crazy soul
3 years ago

crazy soul

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Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

Pompeo's tweet timestamp = 9:51
Q#951 = March madness. Public will know soon.

Note: Mercer was a general in the American Revolution.

Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

Seems interesting...
Tomorow marks the 60th day after Inauguration Day.
Tomorrow is also 3.21

Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

Yesterday was the 1st day of spring and the 1st day of the Cherry BLOSSOM festival in DC.

Mike Pompeo Tweet = Q-D about Mike Pompeo!
8:37 AM = Q-D 837
Fire and Fury = Fire & Fury
4-10-20 = 4-10-20 Delta
4-10-20 Delta = Full Dosclosure
Trust + Mike Pompeo = Trust Kansas.

Statistically impossible to be coincidence.
Most interconnected COM ever!

15-Mar-2018 7:46:36 PM EDT

March madness.
Public will know soon.


When COMS are few and far in between it usually means much is happening behind the scenes.
MARCH is a HUGE power month for the Cabal and therefore a busy month for their opposition.

BIG THINGS traditionally happen during this month:

- Lindbergh baby vanishes
- Ides of March (assassination of Julius Caesar)
- Belisarius saves Rome from the Goths
- Spanish flu strikes and kills 100 million
- Thomas Cranmer burns at the stake
- The Book of Mormon debuts
- Eiffel tower is unveiled
- Having executed Charles I, the House of Commons abolishes the House of Lords
- Tsar Paul I is assassinated
- Edward IV leads the Yorkists to victory over the Lancastrian army in the bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil

- COVID-19 changes everything in March 2020

Q tells us symbolism will be their downfall.

This is a VERY DEEP DIVE into the roots of
Masonic & Occultist symbolism in pop culture.

Our whole planet is inundated with ancient images rooted in prehistoric sun worshiping cults. It extends into all facets of our community from architecture and advertising to religion, government, big business and entertainment.

“It’s always been out in the open.

You just have to LOOK.”


*Slide 7 = History of the Cabal blood pact made with Satan in the Garden of Eden and documents the heirs of the Babylonian Mystery School secrets through the ages to the modern era ⤵️


Military + Civilian alliance between Q-TEAM
+ ANON ARMY is a flawless CO-OP!

Mike Pompeo Sunday Scripture Mirror:

Q & ANON double blind failsafe is the biggest THREAT to the CABAL because PUBLIC AWAKENING is their GREATEST FEAR and we are exposing them for what they are and red-pilling main street at an alarming rate!

Q 4390
“The light of the righteous shines brightly,
but the lamp of the wicked is extinguished.”
-Proverbs 13:9


Lin Wood Whistle Blower knows things
before they happen. Time Travel?

Former Intelligence Specialist for

Alias: Ryan Dark White (Dark to Light)
Twitter handle =@JohnHereToHelp

Someone to pay attention to.

Linked to Q-Drop 225
“Future Proves Past” + “Here to Help”

*Slide 2 = July 2020 “PREDICTIONS”
Things no one could know without
being clairvoyant or time traveling ⤵️

Letters in Ezra Cohen-Watnick’s new profile
pic (behind his head) are WWG1WGA.

When he switched his pics he also started following 98 people from 87 (this is important).

Both QD 98 + 87 use the word “signature” and highlight its importance in regard to COMS.

Both also mention Snow White AND God Father 3 AND were posted on the exact same day

He’s telling us to pay attention ⤵️

If left unrestrained Big Tech will begin putting fact check warnings on our private messages (text - email - voice) in addition to our social media accounts and eventually start inserting them into our private real life communication with each other in real time ultimately lulling the masses into thinking that having the control to suspend & delete our ability to communicate altogether is in our own best interest. They’ll do it so craftily it will fool radical leftists into demanding it (screaming) from the rooftops.

They’ve been practicing these destiny deciding false narratives on us for centuries all leading up to the ultimate NWO’s final one world government power grab.

Keep digging, keep exposing, keep bringing truth to light, keep relentlessly red pilling main street and don’t stop waking up the over sleepers until you see the whites of their wide awake eyes dismantling the cabal controlled super substructure for themselves.

The fate of our world depends on it.

There’s no “rift” in the royal family. They’ve controlled the narrative for centuries and
plan generations in advance.

They’re deflecting attention from the Prince Andrew scandal & trying to endear us to Harry & Meghan by making us think their at odds while subliminally comparing her to princess Diana.

The goal (IMO) is to have America embrace them so that eventually their progeny can become imbedded in US politics.

