Linda Vogel
@lsvogelNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Jared is a puzzle. He has all these weird negatives against him, yet he was the one negotiating the four PEACE deals in the Middle East! A Jew, negotiating with Muslim Nations! I think Ivanka has learned over the past four years the true corruption and evil of our government. Recall, in the beginning, she strongly opposed Trump pulling out of The Paris Accord, which as we now know, is just another tax payer money laundering scheme.

CGI-Common Sense: Trump vs. DeSantis. Roughly the same height and build. See thumbs; Trump has definite natural curves, DeSantis more straight and 'younger' with more elasticity. Perhaps this was a trial run? Would Trump really go for something like this? You know, studio make-up, mask fitting, voice, dialect, timber/tempo just to play a part? Remember Trump has a natural NY accent and drawl. That 'tough guy' type of dialect. It would be a hard habit to break. Perhaps it's an actor and not Trump himself. Folks, use your discernment...

The under study! (or awesome cgi!)

Like minds! I just posted a reply with those same names!

LOL! Missing in action; Michael Jackson, JFK, jr, Princess Diana!

This is why Gaetz was targeted. Watch Gaetz interview with nircTV on March 30, 2021
Telegram: Contact@GeneralMcInerney
This is why they targeted him today.
Telegram: Contact @GeneralMcInerney
This is why they targeted him today.
This is why Gaetz was targeted. He is laying out the Dem's agenda on the Border Crisis.

Perhaps there are two warring factions within the Masonic Order; the white hats and the black hats.
*We know the black hat 'Jesuits' have had reign over the CIA and all their black ops agendas, which is directed by the global cabal. We've had reports of CIA-Langley, Va raids by the Marines on two different occasions.
*Matt Gaetz's House member committees;

The NWO, Global Cabal and Q's posts about the triangle system of power and control. I always knew there was a 'system', but not how evil it was. Q's posts from a 30,000 ft bird's eye view, it all made perfect sense and I was shocked, just shocked! I'm a Republican all my life, my parents, grand parents and ancestors were Republicans. I'm 14th generation American Patriot! My direct lineage and ancestry dates back to 1640's--Massachusetts; Brigadier General in Rev War, infamous General in Civil War and a ggg-uncle who organized a militia and fell at the Alamo...

This is so weird! I was just looking at old Q posts and saw this photo! Now it's posted here! (Like Minds)

Hanks has no Twitter posts since last May of 2020. Unusually weird since he was a 'regular' tweeter, especially about his quirky children's shoe & sock photos/tweets.

St Patrick banished the snakes out of Ireland. (It's a myth, but the folktale has become legendary!)

How ironic the border is wide open and we have massive number of brown kids kept in cages! They refuse reporters in and press secty Psaki can't give an accurate total number of kids in these cages. Their evil source is being protected by the adrenoline users. No such thing as coincidence! Truth be told, however sadistic that might be!

This is exactly what I did, I went to post 802...

What a great photo! Although the dog looks like it was photo-shopped in, both successfully executed the mission to eradicate evil!

They could do this at GITMO just for 'optics'!

This day marks 'the kick-off' of Pelosi's 25th amendment push to oust Biden... After his speech this week, I wonder how long it will take? We know she moves quickly with impeachments. Any bets?

It makes me so sad that this happened and not even the supreme court wanted to see or hear the evidence. What a shame!

I watched his speech and knew this 25th amendment was 'comms'. The military is in full control w/Trump's oversight as shadow president! Here is X22Report's latest video on that subject! I agree with Dave at X22Report. I've been watching Dave for almost 5 years now and I think he's 'spot on!' Link;

Enacted with full military-cyber capabilities. And this is how we know he won by a landslide...

I truly want to believe this!

I'm from DC. This steam comes from the manhole covers and metrorail grates. The homeless make their camp near/on them. It's nothing new, it's been going on for many, many years!

Sad, research his life. He was mentally and physically abused by his dad. His older brothers sexually abused him in hotels and motels when on tour, which was their life on the road. His managers, doctors, accountants, public relations and handlers all exploited him. It's no wonder he was a mental genius his whole life.

NOT TRUE! I'm of 'the age' and have been a Trump Supporter since day one! I'm a conservative since my early twenties. You see who supported Trump at all his rallies, boat parades, car/truck caravans! Most people ages of 40+ are the ones that purchase these cars and boats and trucks. We're eastablished educated consumers! Stop Stereotyping!

The flag waving in the back look like they're clapping, too! Happy flags! 'The Boss' above must be pleased...

Has anyone sent this to the FBI?

Trump was working for The People 20 hours a day with only a few hours of sleep at night! And this guy....snoozin', I guess Fake News will say it's a power nap!

I think it's Trump behind the mask! Haha!

The Almighty has a quantum computer-realm!