Watchful One
4 years ago

Watchful One

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Juliansrum was blasting the trolls all day on Gab. It's was great.

Will be a popular hat.

Just a reminder 🐸🐸🐸

5 to 4. Let's go. Wake up time.

We all thought VJ was Valerie Jarrett here. Maybe it was Vernon Jordan. Real close with the Clintons. Their fixer dc lawyer.

mtnfilly is my handle where ever I go, booted off twitter 3 times,, ranch life, Q WWG1WGA Trump won #freedom, Tazer @kiotycowgirl on X

I work at a small truck stop, in a very small town,, today there was a little old man I am sure in his 80's, he was wearing a Trump hat, so I asked him if he watched CPAC, well of course he did, he then redpilled me about the election fraud, how the military was in control and even though we couldn't see what was going on they were arresting people behind the scenes, he told me how much he missed Trump as our president, we chatted about what was going on for about 10 mins and he was still telling me things as he walked out the door,lol.. It made me all warm in fuzzy inside to see someone that age redpilling random people he doesn't even know but he did know every thing that was going on and he wore his Trump hat proudly..

Love my husband, family, angibals. BFF's with J.C. ✝️ Hospice RN for 16yrs (retired). Love our President Trump. Freedom or bust! WWG1WGA

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩‍💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

Aussie Patriot. Lightworker. Truth Seeker. Red Pill Pusher. "Beat me to death with the truth, don't torture me with lies".

Pro bono for the children. Empath super power. Following our missing children since 2015. Due Process Auditor.Fed tort case # 7:22-CV-178-FL

God does not make mistakes.

Wife, patriot, mom of a Boy Scout

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

preach it E!!! Don't let people's frustrations get to you! I understand their frustrations also! but....there are tons of us that have your back and are forever greatful! Thank you!!!❣️🇺🇸

In response Russell ❤#17 to his Publication

You always have fake rubber mask Joe if the journey gets too tiring. Justice is being carried out daily and will be done right, regardless of anyone's timetable. Just look at all the missing Hollywood celebrities and Congressmen that are missing and all of the Ceos that have stepped down in 2020. Lots has been happening.

God I hope Rush got a med bed. He deserves one.

Now that's a beauty m.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 5.65/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Rest in Peace Friend.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

POTUS, John and VK (guy who played Doc Holliday).

Nothing is random.


A Government big enough to give you anything you want is also big enough to take everything that you have.

Holy Cow! My power just came on! So happy I dont even care that my refrigerator sounds like it's giving birth!

Truthseeking Patriot who is Fed up with our current situation. Traitor Politicians and pedophiles must be prosecuted

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Qcards Titled the president in case his earpiece falls out and he forgets who he is pretending to be

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." -Matthew 5:5

In response james wafer to his Publication

ok folks lets start a#Forensicwrinklewatch

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." -Matthew 5:5

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

i see they fixed his lopsided mask ha ha

I support Freedom, Trump, Constitution

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

time for trump

What's he holding up in his hand?

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 5.65/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Ohhh the Pain coming.
I can feel it.
It's making my gums bleed actually.
I can taste it.

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President

I mentioned the quantum financial system today at dinner. My husband laughed hysterically like I was mentally ill. I thought I was stonger. I have not betn able to cry since last June when my Uncle died of Covid complications. I am in menopause snd am a flat line despite the horror I have seen done to children and humanity as a whole. I am now sitting downstairs writing with tears streaming down my face. I need to get thicker skin and boldness for what lies ahead. I will be spending time with Jesus tonight. He loves me. ❤️

Each day it is necessary that we feed our bodies with food to nourish ourselves. It is also important that we feed the mind and spirit too.

Trump Acquitted

Democrats Humiliated

Fake News Humiliated

McConnell Humiliated

Cheney Humiliated

Haley Humiliated

Lincoln Project Humiliated

Great Week

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Vibe confirmed even in the snow Sir...😉