“What happened to Diana? What did she find out? Who was supposed to be the next president? Expand your thinking.” - Q

*Expand your thinking is an ANAGRAM for:
Adorn Roth [Y] the Tudor King (& much more).

Pics after dig worth a 1,000 interviews ⤵️

This cryptic statement is a serious COM.
I think things are about to start moving at
an accelerated pace (I knew it).

Counter attack to the first strike (prevent mass public awareness by removing a sitting president) prepared and ready to go (Q really called that one).

Remember your oath. Remember the mission. Infiltration not invasion. Defend and protect AT

We are going to show you a new world.
Those who are blind will soon see the light.

The (vaccine) shot heard around the world.
The Great Awakening.

This is really happening friends ⤵️


(Hammurabi posts,
Donald Trump posts same,
Dan Scavino posts same):

“Run, deep state, run.”
at 12:50 PM 3/10/21.

Donald Trump:
“Run, Herschel, Run.”
at 5:53 PM 3/10/21

Dan Scavino:
“Herschel running.”
at 6:16 AM 3/11/21

10-Nov-2018 12:21:14 PM EST

Do you believe in coincidences?
How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
Expand your thinking.


“I believe things are going to start moving
at an accelerated pace.” - Hammurabi

& THEN things start moving at an accelerated
pace (Dan Scavino COMS+).

7 posts (COMS) in 2 days after 10 days silent!

Daily message from our “leaders” ⬇️


“Nice view up here” - Q
= Great view of white whale & blue water in video actually filmed from above - so it’s literally from the perspective of “UP HERE”.

White Whale = WW = Wizards & Warlocks.

Dan Scavino & Q BOTH posted on November 3rd
= 11/3 Delta = 11.3 (just like Herschel Walker COM).

IMPOSSIBLE to believe it’s a coincidence the White Whale tweet & the Herschel Walker tweet BOTH directly relate to PODESTA + SOROS + 11.3 AND W&W’s AND interlink with identical Q-drops that all mention each of the connections (incredible).

Something big’s about to surface, much of what’s happening is hidden beneath the surface, they won’t see it coming, the calm before the storm, NCSWIC... ⤵️

The only way the Vatican can be broke is if they were “relieved” of assets. They’ve had an unimaginably robust income for over 2021 years from every corner of the world thru traditional revenue streams & the plethora of other immoral grifts they’ve profited from throughout the centuries.

The pittance they pay out in hush money to victims of their horrific crimes is nothing compared to the monumental capital they receive every day. They are the largest property & art holder in the world, have vast hoards of gold & have been at the very top of the largest “pyramid scheme” ever conceived since before Julius Cesar looted Gaul.

The reason they are currently low on money (if they are at all) is because they negotiated it away for some form of GESARA/NESARA in exchange for less public disclosure of their ongoing High Crimes Against Humanity being exposed.

IMO this vast fortune will be used to help fund humanity’s post Great Awakening freedom from debt slavery.


By Land & by Water & by Air = Football Field, Whale in the Ocean, Jet in the Sky.

“We will fight in the fields, we will fight on the seas, we will fight in the air.” - Churchill

Also represents Paul Revere’s Ride “One if by land, Two of by sea.” - Longfellow

*All three of these Dan Scavino tweets directly correspond to each other and Q-D 15 and all three mention Podesta, Soros, 11.3 & the Wizard’s & Warlock’s (WW = White Whale) independently. This COM is a thing of beauty.

Dan Scavino is showing us that The Plan,
The Great Awakening and the ultimate battle between the children of light and the children of darkness against the remnant substructure of the cabal’s dark dealing stranglehold on humanity is Ongoing, Inviolable, Resolute & being won.

*Digs on all 3 tweets in this post ⤵️

The Social Credit System tracks where you go, what you do, what you say, what you buy and who your with as well as how much time you spend volunteering for non paid community service (etc) measuring what the state feels is respectable conduct and rates your behavior so the government can better shape you into a more responsible citizen using incentives like access to employment, housing and freedom of movement.

One of the activity codes increasing your social credit score is how many friends & family members you turn in for questionable mannerisms every month (they feel 10 is an average number).

The only part of your life it doesn’t measure, rank, mold and manage are your private thoughts but are sure to include that function once it’s technologically possible.

“The Masterpiece” by Jon McNaughton

What does the future hold for America? President Trump’s last few years in office have been remarkable. He has changed the direction of this country economically, devastated ISIS, negotiated with countries on the world stage, and been a powerful voice for American ideals. It hasn’t been easy, as he has been blocked by both Republicans and Democrats, trashed by the media, and hunted by the deep state in an attempt to undermine his presidency. But, the “painting” is not finished!

