TranQuility _45
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Christian🙏,Wife❤️, homeschooling Momo'5, Patriot, KAGA🇺🇸, Bible believing, gun carrying, justice loving truther🤩,

#TimeToWakeUp #ForGodAndCountry #DigitalSoldier #UnitedNotDivided #PainIsComing #TakeTheOath #MAGA #KAG

Q is my favorite letter!!!!!! I love my country, I love freedom..and I believe in spreading TRUTH!!!

You can offer people faith and hope, but in the end many choose to live in fear and despair. For some it's more comfortable. There's nothing you can do to change that. It's a personal choice.

💫 Isabella Camille 💫🔥Child Qf God 🔥PatriQt🔥 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸 💥WWG1WGA 💥 💥 1776 freedom💥 NCSWIC💥 ⚡️digital solider💫 💥17=Q 💥

Together, we will continue to unveil the truth in health and medicine, preserve our freedom and resist medical tyranny!
I am excited to announce that Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr Andrew Kaufman will be presenting in tandem live in central New York this coming Saturday February 27th. I hope you will consider attending!
Please follow his channel@DrAndrewKaufman on LBRY.TV and/or
Here is the information:
Please RSVP to:

Each kidnapped child is worth 2.2 Million USD in Adrenochrome to abductors once all their blood is drained. Would you leave 2.2 Million outside in your front yard unattended & unwatched?
Be watchful as kidnappings have increased due to child trafficking supply lines beginning to dry up. Your child is worth so much more than 2.2 Million USD.
Be mindful that is what they are worth to AdrenoChrome abductors (who torture kids in many more ways than electrocution) who are now out scouting shopping centers & neighborhoods for children.
This is Juan O Savin's new social media platform. For more un-sugar-coated info, join group, "Q Justice - Crimes Against Humanity" linked here:

"Your fear is YOUR issue. I've got constitutional RIGHTS."💥💪🏻💯
- Dr. Simone Gold

Trump and Q is why I am here. Been kicked off one platform after the next 😂🤣. Trump will return SQQN!!!!!!!!

According to the United States Constitution the President must address the nation during the months of January or February per invitation from the speaker of the house. The only person addressing the nation on 02/28/2021 is Donald John Trump.

Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP

Christian🙏,Wife❤️, homeschooling Momo'5, Patriot, KAGA🇺🇸, Bible believing, gun carrying, justice loving truther🤩,
Guys😡. I'm sitting outside of the orthodontist office while my 8 yr old is inside because I won't wear a mask. (she is brave) I already filled out covid questionaire and had my body temp scanned when I walked in to hand paperwork. When is this going to stop!? Doin my part...Just say NO! Another Mom is in her car doin the same thing.
Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People

God please do not let me be deceived. You'll get news and memes here. Watched from the sidelines 'til Jan'20, activated Aug'20

VERY important to remember
in coming weeks of shocking revelations
that deep state demons
They don’t have
a God-created soul
“We’re calling on God
& THAT’S the part they can’t get
But it’s there
It’s real
They can’t SEE it”
~Juan O’Savin
“The cabal don’t have a soul
they gave it away for power
& by doing that
they don’t understand
that through your heart gut pineal & Spirit
you have direct connection
to Creator
They don’t understand
how are all these people waking up?
Where is all this information coming from?”
~ Gene Decode
From our Soul 🔥

Christian🙏,Wife❤️, homeschooling Momo'5, Patriot, KAGA🇺🇸, Bible believing, gun carrying, justice loving truther🤩,
I don't know if med beds are real. I've never seen a real one or know anyone who has. I'm taking everything with a grain of salt here too. But I have hope. It just goes to show you how brainwashed our society is when you speak with others about med beds or NESARA and they either ignore you or doubt. They can't or won't even allow themselves a to 'go there' and really discuss it. To allow themselves a shed of hope. Have we really lost the notion that there is better or God wants to or will give us good things? We're ingrained that we must take what's given us, suck it up, and die without any gr

I’ve been AWAKE since 1980, and have researched for 40 years. I’m a veteran of 4ch, 8ch and 8KUN. I now only have accounts here, WEGO & Gab.

How tall is the guy play Bidan? How tall is Flynn and Jr. again?

Army Nurse Vet.. Tweeter doesn't like me telling truth to power. JFK Jr is alive.

Shine Your Light On #WORLDWIDEFREEDOM #WWG1WGA #MAGA #MEGA #XRP Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.
TRUMP took AF1 with him
The model of Donald Trump's proposed revision of the color scheme of Air Force One that was once in the Oval Office is now on display on a coffee table in the lobby of Mar-A-Lago as seen in this image from Politico


Hey, BUYDEN, where's FEMA to help everyone affected by the storm? Where's the military? We patriots are doing everything we can to help our fellow Americans. You?

All evil needs to reign is for good people to remain silent. Proud American Patriot. Roll Tide Roll! Q - 1Q7 - JFK jr. Q+ - DJT
Interesting read on The Getty familiy, several were knighted by the Queen of England . They built a modern day King Solomon temple. The 12 story underground complex is said to hook to the hovering train tunnels. This is a intercontinental underground government which operates underground bunkers at Dulce base, Denver airport, Montauk, Area 51.

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47
Feb 16, 2018 7:53:19 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 732b35 No. 402380
Feb 16, 2018 7:19:07 PM EST
Anonymous ID: ee1bed No. 402088
Q, Anons, I've been following these drops since day one, but this is the first I'm hearing of this "Behold a Pale Horse" book from 1991, by Bill Cooper.
It actually describes clowns planning to use school shootings as a way to disarm the citizenry.
Behold a Pale Horse — Milton William (Bill) Cooper, 1991