Robin B777
@BarneyBear777Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Thank you forbsharing this video! I did see reference to a news source that was spreading the information that they wanted. Matt Wallace or Mike Wallace. I remember seeing Mike Wallace on tv every night. Questioning if its the same?

You have my condolences. Many prayers for you and your family. 🙏

I was raised in Alabama and now live outside St Louis. I can tell you without a doubt that you can be the smartest person in the room but your IQ points are deducted dramatically when you speak with a southern accent! Theres not any chance of mine ever leaving so I leave the people around me with Bless Your Heart, Have a Great Day, plenty of Thank You, etc. Its more for shock factor now and to just be nice.

They had me until they said MRNA. Thats a big, fat negatory for me!

Isn't it the truth?! I've had cold/flu symptoms for a few days. All I want to do is sleep!

Heres the AP link for it.

I'm so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family. ♥️

You've hit the nail right on the head with this post! I've been feeling this way for a while now. I've got "friends" from previous job that I just can't be around. They've taken the "V" and there's a huge behavior change. They're quite materialistic, cannot function without a drink in their hands and just don't see what's going on around us. Wanna see the crazy? Go to a grocery store or a chain store. There are masks as well. Mostly people are just zombies and aggressive, more angry people behind the wheel of a car. I'm not originally from the area where I live. Its just my hubby and I as our daughter has married and moved out of state. Really just trying to conserve my peace of mind right now. We all get it.#BringingABitOfAlabamaToMissouri

Personally, I dont see how people can see everything going on and NOT get it. Some family friends are definitely in the 4 to 6%. TDS in full force. Husband goes to their house to help when something breaks or bends. Both husband and wife took vaxx and all the boosters. They're both sick. I pray for all the people like this who just dont see.

I am an RH negative woman, born to RH positive parents. My previous husband and I are both RH negative. My eldest child was RH negative but my youngest is RH positive. According to this lady, I have demon dna?! I know my Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ!


@sirhuckleberry@vincentkennedy@beefncheese -- I feel the same way! You speak for alot of us. We love you, VK! ❤️❤️❤️

im not able to access the standard url - i have tonuse the "version 2" url. im somewhat limited with that as well thoufhm I dont know whats going on.

Definitely have my prayers. Try some Ivermectin justvyo be safe. Ir worked for our cat. He had Mast Cell Carcinoma. We tried Ivermectin and he is fine now.


Funny you should mention nicotine. i bought some nicotine patches recently for long covid symptoms - no taste or smell since 2020. Today is day 3 and I see a big difference. I literally was able to smell fabric softener this afternoon! Im going to wear these patches for 6 days to see if more things come to light. I hope you feel better quickly. ❤️

Wanna know what happens when we finally hit 10. 🤔

Good to see you, VK! been seeing you on Twatter. I will pop on for a bit but really dont like it. It gives me anxiety! So much anger and discontent. Gab is that way as well. It's been infiltrated because I see much more nastiness there. I've finally logged out and removed my shoetcut. AU is much more peaceful!

SO true! I live in St Charles county, right by STL. Ive been here for 20 years and have autoimmune issue too. I say there is domethung to this.

His account is suspended.

Legitimately, honestly, completely truth! I was struggling to find the appropriate word for Twatter - toxic hits pretty well.

Im active but don't like it. Its "angry" there. Truth Social isnt too avtive either. I find myself on AU, Telegram mostly.

There's only God - there's no Gaia. I dont know where this new age stuff entered but it needs to find its ways right back out again! Being a Christian, and fully reliant on God, this kind of stuff turns me off.

I tried to comment as well and Ive been blocked as well.

I live outside St Louis. I can affirm its at our Target too. I never really shopped there much; however, we've been trying to stock on up on things and found our way there. First thing I saw was the "queer" shirt she shows in this video. It has NO place in the kid's section!

Prayers for you, dear. I had cataracts removed 6 years ago. Prayers for gour healing. ❤️

I'm so sorrynfor your loss. I lost my son at Thanksgiving last year. I know exactly how you feel. I'll definitely pray for you. I have good days and bad days. It'll never be great but it is a little easier to deal with as time progresses. Treat yourself gently. ❤️

I think it eludes to atarting to poison us from the time we are babies. Chemicals in floor cleaner, baby puts hands in mouth, chemicals enter our bodies. They're getting us from the beginning. I wish I could see how healthy I might have been without allbthe vaccines, pharma meds. Would I have such bad allergies? If I had eaten true food and no soft drinks growing up, Id be much more healthy! This can be said about all of us though.#hindsight

Truer words have not been spoken. I totally feel that as well.