Jones Tee
5 days ago

Jones Tee

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Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • Trump 2024 Ordained by God.

We are very fourtunate to be alive now to watch the end of this movie. It has been an incredible journey to have taken. We were not theorist , rather, speakers of Truth and of Light. I am so thankful to God to have been part of the Great Awakening. I pray for all Patriots as the time has come . In just days it will begin and we are all part of this journey.

✨ Christian. Patriot. PureBlood. ✨


I follow back

Nothing is More Precious than the Children! All Of Humanity Is Uniting To Defeat Unspeakable Evil. God Bless and Protect the QTeam.

In response Earnest T Bass to his Publication

I LOVE SYDNEY!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Patriot, Catholic, Vietnam Era U.S. Army veteran, father to my 22 y/o Son serving in the USCG. UM Z God Wins. Trump 2020. BTW Its flat.

In response Jones Tee to her Publication

They fear us.

✨ Christian. Patriot. PureBlood. ✨

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Brother I don't know You and You don't know Me. We are just two people in a sea of many my friend, but I do Love You So Very Much My Brother. I Feel You, and I can't even put into words how I understand You, but I assure You I do. I want nothing more than to be by Your side right now, I owe You a fucking huge Hug Sir. It is because of You and other who serve that I can be here now, with the grace of god flowing within me reaching out to you from the very bottom of my heart, and I am strong as fuck but in pieces right now because without You I AM Weaker and Brother We All Are Stronger With You. God has chosen You, to be here now, and I don't know if You can really feel how honest I am being but if You would call me, I will sit with You, all night, listen, and speak if You wish, but I won't leave because I SWEAR YOU ARE MY BROTHER, AND I LOVE YOU. This is who I am, truly. Heavenly Father Please be With Joey Now, Lay Your Hands Upon Him, Be His Strength

🇺🇸🦅 “30 BIRDS” - from darkness to #LIGHT. WE R the #ARMYofLIGHT. #LoveWins #GodWins God Bless America

80 million Americans still want a full forensic audit of the Presidential Election.


SHARE - If you agree 🇺🇲


Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

Guess what?

Today is the 6th Anniversary of#ThePeoplesBridge.

Serendipitous as it may seem...

The Bridge is located in the '45th' Ward of Chicago, stands over the 'Kennedy' Expressway, I was creating my 1st Banner Message on the '17th' of April 6 years ago today....

Trusted the Plan, even before I knew The Plan existed ☺

If this isn't God's handiwork...

Can someone explain what it is then? 😁


American Patriot, Native Floridian, Quasi Off The Grid Rural Swamp Dweller (By Choice!). Trump/MAGA Supporter. Banned Off Twit,YT,

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

Faith, without work, is dead.
I believe there is a Plan.
I am not sitting back waiting for the Plan to unfold.

Like myself, each & EVERY Patriot is an important part of that Plan.

Q, the Admirals & Generals, & POTUS himself, cannot do this & cannot make the Plan successful without the work & efforts of each & every Patriot in this Country.

So if you are sitting back waiting for something to happen that will save this Republic, & save the lives of our children & theirs to come...
I may make a suggestion-
Get off your Patriot butt & take some action.
It doesn't have to be standing on a Bridge, or making labels for a wine bottle, or anything huge...

EVERY action, no matter the size, will move this country forward.
And if we insist as a Nation that we are moving forward, & refuse to take one step back in retreat...
Walking with God & His angels as our companions...
We always have the opportunity to be of service to our Cpuntry-
#WeThePeople WILL

'Win The Day

Everything is Connected. Be the light. Be the change.

WWG1WGA 🦅🇺🇸 #SaveTheChildren

another doctor in my box 👍

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩‍💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

Love Jesus,✝️ Family💕 Mimi👵Dachshund Mom🐾 and Trump!🇺🇲 🙏THE BEST IS YET TO COME!🙏

From The People's Bridge with Veronica, the awesome patriot, in Chicago!

"Have courage and be kind." I love God & all His creation, history, and holistic living. Live with purpose. Let's see what Jesus unfolds!

Realized last night that March marked 2 years online with some of you.❤️ Am grateful we, old and new friends, have an online family here, since Twitter suspended us. Still hoping others find their way to AnonUp. Have supported DJT ever since he announced his run for POTUS. Was part of an FB group that I loved, & we cheered him on during the debates, when he won the nomination, & after he became our beloved President Trump. A friend red-pilled me 3 or 4 years ago. Everything started to make more sense. FB eventually banned me 3 times, so I created my Patriot Sam Twitter account. My top three people I still highly respect and follow are:@Godwins2021 ,@VincentKennedy , and George (not on AnonUp yet). Also:@GlynHowardFndIt2 ,@SaraJaneRocks ,@QuestionWhatIs ,@Yellow17 . You might like to follow them too. All great people! I may not be everyone's cup of tea, but to some maybe I'm their cup of hot apple cider. LOL! I love you all, everybody on AnonUp! God bless!#wwg1wga

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

What a great April Fools Chicago had!


Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

I rarely do two messages on the bridge in one day.

today was the exception to that rule and Chicago was so grateful for that exception😁😁😁


Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

I am so humbled...


Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47

Good Morning!

Today is 3.13.2021 > 345

Served my country in the 80s-90s. Proud husband and father. Always asking questions. Looking for the truth.

Nails it.

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

Shills are trying to smear me, before I did research, which I find comical.

I did advocate & work to raise awareness for Captive Orcas & Dolphins
I did advocate & work to save Rhinos, Elephants, Giraffes & wild animals from Trophy Hunters' guns
I did raise $82K for Ocean Animals charitites
I did work to introduce the US about Bernie, because M$M even then were assholes

I did tell the DNC they could kiss my ass, I was NEVER voting for Hillary & voted for Bernie in 2016
After the 2016 theft, I did NOT go back to sleep, like the rest of the Dems
I got busy in 2018 to elect men of honor to Congress, who were Independants.
I saw theft then as well

I knew I could never go back to sleep, & started speaking Truths, to help wake others up

It doesn't matter who I voted for in 2016
It does matter who I voted for in 2020

I was honored to give my loyalty, support & my all-

To Donald J. Trump
The best political decision I was ever honored to make.

Proud widow of Navy Vet 12-15-2020. RIP my Luv!❤ Let his service not be in vain! Health & Life Coach Redpilled since 9/11! #wwg1wga 🇺🇸

Remove the mask when you approach me//Truth will prevail//Community Standard repeat offender