E on TG:
The Central Intelligence Agency is attempting to use the State Secrets Act to refuse litigation over illegally surveiling multiple reporters and private citizens during their illegal surveillance through U.C. Global of Julian Assange at the UK's Ecuadorian Embassy.
This move is illegal.
On August 17, 2006 a ruling in ACLU v. NSA, Judge Anna Diggs Taylor found that because the Government had sanctioned illegal wiretaps of American Citizens they could not also claim a defense of national security against the release of such information.
Similarly, the CIA cannot contract through a third-party to illegally spy on U.S. citizens overseas, while claiming privilege. This would be a blatant abuse of the State Secrets Act; particularly when they failed already to have the case dismissed.
Regardless of their desire for their actions not to see the light of day, the courts have found the State Secrets Act does not apply to criminal situations pre-sanctioned