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These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Ok, I’ll bite. if JK was comp’d... was IT comp’d as well, and both were replaced? Pretty drastic move if true, but if true, it shows the level of determination that DJT had to get this whole thing right.
Of course, I could be way out in left field, in which case I’m sure GE will correct me.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Yeap... Im either too tired, or too dumb, I’ve got nothing on this. I’ll go ahead and comment anyways and say hello to everyone if that’s ok.
Funny pic for funnies sake, gotta make folks chuckle a bit ince in awhile.
Bry the way, welcome back GE, nice to see you on a little more regular schedule over here on AnonUp again.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
The main part of me gets it. The logical/objective side. Being patient, understanding that this doesn’t get fixed overnight, not even 5 years worth of overnights if need be. Some others have waited much much longer, so who am I to complain especially since I’m not the one in the arena striving. There is a massive engagement of gears and cogs to make this all work like a precise clockwork mechanism. Trust the plan.
However, the other portion of me, the one that likes to be a contrarian, the one that likes to prove people wrong, rub their face in it, tell ‘em to grow the F up and quit being a cry baby, the one that loves to directly and head on challenge people’s dearly held beliefs just to make them uncomfortable...
Yeah, that part. That part of me wants some instant gratification that it knows it won’t get. That’s why the end if the movie, when it finally arrives, will be such great satisfaction finally.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Miss him yet?
Never wanted to see him gone in the first place.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Hmm.. perhaps my post could have been a little more clearly written, as I wasnt commenting on the content that GE posted in this post.
I was commenting that I see GE is active on here (profile page, top left), but it had been 9 days since a comment, and almost 4 days since a like, only a few posts.
So, what is GE waiting for, or who is he watching/observing on AnonUp? I get the reduced posting here, many people here are more on board and head in the game than Gab or Telegram. I just found this interesting, the presence, yet a lack of posts/comments/likes and what I belive to be more regular board habits on AnonUp from GE.
Hopefully that was a little better explanation for the comment you replied to on this post.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Interesting. I wonder what you are watching for@GhostEzra? Your profile shows you active, but very few posts lately here, no comments or likes for many days. Is there someone or something we should also be watching on here?

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Man, really wish they would add edit or spellcheck to the app LOL

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Think mirror!

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Looks like another actor to me, this post and the one right after.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
So basically... Gaetz was a scumbag, and the new and improved "Gaets" is a-ok.
I don't trust anyone that would donthat handshake, let alone with RR, in public (or even in private!)

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Someone just sent this to me, anything you can tell us@GhostEzra about this?

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Hmmm... exposing my ignorance here.
What anti-gravity aircraft?

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
White hats play a very convincing game then also. Must be because they have the playbook, or they rewrote it.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.
Speaking of CGI and such... can we get some recastings, reanimations and new voiceovers of some movies while we are at it? Tired of seeing and hearing a specific actor when my kid watches the cartoon Polar Express movie...

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.