🙏 🇱🇾 🙏
1. There was no electricity bill in Libya; electricity was free for all its citizens.
2. There was no interest on loans, banks in Libya were state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.
3. Having a home was considered a human right in Libya.
4. All newlyweds in Libya used to receive 60,000 dinars (£34,470) by the government to buy their first apartment, to help start up the family.
5. Education and medical treatments were free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83%.
6. If Libyans wanted to take up a farming career, they would have received farming land, a farming house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms...all for free.
~ Giovanni

giddafi was a good guy made out to be a terrorist by the bushes and clintons and obamas

#WWG1WGA, #FIGHTER4KIDS,#MMA, #KAG, # NESARA Been here from the start, not going away till we get out country back.
PAIN is coming to those evil MFKERS who have kept us from the Truth. We will be free, be it from what Gods granted us, or we take it like God's soldiers by force. Either way, we win, we have already WON. Bless you Jesus.

Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
All these asshats on here saying "you can't have anything for free" don't know what FREE really IS OR WHAT IS CAN LOOK LIKE.

Love My President Donald J. Trump Love My Country 1776 U.S.A. Republic LOVE MY GOD !!! BTW I identify as a ... LIGHT SUPREMACIST 🕆🛐🕆
Shillary came ... RUINED IT ALL !!!

Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@humunu
Terribly sad

I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.
really got to get this right? It is the corrupt deep state which makes everything rotten for a few selfish demons?

We share very few sentiments with our government.
Disgraceful. It's always about the Benjamins with the DS. They want ALL of them. Always have to have their fingers in everyone else's pie, taking as much as possible. Sick greedy bastards. Talking to you, HILLARY, you ROTTEN BITCH.

Love My President Donald J. Trump Love My Country 1776 U.S.A. Republic LOVE MY GOD !!! BTW I identify as a ... LIGHT SUPREMACIST 🕆🛐🕆
Amen x 10 !!!
You can say that ...

That lone basketball in the bottom pic caught my eye...and breaks my heart. 😥

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
Libya had/has tremendous potential due to the extraordinary Great Man-Made River Project which brings fresh water from four enormous underground aquifers north to the populated areas.
https://humanrightsinvestigations.org/2011/07/27/great-man-made-river-nato-bombs/ May the butchers burn in perpetuity!
Food Forests and permaculture concepts widely adopted will be the answer to many of our so-called 'shortage' problems (once crony-corporatism profiteering is removed from the equation). Carbon sequestration and mitigation of 'climate crisis' issues is the parallel bounty to be reaped (once crony-corporatism geo-engineering is removed from the equation).
“The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life” ~ Rabindranath Tagore
NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River – Human rights investigations
It is a war crime to attack essential civilian infrastructure. 95% of Libya is desert and 70% of Libyans depend on water which is piped in from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System under the southern desert. The water pipe infrastructure is probably the most essential civilian infrastructure in Libya..
WOW. Awesome post!! Very interesting! Thank you so much! Reposted! 💗

Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
The more we know...