Time Travel
2 days ago

Time Travel

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In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

Exactly. End this madness. Nothing seems real anymore. The world is running on lies and destruction.

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

Been really wondering about this. Tired of people trying to turn others away from their faith. Seems very toxic. Makes me immediately discount them

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Please keep fighting!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Happy Birthday Sir. Hopefully we will all meet one day

In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication

Amazing. I'm sure your Dad is looking down on it with pride

In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication

This song is an instant mood LIFTER

In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication

That's a good way to look at it. I really hope so. Everyone has been thru so much. The big question to me is how much of the real truth will we ever find out?

In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication

I was wondering if I was the only one noticing it. It's definitely kicking up on the board. Tons of disinfo

Exactly. And they never were open like some celebs before and wham-o within one month very clear instagram posts with one eye covered. Not even subtle. I know them, too. Not super well, but didn't think they were capable of this

Thank you for your answer! I was thinking along the same lines. They were sort of hidden before for marketing reasons and now are being made by white hats to reveal what they really were

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I'm very confused by what stage we are at in this movie. Within the last month two world champ surfers I thought were not in the club are posting "one eye" photos. WHY NOW? if we are in end stages why are athletes suddenly publicly claiming the club when they never did before?

In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication

Good catch. I wouldn't be surprised

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Yeah, the thing is, I could be wrong but I feel in my gut that most who will awaken easily are now awake and it will take something much bigger to shift the rest so why are they waiting longer to do this?

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

I'm so identifying with this right now. Sister doesn't even think the pandemic was planned. We are attacked on all fronts but not defeated. EVER. we cannot quit

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Definitely. It's time for us to start healing. We need to exit this in tact.

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

It's just me thinking out loud trying to envision the cleanup. In this case it seems overwhelming removing millions

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

My personal question on the same lines is if the white hats are in charge how are they going to deal with the aftermath of letting millions of undocumented people over the border. Why would white hats let this happen? I am in San Diego witnessing it at the moment. The place is being decimated

In response Chris David Bell to his Publication

Exactly. I'm middle aged and doing all right and still getting pretty sick of the lack of evidence behind a lot of posts lately. All it does is ruin morale and make everything look like a psyop. Unless you state clearly that something is your opinion do not present it as fact. You, being the collective you, no one specific

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication


I feel many are in this boat. If there really is a plan this is the only thing that makes me feel a solution is coming.....too many good people about to lose everything

In response Casey Turnup to her Publication

Lol some days I'm calmer than others about this whole reveal thing

In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication

I think i told you this before but my Dad was unconscious in icu for 10 days before he passed. I have every reason to believe that he heard every word we said. Actually I have proof but won't go into that. PLEASE TALK TO HIM AND SING. NONSTOP. He will hear it all!!!!!! Process every moment, you will never ever forget these days. Praying for you and him recovering!!

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

We must be heading towards some sort of major crossroads. My grounded stability is turning into great days where I feel the hope I used or days where everything is an illusion of disaster

In response Casey Turnup to her Publication

Seems to be accelerating now

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

I was saying exactly that a few weeks ago. There is no other feasible way. Most ppl must be woken up. The troops need reinforcement we are spread too thin financially and spiritually

In response Casey Turnup to her Publication

Looks like we might have some positive movement inching towards disclosure .... checkmarks to some potentially not dead people and the msm collapsing. Fingers crossed

In response Casey Turnup to her Publication


In response Casey Turnup to her Publication

This is very inspiring

In response Liberty Jennja to her Publication

It's so important to take care of yourself! The care you are giving your dad and protecting him from outside forces is amazing

In response Jane Doe✔️ to her Publication

I actually think this is a big possibility