I believe that Trump will yet reveal in the future a greater degree of prosperity, justice, and American influence that has never been seen before. His greatest achievements are yet to be revealed. How will history remember the presidency of Donald J. Trump? I believe it will be considered a “Masterpiece.”


Dan Scavino starts following 776 people
= Q-D 776 = Q/A on many Anon’s minds:

Question: Are Anons safe?
Answer: YES.

Hammurabi posts “I believe things are going to start moving at an ACCELERATED PACE.”
& the NEXT DAY Dan Scavino rapid fires 12 tweets in a row (after 10 days of silence)
3 which actually say “WARP SPEED.”

This is a time of serious transition. We’re going
to witness what has been a long steady stream
of drip... drip... drip... start trickling into a steady torrent that overflows into a FLOOD.

*I swear for the 1st time (ever) in a “dig”
AND THEN Dan Scavino swears for the
1st time (ever) in a “dig”...

I posted “run, deep state, run” THEN
DT posted “run, Herschel, run” THEN
DS posted a video of Herschel Walker running...

I posted “things are going to start
moving at an ACCELERATED PACE”
THEN DS shoots off 12 tweets in a row (after being dark for 10 days) and 3 of the tweets literally regard operation WARP SPEED...

I posted the British Royal family are trying to make inroads into American politics AND THEN it’s announced the British Royal family are trying to make inroads into American politics AND Jack Posobiec even uses the phrase “run Meghan run”.

Synchronicity (noun) syn·​chro·​nic·​i·​ty:
A meaningful convergence of duplicate experience occurring between two or more identical events not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality.

The TIDE is TURNING and these numbers are changing in favor of the TRUTH too quickly to even write them down 🕳🐇.

Q was talking CORONA in 2014 ⤵️

30-Aug-2018 6:45:30 PM EDT



There & back again, “Circle back” - Trump Return, 15 sec vid - QD 15 Podesta/Soros 11.3 - A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis, [Their] going down, 1776/776 (follow pen/Anons Safe), Timeline Upside Down - U turn imminent, What goes up / Comes Down, Time to turn this around, Role Reversal, Twists & Turns, Final Count Down “Clock Activated”, Mar 17 Delta - 40,000 feet - Nice View from up here (= WW/HW/F-15 trifecta), Brief Climb/ Nose Dive (current admin - floor cracking), 15 - mirror - 51 Time has come to take back our great land, The Come Back, Clover/Shamrock Mar 17 SPD, Script Flip, Corona ref 2, Wheels Up, Deep Clean, Diamond + Spade + Clover + Heart = Want to play a game - TRUMP CARD, Blind Eye in the SKY, *Post 953 - ELECTION THEFT, past+present/removal is the least of their problems/biggest fear - Public Awakening...




Michigan court rules that last minute change
in Mail-in-Ballot standard protocol broke law.

The HOUSE of CARDS is beginning to FALL ⤵️

V FOR VENDETTA came out in 2005, takes place in the year 2020 and is about a dystopian future where totalitarian autocratic pedophiles gain power by releasing a fake virus and use it to rule through fear and oppression of human dignity & civil rights. The media pushes a constant government controlled propaganda stream of safety and security “for your own protection” at the expense of Liberty.

It pre-described the exact scenario we are in right now with frighteningly exact detail. The power structure controlling the false narrative behind the scenes is even a trilateral commission comprised of church + state + finance (Rome/DC/London).

The Grand Finale ends with fireworks and a Great Awakening to the corrupt fascist dictatorship as the elite cabalist substructure secretly controlling society is dismantled by anonymous people wearing Guy Fawkes masks!

Past Predicts Future - Future Proves Past ⤵️

Dan Scavino - Sunrise GIF - TRUST DAN

Could Maxwell Trial Spark Great Awakening?

“Things are moving” - just like GIF is

“Undercover STARS learned” - celebrities & politicians redacted from Maxwell trial transcripts

“Full Moon” - full disclosure

“Public interest forces the SUN to SHINE” - if we INSIST on DISCLOSURE loudly enough exposure will bring “HEAT - JUSTICE”

“Maxwell isn’t a big enough name to trigger mass awakening.” - but the people she can unveil are

Sometimes you can’t tell the people
the truth - you must show them

Crimes against children
UNITES ALL HUMANITY - Across party lines

DAWN - GM - time to WAKE UP
- the Great Awakening

We the People aren’t going to let the Secret-Keepers hold the TRUTH from us any longer

The WWG1WGA Bell is an Alarm Clock ⤵️