Carrie Henig
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Wife and mom of 3. For God and Country.

Not always the case. People are naturally born to care for their fellow human being.

Yup. I can testify to this as I knew kids who disappeared while growing up in the children's homes.

I am a abortion survivor. I grew up in children's homes until I was 13. I was adopted by people who should have never been allowed to. I am still here. I speak up for the one's who didn't make it. I am thankful you are here. Blessings.

Nothing shows up for London but there's reports out for Germany.

Forgive? Absolutely (for my own peace of mind). My dad repented for not seeing what mom was doing in a letter. My mom probably never will b/c she's bipolar, narcissist's & a repeat offender of child abuse to an 11 yr old boy.

They paid dearly for what they did. All assets frozen and sold/selling off at auction. This 1 is going on this month.

No. Something interesting that popped up on anther website. If there is NO Speaker, and Biden gets Impeached and Harris is not allowed or is part of the impeachment….who is next on the list…Grassley?

Exactly. He's the CIC of the Republic. The US Corp is going down.

Sorry, but disagree. 1. Pastor Bob (on his channel) has stated that River is alive. Much more solid "track record" than storm rider (who doesn't give off good vibes nor are they always on point). Vibes don't lie. Possible 3. Depp may have been playing both sides (sound failure?) From what I've dug up, River wanted out and he asked Depp to help him. Also, just an interesting dig that Depp is against mask and didn't get "Covid"... soo..... 😊

Downside is, we know what he did (if the records are true).

A little over a yr and a half ago, our former Gov of Nevada asked our NG to start going door-to-door and confiscate people's guns. The NG responded with a simple NO. Proud of our guys.

This is a different kind of war (1 that previous generations would not be prepared for).

Sorry, Burning man is not anywhere near Vegas for 1. 2. Vegas is currently flooded. 3. It was raining off and on all day yesterday (I live here).

The Metropolitan Police Department has completed its sweep of the Zoo and found no evidence of a threat. The Zoo will remain closed today and reopen tomorrow, Aug. 30. >>

So you (along with everyone else who "liked" this) are now going to be hypocrites & behave like 2 yr olds. SMH Beware of pride/ego and bitterness. How about we all behave as Christ would.

Prayer offered up... Also, I'm going to give you the same advice I was given 14 years ago. Find a blog site and start writing (or better yet, put pen to paper). 💚

5/ “Hunter” gets 2 hits. The first is interesting.