I have found that discovering new lies about our world, but being unable to socially "resolve" them, just leads to more distress. There is a rate at which we can safely absorb the extent to which we have been enslaved. The cruelty and magnitude of it all just keeps growing. Those secret societies sure did keep some big secrets!
it'd be a lot easier if there was some clue when the cruelty will be reversed
I get frazzled every so often.
Spaces between frazzles are farther & farther....
I suspect like growing in holding the content...truth... some word.
Things happen that do not get talked about in churches.
YET MORE REAL then religion.
Brother, was an elder, quick to say Healing was.
LOL! God healed a woman of Diabetes He (God) wanted me to pray for.
Injections stopped...LOL
... God/scripture says He is the same yesterday today & forever.
1John says and if in any way my thinking is incomplete He (God) too will make it clear to me.
auras ..distract from listening.
Had a plug blow apart in my palm...was warned (small voice) did it any way..Blew circuit breakers out in whole house. Little flames of fire danced on carpet...wondered if that was what it looked like when flames were on receivers of the Holy Spirit. Opened palm metalic twinkling something surrounded caol black center palm.
One time saw in mirror a circle with circles smaller around larger circle. Inside these smaller circles saw nothing (like erased) and a cord of light in each measured distance where smaller circles were golden cords of light rotating.
I DO KNOW we are at war... I am so tired of the dates pushed back 😨 I don't want our MILITARY GOING TO Ukraine!!! ...hard to separate disinfo.