Jones Tee
7 days ago

Jones Tee

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In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

And they hang signs on bridges

In response Ramon Rivera to his Publication

Yeah They do!!!

In response Jones Tee to her Publication

In order to implement this objective, it was necessary to create, secure, and apply new
weapons which, as it turned out, were a class of weapons so subtle and sophisticated in
their principle of operation and public appearance as to earn for themselves the name
"silent weapons".

In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

You are a PATRIOT. Of that I have NO DOUBT!!

In response Robert Pettitt to his Publication

And they have millions pf people's DNA through genetis genealogy. I'm guilty of sharing mine as well.

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

I suspect that the platform Trump finally goes to will very quickly bring on 75M Americans and many more worldwide. It would have to be a worthy platform

In response Mary Donahue to her Publication

many have not had power for over 30hrs. Transfer stations are freezing. Houston has put out a boil warning, yet many have no power to boil. Some houses INSIDE are just above freezing. Pipes are bursting in apt complexes in Dallas. I don't think dripping will help that.

In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

do other amounts donated count? more than 22?

In response FREEDOM 2021 to his Publication


In response Michael Catino to his Publication

It will be terrible if people start dropping in the coming months

In response wht 2.0 to his Publication

Already signed. Her group also can get you HCQ.

In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

You are AWESOME!!!!!

In response Beth Richardson to her Publication

I can only hope that's true

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Some are saying that Trump's lawyer got an offer to throw the case.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

I def feel it. You all are amazing!!

In response Jersey Gurl to her Publication

This scientist recently published her findings on 9/11 She didn't want to go into any theories as to why it happened, she just wanted to follow the science. She also was threatened but felt that she didn't have a family so it was her obligation to finish it. Very informative. About a little over an hour and worth the watch!!!

Dr. Judy Wood - Where Did the Towers Go? - YouTube

This is a video and picture enhanced radio show interview between Dr. Judy Wood and Regina Meredith on Conscious Media Network at

In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication

All in

In response Perky Patriot to her Publication

Had my account since 2009. Just started getting involved after the election. Had less than 50 followers. I'll take the badge.