Jessica Marie
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I’m in desperate need of some prayers…

I used to love movies, not anymore. I used to LOVE music, not anymore. I used to enjoy going out and being around people, not anymore. I used to get excited about things. I used laugh and really feel it in my soul. All this change started about 3 yrs ago. It’s like my personality changed. I really was struggling. Then my daughter gets killed in a car accident on December 7th at 9:17 am riding to school with her friend. My heart completely shattered. My whole world seems to have just stopped. I’m not me anymore. I’m traumatized. I really don’t know what I’m doing anymore or why. All I know is that I want to be with her again.


Thank you everyone for your love and support on my last post. I feel so distraught and heartbroken and like I can’t take anymore pain sometimes. I’m not going to hurt myself. I appreciate all of you. You mean more to me than you will ever know. What I said isn’t true, that he doesn’t care about me. I know he cares about me and all of you too. I read and saved all of the comments, I will have to delete that post..

I’m sorry for such negative vibes last night. Yesterday was rough. I appreciate all the prayers, love and support. This is such a roller coaster. My moods are all over the place. Everything that has been going on has really affected my memory. I keep telling myself that Jesus has a plan and that’s what gives me hope. I don’t know what I would do without y’all. I would be so lost. I’m so thankful for everyone one of you. 🙏

My heart and soul ache to be with her again..

I’m in need of prayers, positive vibes, healing energy, whatever you’re able to send my way to help me through this. I’m overwhelmed with sadness, anxiety, fear. I feel like I’m being attacked spiritually. I don’t understand it and can’t fully explain it. It feels almost like God has given up on me and wants to make my life a living hell. I’m confused. There are times when I feel very connected spirituality and like I’m on the right frequency but a lot of the time I feel very disconnected. I feel hopeless.

I hate anxiety and not understanding why I’m feeling it. Will you pray for me? I will pray for you too.

Although my heart feels forever broken after losing my daughter, I am grateful for what I do have. I have loving family and friends a place to live and so many beautiful memories. Thank you for your support and guidance. I don’t know what I would do without ya’ll. I’m sorry for being impatient at times and for all the low vibes, especially before the accident. I know Jesus is with all of us. There are countless signs and synchronicities. I feel my baby’s spirit with me too. When you see butterflies (especially the blue ones) think of my Juliette Grace and say a little prayer for us. I miss her so much it feels like I can’t breathe or go on with her.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.

Thank you to the cute little old man who walked down the hill with his gas blower to help my mother and I get the old leaves off the curb.🥰

I’m so thankful for all the wonderful memories. I know she’s safe with Jesus now.💔

I’m not feeling well..

I can feel myself falling deeper and deeper into depression. It’s not good.

I don’t know how much more pain I can endure… I don’t know how to live without my baby.

Sometimes I can’t believe this is my reality. Right now I feel like I can’t breathe.. I need prayers..

Happy 18th Birthday in Heaven my Sweet Juliette Grace. I love you and miss you until we meet again.

Thank you so much for all the vibes and prayers………. Yesterday was a great day considering everything. It was beautiful outside. I went for a walk in the neighborhood with my mom. We even walked down to the lake. When we got back we went to the cemetery. I pulled all the old flowers and leaves off of my daughters grave and arranged her flowers real pretty. We filled up the bird feeder I placed next to her grave. Later, after watering all the beautiful plants we received from my baby’s funeral I felt like finishing up a project and decided I needed glitter. GLITTER. So I was thinking about driving to get some glitter. Now, I haven’t driven since the accident over 2 months ago because of temporary meds. I DROVE!!! That was huge for me and it felt great. This is all coming from someone who had trouble with daily tasks and depression before the car accident… Yesterday evening my dad decided to turn off the electricity to fix something right before company arrived… continued in comments.

If you could send some positive vibes and prayers my way I would really appreciate it… Much love and blessings to all of you!

My daughter was laid to rest yesterday. Rest in Peace my sweet baby girl. I’ll never be the same without you.