating. I will check back in later. Still sitting here in this shit hole democratic city, with it all shut down. Starting to get really pissed.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Judging by the amount of people at the Super Bowl, I'd say we are behind. Still too many sheep!

Light-Bringer 🌟 💜 Spiritual Warrior 4 God ☀️ Gaia, Jesus, Trump 🦁 & The Children 🙏 Galactic Interfacer 👽 Ascension 5D 💙 JKD MMA 💦

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

NOT where we thought we'd be by now but we were shooting for the stars 🌟 perhaps one of the reasons more haven't woken up yet is to allow more of US the opportunity to practice patience and let go of the need to know w h e n ...

God Bless the United States for America; Donald J Trump is my President (for which I am deeply grateful) and Jesus is Lord! GOD WINS

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I'm think'g the "Biden Show" is the final step to jerk the stragglers who can be woken into reality before the change hits high gear. What y'all think?

In response ice mtn to her Publication

Have been thinking since 1/20 that maybe that date was the start of "the show". Everything up until then was just the previews. Just a thought. Enjoy the show everyone! 🍿🍿🍿

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President Trump Ordained John 9:33🙏 Constitution our Freedom Bill of Rights our Voice Socialism is Communism only spelled differently

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I don't think time should be a issue..eliminating the years of coruptions and evils will be worth our new beginnings.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication


In response Kim Runner to her Publication
In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Even 2 years ago I never thought I'd see more people awake than I do now. It's a beautiful thing. Everyone is connecting the many coincidences, asking Q and using logic.
I'd like to think it took 17% of populace mass conciousness to spark the crescendo effect into#TheGreatAwakening

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I think that the arrests/tribunals/confessions need to happen asap with the MSM removed or bypassed
And then Trump returns
I think *that* is way behind

Cdn Patriot 🇨🇦. Father of five. Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.

In response Starry Peacock to her Publication

Same with covid as long as it's fictionally around ppl will stay asleep no matter what

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In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I don't think it truly matters how many are awake fully.. the left is capitulating and turning on Biden..to me that is what matters..the voters discontent with their choice. I'm getting calls from those now that thought I was stark raving mad.. they want to know the truth now. I think our job begins in earnest after the EBS announcements.. to help them over the shock and unite with those that have been lost. We won't be able to reach ALL ..some are just too lost.. we can only continue to try.

Proud to call myself awake & a Patriot. Planting seeds when I can. Joined AU after the Twitter Purge of '21. Glad I did.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I trust God and His plan, I trust the patriot's plan, but is there more I can do to help without getting arrested or fired?

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

i think theres alot more people aware something isnt right! but have no clue what the problem is! to much mystery! they are scared!

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

i think
VKs APL is an accurate indictaor for this lol

Jesus. Patriot. 🙏🏻🦅✝️

In response D_Anon Pullella to his Publication

same!!! wondering how high it needs to go?

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In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Alot of people see that there is obviously something that just doesn't seem right, but they just won't open up their minds to the truth...yet...

Died w/Him in baptism💧raised w/Him by Holy Spirit✨ baptized w/His fire 🔥 Independent thinker & problem solver 💪 Trump is my President ❤️

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

This is Gods covert operation and He will deliver. Its imminant!! Put your trust in God to do this.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

good question.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I'm guessing right on target. We need to let the childish panic of the deep state criminals play out. It may take some time.

In response Spheroid Earther to his Publication

Love to hear it...I think we can wait as long as it takes!

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In response Kim Runner to her Publication

i don't think people fully awake actually matters. The fact that everyone has heard about q and some form of the cabal (mainly epstien) is enough. it's in the back of everybody's minds.

Patriot, Conservative, Prayer Warrior, PureBlood! ...Love & Gratitude ... Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit !

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

If i had to guess, I would say we are about 60 yrs. BEHIND SCHEDULE

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I am suspecting the vax is part of the black hearts plan to put any just, or close to awake, brains back to sleep.

I had a relative that was close, who had the vax, and is now worse than before...😞

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

unfortunately with bidens win any minds i saw opening,quickly closed & went from maybe waking up back to sleep & worse- into a coma.

Righteousness 1Peter 4:12-13 The same yesterday, today and forever Hebrews 13:8 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation Luke 2:30

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I think people are going to have to get out of their own way if they want that miracle to happen....seems so many are stuck with fear.

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I heard we were at 40%. We need a miracle!

I am married with four kids. I have three boys and one girl.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I have been trying to wake up my family to no avail. My husband thinks I need therapy. My mom thinks I need a tin foil hat and my brother thinks I am an idiot. My husband loves The Hill. He says they are not biased. I think something big has to present itself in order for more to wake up. But I know some that see through all the media crap.

Seeker... Looking For Truth💞🙏✨🕊🙌

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I would love to know this too... sadly seems like I am surrounded by so many amazing and wonderful and people who are still in such a very deep slumber... it's absolutely heartbreaking. 💔😥

🇺🇸🙏🏼Truth is Freedom🙏🏼🇺🇸

In response WeAre AllOne to her Publication


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God, Family, Country. Wife of a Veteran. 2A, Pro-Life Independent Patriot. Animal lover, MAGA

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I thought I had woke up a few people however the super important stuff like arrests and POTUS coming back needs to happen so they stop calling me a loon.

#God #MAGA #Trump #Flynn #Family #Cats #Horses #Happiness #MyLifeMatters

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

My husband is still reading fake news. But all his friends text me everyday for crumbs. I am married to an ostritch

All you need to know is that I love my country and my President and I won’t stop fighting for JUSTICE, TRUTH and FREEDOM ever!!! 🇺🇸

In response Crumb Catcher to her Publication

You are not alone. Hang in there. True patriots remain steadfast and strong!

Recently red pilled, MAGA, WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 I love God, my family, DJT, the truth, birds 😊, and the United States of America ❤️🙏🏼

In response Crumb Catcher to her Publication

lol!! Same here... my hubbie rolls his eyes and thinks I'm nuts. Sigh... I just tell him tk not freak out and I'm here to help and offer guidance when shit hits the fan.

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God fearing Texan and proud Deplorable Diva! Lover of faith, family, friends and dogs! God always wins! WWG1WGA

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Sadly, my friends and family are not anywhere near awake! I had a girls night last night with my close friends and I was told I wasn't allowed to talk about my conspiracy theories and they are all worried about me😳 These are my best friends! I have given up trying to awaken people as I feel they don't have any desire to think critically or outside MSM. Hurts my heart....

#Lukewarmisforlostsouls I don't bow to darkness. I look it in the eyes and let the Holy Spirit take the lead.

In response Cynthia Ramain to her Publication

They have taught many the tactics in mental abuse. gas lighting, invalidation, alienation.... so sad.

In response Cynthia Ramain to her Publication

I hear that...all my children are "worried" about me. GASLIGHTING They also insist i get the vax. A brother sent a cnn article..."It's smart to be concerned, but think it over and take the shot." I annoy them and say I'm taking lots of Vit D ["Won't work."] and TRUSTING GOD'S PROMISE in Psalm 91:9-12..."Be even more safe...take the shot." I think of moving with no forwarding address!!!

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