I got some bad news for those waiting for the storm to begin. It's begun long ago. We are waiting to wrap this shit up, not start it. True story. Operation wake up stage. Who's left? Not many.

“I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees”
Sorry to say, where I live I would say 4 to 6% are awake.
Without the fall of the MSM the remainder will never wake up.
There has been no signs of hope for them to consider waking up and I’m seeing anons even struggling to keep faith.
Most I know would wake up, instantly, if shown the evidence that is claimed to be had.
I will keep my faith in the plan, but many are struggling without seeing results.

RN. Grateful. TEAM Q. PATRIOT. Vintage clothing and antique aficionado.
I agree. Yesterday I listened to a bragging contest about NASA and the MOON LANDING. So I piped up and said Buzz Aldrin was on TV saying the MOON LANDING was faked. They just about stripped gears. OH NO! YOU HAVE THAT ALL WRONG!!!!! So I listen to Branton's free pdf on Dulce a lot. Do I think it's true? YES! I do! Am I going to waste my breath on the MATRIX DWELLERS? Kale no....
Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening
This is what I've said for more than a couple of years - I think just after the election fraud the "storm" hit big time
The "storm" tweet was posted on Twitter@patriot1776 under the username John F. Kennedy Jr. - an account that was suspended in the purge - & some of us paid heed
Some *still* refuse to take it seriously although the storm has been raging & howling for quite some time
It's *here* folks
It's been here for quite a while for those who are willing to see & listen

Yes, and the many still asleep won't be shaken and they will not seek knowledge even when we plant a seed for them. NY is a heartbreaking place filled with folks believing the "narrative of the day." Ukraine flags, masks, vaccines, monkey pox, mass shootings...you name it, they buy it. Truth does not concern them and they seem to be content in their deep sleeps. Operation wake up stage will need a massive alarm clock for New York, especially the 5 city boroughs.

JESUS is my KING, America is my home and TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I'm not here for dates!! I'm here to share truth & support TRUMP
Then why can't Trump come back? Why not take over msm and tell those who think it's the gospel, the truth? WHY NOT TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH????.🙏🏼

I’m a Proud Patriot Harley Riding Plumber from Canada trying to offer support & Fight the Good Fight! DS & Affiliates R Going Down! Thank Q
I’ve been suggesting this for years!
So frustrating 📢

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children

That’s a matter of perspective; socially it feels the other way around, even if you are right militarily.

Thank God! appreciate you GE

The ONLY thing on my bucket list is to meet + HUG all involved in #THEGREATAWAKENING (Q know who Q are). God bless every one. Exodus 8
Still here.#NeverGiveUp

Let our captivity, Lord, be a thing of the past, like dried up streams in the Negev.
People here in MA have doubled down on the mask stupidity!

Let our captivity, Lord, be a thing of the past, like dried up streams in the Negev.
By which I mean, they've doubled up on their face masks and avoid me at all costs!

highly disagree, but i guess it depends on what your interpretation of the storm is. If the storm is a mild awakening and mild push back from the cabal i guess youre right, but if the storm is mass awakening, massive cabal push back and the precipice then we are only at the beginning. Storm's dont last long.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
Yes, Ezra, I have been following closely and realize this has been a movie. Q told us that. How can it not be a movie when stand-ins now have the parts of politicians and "celebrities?" The obvious stand-ins are both Bidens, Killary, Harris, Gaga and many, many more
Only followers of this user (@Robynbird) can see their posts

I am a disabled veteran fighting the VA, fighting the NWO/ DS and FIGHTING FOR OUR REPUBLIC. I never quit! Donald Trump Won!
Rider Holding the line!

I am a disabled veteran fighting the VA, fighting the NWO/ DS and FIGHTING FOR OUR REPUBLIC. I never quit! Donald Trump Won!
Rider Holding the line!

Former Twitter Namaste Howard Marks Rule your Mind or it will Rule you
We know. It was over before it started. 😏😎 The best movie ever!

RN. Grateful. TEAM Q. PATRIOT. Vintage clothing and antique aficionado.
Saving Israel for last. That means NY is last on the list because NY is the biggest most corrupt RKM STATE in the Union. Cuomo. Tick Tock.
Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts

Still here.

Love this fact. But what is going on with the stupid vaccine? I hear now it is to be FDA approved Jun/Jul and will be manditory..and there are the vaccine passports....So will this narrative be going away? I absolutely refuse to get it .

Pissed off patriot, patiently waiting for justice. Trust and faith in God is unwavering, trust in man,, not so much.
you can get the passport card alamost everywhere,, probably for a few bucks on the internet,, all the info you need to fill it out is on the web,, they have no way of checking its validity,, fuck the FBI and whoever else threatens jail time and bla bla bla,, no laws on any books for this bullshit,, nothing they can do and they know it..

Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
I know some people that were semi awake have taken the Vax. I hate to say it, but now they seem less awake.

Patriot, artist, mother, grandmother. Oath taker and freedom protector. Truth seeker.
still standing. ❤️ However, i’ve learned how to make homemade caramel. Soon my butt will be too big to stand.😂

Suspended by Twitter permanently. Formerly Frances and Camelot2. God Family America Trumps Kennedys SAVE THE CHILDREN ✝️🇺🇸
thank you! 👍🇺🇸✝️💖

First of all above anything I am a Patriot. I whistle while I work, because whistling is my work. world's greatest whistler. Want Freedom
Every masonic controlled county in Michigan is still extorting us for monies and poisoning our water.

Honest patriot just trying to make the world a better place.
"Wrap this shit up" is music to my ears.

Yehoveh God is my Father, I love Family, Country, MAGA, KAG, Q AND TRUMP!!
Anyone who is gonna wake up with information and facts only, are awake. The ones that are still asleep are gonna need a big ass alarm to wake them up. They need to be hit with some real tangible, in their face, cant deny it proof. The time for talk is over, it is time to set off that alarm. Spreading facts has reached its zenith i do believe, they are just ignoring us now because they have seen nothing hard core enough to wake them up. These idiots took sleeping pills and it is gonna take some big shit to wake them up. It is time to hit them with a bucket of cold ass water in their beds and get them moving!

Here for Trump and keeping up with the Anons🇺🇸🙏 Proud❤ WIFE❤, Mom and Grandma 🚫NO DM'S🚫
My husband being one of them. 😒

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Still large amounts of defacto treasonous government servants.
How to file a criminal complaint, warrant for arrest???
Kirks law corner, youtube.

Long Over Due Patriots need a Solid Win its depressing to see these Guys win.

❤🌎❤Fighting for God, Country, & our children's future. Globalists want you dead. 4 twitters, 5 Instagrams. God always wins. 🚫 Romamce DMs
Holding the line brother and yes we are almost done with this shitshow 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
New updated list 4/1/21

A huge Trump supporter living in Canada.