Proud American - Faith in Humanity - Indivisible Under God
When someone is sacrificed, they are killed.
Joan Rivers was punished, which is why she is still alive.
River Phoenix was a membership sacrifice for Depp, according to Storm Rider, who has a solid track record.
If you believe every patriot click bait article, you're no longer interested in the facts.
Sorry, but disagree. 1. Pastor Bob (on his channel) has stated that River is alive. Much more solid "track record" than storm rider (who doesn't give off good vibes nor are they always on point). Vibes don't lie. Possible 3. Depp may have been playing both sides (sound failure?) From what I've dug up, River wanted out and he asked Depp to help him. Also, just an interesting dig that Depp is against mask and didn't get "Covid"... soo..... 😊