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This might not end well…
Maybe that Chinese balloon (aka bubble) that drifted across the entire U.S. before being ‘popped’ over the Atlantic is a metaphor for the U.S. economy.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

I like Rep. Thomas Massie.
HR 24 —> Audit the Federal Reserve.
Q2619 says, “Gold shall destroy FED.”
Maybe it’s LACK of gold that destroys the FED.

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5

🙏 🇱🇾 🙏
1. There was no electricity bill in Libya; electricity was free for all its citizens.
2. There was no interest on loans, banks in Libya were state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.
3. Having a home was considered a human right in Libya.
4. All newlyweds in Libya used to receive 60,000 dinars (£34,470) by the government to buy their first apartment, to help start up the family.
5. Education and medical treatments were free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83%.
6. If Libyans wanted to take up a farming career, they would have received farming land, a farming house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms...all for free.
~ Giovanni
Only followers of this user (@techstartupmom) can see their posts

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Because (GOD), (COUNTRY) no further explanation needed!

3/16/21 = Hammurabi posts “CLOCK ACTIVATED”
3/31/21 = Dan Scavino ups following count to 793
Letters on plane: UNITED ST OF AMER
Tiffany box in door (Cross/Biblical)
3/31 = Occult Number = 13 Illuminati bloodlines 3x13=39 = number of Bilderberg members etc
Chapter 13 of The Book of Revelation = "Let the one with understanding reckon the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666."

For anyone who doesn’t believe main stream America has been led like sheep by a very nefarious shepherd [Y] =🐑 in 🐕’s 👔-ing...
BUT this Hive-Mind mentality is also EXACTLY how THE GREAT AWAKENING will occur (organically spreading, unstoppable and already activated)...
Most popular girls' names 1950-2018 by state
Original post by J Posobiec on Twitter ⤵️

MELANIA knows what TIME it is.
1600 days after she tweeted this the STORM arrived in Washington DC when she and her husband Donald J Trump moved into the White House (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue).
1600 days later Mike Pompeo tweeted Jeremiah 29:11 for Scripture Sunday which is the same bible reference Q uses in DROP 522 (Melania tweeted this at 5:22 and it contains the phrase “the Plan”).
And EVERYTHING we’ve experienced since has been part of a very (very, very) carefully constructed strategy (that all Patriots are contributing to every day) with contingencies & counter-contingencies for every conceivable consequence - welcome to the STORM, welcome to the RESISTANCE, welcome to the PLAN, welcome to THE GREAT AWAKENING.

The Chinese government was engaged in a WEAPONIZATION EFFORT at the WUHAN Institute of Virology involving CORONAVIRUS research.
Wuhan institute of virology researchers working on coronaviruses were hospitalized with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 early in November 2019 in what US officials suspect was the first cluster (PRIOR TO THE START OF THE OFFICIAL PANDEMIC).
This was the cause of the outbreak. This is how COVID-19 was born. TRUMP was right all a long (CHINA VIRUS) anyone not paying serious attention to the words DJT uses is delusional and not fit for comment on serious issues. PERIOD.

From Weekend Warrior:

14 years before the TITANIC sank Morgan Robertson wrote a book about a ship named the TITAN that was described as Unsinkable. Both boats struck an iceberg in April and sank in the North Atlantic 400 miles from Newfoundland without enough life boats for all the passengers on board. Both boats were the same size and could go the same speed (almost unthinkable technologically at the time). The ONLY difference was that the TITANIC was going 25 knots when it hit the iceberg not 22.5 like the “fictional” TITAN. Everything else occurred exactly as Robertson wrote 14 years before it happened.
Either the Cabal can’t come up with its own ideas, they get a sick thrill out of using chapters from pop culture, somehow using pre existing Art strengthens the power of their black magic OR they think it might be more plausible if it’s something that’s been already thought of (probably a combination of all these).
Check out similarities between the 2013

The same people who would be implicated
by disclosure are the ones making the decision to keep the details classified.
Criminals in charge of their own court case.
It’s time for We The People to decide what is and what is not “too sensational & impure” for We The People to be aware of.
We were tricked into electing DEMONS to lie to us.
The TRUTH can only be cleansed of EVIL by

I'm a veterinarian tech,Wife of a Navy vet, ,keeping the vibe high🌈⚡⭐🌈Love the USA & Donald J Trump💜🇺🇸💜 Jesus is my savior
absolute truth. I would never abandon our President Donald J Trump WRWY🇺🇸