Curly Q+99
3 years ago

Curly Q+99

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I am not loyal to the following people - I was deceived - good called evil, evil called good - Christians being called satanic & vice versa by many patriots who I no longer believe are for us tribulation wise.

I have believed the lie that my son Conner was saved by supposed whitehats & that the Q movement was legit. Repent & lay coffee, cigs, vile language, idolatry of Q figures, loving evil & hating good, etc.

Forward this to warn & they will take you out. I have ave received the required masonic beast symbolism anti-Christ camp warnings from army of the dead death camp:
Former President Donald Trump Trump store order - Printed out King of the Jews number & a 666 Anti-Christ number
- Juan O Savin "JFK" - posting lion, dragon, bear, leopard, & wing photo, vegetarian & new age not Christian as claimed I am fairly positive
-Q Patriots BJ & Jeff Elder - sent expired protein bars &leopard & wings symbolism

Not sure, but suspect Jessie Czebotar & Jeff at Right On Radio are not s

Sheila Holmes collection of eBooks - these books are for those who want next level awakening & understanding of information that has been hidden from us - written by an author that is not part of any counter opposition crew...

Children in DUMBS under most all of the airports to put their organs on planes & to fly them to other countries unseen as cargo to be sex & human sacrifice trafficked. The children are also used for AndrenoChrome torture & murder, not to mention being eaten as adrenalized torture murdered human meat by the satanic network.

CPS is a pedo net child trafficking procurement of children operation. The legal proceedings are for show - outcomes predetermined before the case even begins.

Most of the adoptive parents are pedo net child procurers (part of the team that does this repeatedly to meet child quotas for international child pedo net traffickers). The pedo net "adoptive parents" never report the child missing & most of these children are never seen or heard from again....disappeared into the international pedo net. These "adoptive parents" often adopt 25 plus children without anyone ever questioning where these kids went & no information given to birth parents to be able to follow up or check on them, as nobody does by design.

The public needs to know this.

CPS state agencies in the U.S. (& other similar agencies in other countries) are the largest procurers of children for the satanic pedo net, the hidden, well organized, networked, international child trafficking rings.

Children are purposely placed with foster parents who are quietly part of cabal/masonic/satanic groups connected to local trafficking rings they force children to on ritual nights to be raped or sacrificed or both. Lots of foster care "accidental deaths" are concocted cover ups by dirty law enforcement & dirty medical examiners & dirty hospital staff to hide child sacrifice.

Corrupt courts & pedo net CPS get federal dollars to illegally sever parental custody to "adopt out" kids. Most of them end up w/satanic masonic or cabal pedo net "adoptive parents" who then hand the child over to the pedo net as planned from the get go. The legal proceedings are a pretense of legitimacy w/an already predetermined outcome to keep the public ignorant.


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Daniel 7:3-7 And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.
The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.
And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.
After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.
After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

I no longer trust the claim that Jessie Czebotar (who was to be a cry out to spare the satanic department players luciferian cabal version of esther) - I no longer believe Jessie is an illuminati defector & I no longer trust Right on Radio. To get close & to deceive us, high level infiltrators have claimed to be defectors giving up a little information & disinformation when they are actually activated satanic deep state high level infiltrators trying to get our ear to convince us not to fight the enemy camp.

Ties to the satanic deep state, high level cabal religious infiltrators, & Craig Sawyer, who has been identified as an assassin with probable links to the finders pedophile games sent out under the guise of a CIA black op fake child trafficking charity as the cover to silence & victim harvest.

I have good reasons to believe assassination attempts against myself & Mark Taylor & Timothy Holmseth were involved in re these players & their ties.


Revelation 13:1-2
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

I do not yet know if this was a satanic deep state attempt to infiltrate & once trusted, switch someone with the image of JFK JR into an anti-Christ figure. Still trying to figure it out. Jesus warned there would be many anti-Christs that would come.


There will be justice for JFK who was assassinated by the satanic deep state.

Justice being brought to pass doesn't mean that JFK or his son JFK JR are still alive. I once thought it had to mean this, but now realize judgment upon the satanic gang, both ones out in the open & in disguise pretending to be for & with us, judgment upon the satanic deep state has nothing to do with whether or not a past President targeted or his son are still alive.

I temporarily thought the original JFK JR patriot (as Juan O Savin) was still alive in a presented scenario, until I was sent leopard with wings luciferian Daniel 7 symbolism & a photo of leopard, bear, dragon, & lion feet with a wing (the required masonic warnings - symbolism of the Beast w/end times programming being run despite the satanic timeline of events that has been denied by Yahweh). In spite of who anyone looks like, question everything.


There will be justice for JFK who was assassinated by the satanic deep state.

Justice being brought to pass doesn't mean that JFK or his son JFK JR are still alive. I once thought it had to mean this, but now realize judgment upon the satanic gang, both ones out in the open & in disguise pretending to be for & with us, judgment upon the satanic deep state has nothing to do with whether or not a past President targeted or his son are still alive.

With the human cloning, CGI tech that feels like a solid human being, & AI tech (soul chips with memories stored even in our cellular makeup not just our brains) that is all far more advanced than anyone admits to, the satanic deep state could clone a former pharoah even with DNA from the bone marrow...they can copy just about anyone.

Question everything no matter who looks like who. Appearances can easily be very deceiving. Many we think are alive are actually dead & running around copied by advanced means.


I got some bad news for those waiting for the storm to begin. It's begun long ago. We are waiting to wrap this shit up, not start it. True story. Operation wake up stage. Who's left? Not many.

You never liked Gaetz or Desantis. You loved their replacements.

In an age of fake, fugazi, and deceptions we have a reminder today that God's Word is real and everlasting. His promises are yes and amen. A solid rock on which we stand.

No need to guess, Assange told you. 98%. That means both Republicans and Democrats. The one's you like, the one's you dislike. Justice plays no favorites.

Gene Decodes & Sarge - Military control, Evergreen adrenochrome manufacturing on board ship, soul hijacking, etc

Part 1

Gene Decde & Sarge - McAllisterTV

Part 2

Gene Decode & Sarge on McAllisterTV - Discussion on kids being traded for tech, power, control, etc by govt leaders in Part 1 below

Part 3


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Chiwaukee....Farmer, Construction, Dump Trucking, in that order. Blue Collar at its finest. I went to College, what a waste of money!

In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication

DUMBs, 2 miles under DC houses human trafficked victims cycled through then anywhere else in the country. The reason? That's the final destination. The politicians. They have easy access to whatever they need instantly. Adreno, sex slaves, child sex slaves, organs on demand...SRA when needed. Then the victims go to the Farm. It's a sick underworld that we will soon find out about very soon.

In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication

Thank you...I understand. Constantly in prayer for the children, our Military, and His Will to be done. God bless🙏🏻

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

Gene Decode & Sarge on McAllisterTV - Discussion on kids being traded for tech, power, control, etc by govt leaders in Part 1 below

Part 3


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Gene Decde & Sarge - McAllisterTV

Part 2

Gene Decodes & Sarge - Military control, Evergreen adrenochrome manufacturing on board ship, soul hijacking, etc

Part 1

Gene Decodes on Blessed2Teach


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