Love God,myfamily&mycountry, pro-life,pro-2A,anti-vaxxer,#FamilyIsEverything,#digital soldier,anon,mom,grandma,Godalways wins,JFKjrlives❤
love my President!!!

I love your President too! I am stuck with an idiot who tucks his balls behind his legs and colors all day. (When he isn't busy doing Uranium 1 deals, having sex with underage students as a teacher, trafficking Achrome and giving away taxpayer $$$ to CCP, WHO, UN, NWO, EU and known terrorists who kill US medics).

Daniel 7:14 *She will Hold THE Torch DOB ❌ 10/18/1982 ❌
God's Best Friend....

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
♥️ !

The flag waving in the back look like they're clapping, too! Happy flags! 'The Boss' above must be pleased...

Navy Vet - 30 Years Served - #Patriot - Conservative stuck in CA - Booted 5th time from Twatter. Lost 15K beautiful Patriots! #XRP
Can't wait for the CPAC speech! 🔥

Love it! Just beautiful! Go Team Trump! Go Team Jesus!

Don't we love him! So, so much.

Christian, Mother, Southern California conservative #MAGA #KAG
Gods anointed one. God Won 🙏🏻

President Trump, like our Founding Fathers, recognizes that we need God's wisdom and guidance. He demonstrates true leadership.

Off-Topic: What the hell goes on at Antarctica? And why did John Kerry go there after the Election?

i have wondered about this as well. His visit on Election Day 2016 was very strange.

I’m here for our President and Humanity, I could write a book. I come from military family background! I am a mom this is personal :)WWG1WGA
Amen , my boss too ❤️🇺🇸

God, family, country. WWG1WGA. Awakened, Blessed and Ascending
Trump is a fine man, a blessing to us all. Our President the Boss's are two fold. First and Foremost The Eternal One to which ALL are second to and secondly WE the People to which the blessing was Given by the First

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils

Proud Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸 DJT is my president! Permanently suspended from twatter after 4 accounts🤪😂

WWG1WGA!!! Loyal to Trump, loyal to my county, loyal to fellow Patriots! Let's save our country!!
Love My God and love my President Trump!

God-loving American Patriot living abroad. All about the children. HOLD THE DAM LINE! The Best is Yet to Come!
Yes!!! Our bossman's BossMan! 👍🏻🙌🏻👊🏼.
💥@ghostezra: sent you DM
Only followers of this user (@Kerryeire) can see their posts

I’m an old English major & Anon wannabe. I LEARN from you fantastic Anons-what I lack in comp skills,I make up for w/ encouragement & caring
I say it often and I say it from my heart:
And one of the best things about that is knowing MILLIONS of others feel the same way! God bless this precious man and his loving and devoted family. I so look forward to his return...SOON!

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
My fav part is when he looks up and says, "...And it's not even close!"
REALLY miss my President. 🥲

Conservative lady who stands for INTEGRITY. I served from '78-'81 and had the privilege of working for Adm. Rickover in Washington,
Many people have trashed Trump about this. They say he was saying he was "like Jesus". I tell them he did no such thing! I also tell them - when they try to say that he does not belong to God - that this was the day when God ALLOWED us to see that PRESIDENT Trump submitted to Him. Only men of strength submit to God. Thank you for sharing this! I was looking for this!

This does beg the questions. Just exactly what is the hold up? What are we waiting for. Who are we waiting for?
Q has said it will be biblical and nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing
I like to ponder these questions to fullyl grasp there meaning.
Not just blind faith but fully knowing.

🙏1:08 vid.

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.

God fearing Texan and proud Deplorable Diva! Lover of faith, family, friends and dogs! God always wins! WWG1WGA
And MY only boss!😎🙏🙌

We were prophesied to be here at this exact moment in time to stand for truth and to share Gods message of Love. #Trump is appointed by God.
your love is like THUNDER 🙏💥#YHWH#Yeshua

Amen❤️🙏. All the glory goes to Jesus🙏🙌🏻
