VERY important to remember
in coming weeks of shocking revelations
that deep state demons
They don’t have
a God-created soul
“We’re calling on God
& THAT’S the part they can’t get
But it’s there
It’s real
They can’t SEE it”
~Juan O’Savin
“The cabal don’t have a soul
they gave it away for power
& by doing that
they don’t understand
that through your heart gut pineal & Spirit
you have direct connection
to Creator
They don’t understand
how are all these people waking up?
Where is all this information coming from?”
~ Gene Decode
From our Soul 🔥

God in control. No vax has touched our family/Grandkids. I don't know the whitehats clandestine Plan. Riding the wave of insane psyops
The cabal/deepstate/Hollywood all took what Satan tried
to temp Jesus with in the desert...the splendor and power
of having all the Kingdoms of the world just by bowing to
that devil. Satan didn't have that standing offer only for
our Lord. Believers will get to see satan judged in Heaven
as all will get to see his followers judged here soon.
But here it is only the physical death

Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS
🙏😍Absolute TRUTH. Thank YOU and GOD Bless YOU for speaking/posting this.

Ty Ana. Truly appreciated 🙏😻 It IS the truth and we need to try and remember it as we help others come to terms with the awful horrific TRUTH and crimes of the deep state demons 🔥💗🌟

I can not pray for the worst of them, but the ones they brainwashed and used I do pray for..😔🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

We also need to pray for each other. Whatever we've done in this demon matrix is totally understandable!! God bless and forgive everyone! 🙏🙏🙏💓💞💓
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Amen, Joey 🙏💞 Charlie Freak said, "All we're doing is arranging a one-on-one meeting between them and God, be it a bullet, a noose, a needle or whatever. And God will sort it out."
Personally, I pray for #SpaceDust and that they and their sick evil disgusting horrific world never ever ever ever happens again. EVER EVER EVER!!! 😼💥💥💥

Yehoveh God is my Father, I love Family, Country, MAGA, KAG, Q AND TRUMP!!
Jesus already understands, Yehoveh's law requires the blood of the murderer to atone for the blood crying out to him from the ground. We are under blood guilt to God if we dont kill them.

Heard about this site from Santasurfing. I am a Clothing Designer & Fit Officianado:. Going on deep dives, hitting head Rabbit Holes.
Ghost Ezra and Jaun O Savin are NOT the same person but yes they both said Tribunals will be public

Jesus Christ is Lord! God & country & in that specific order. All lives matter including the unborn. Huge dog lover. NO DM's.
Also referred to as reprobates from the Bible. They are beyond redemption & yes, they do exist.

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
Also thinking all Truth must come forth. So the military tribunals and confessions necessary for healing and closure. Monsters and demons are words i also use for those who gave their God consciousness away for power and wealth. My awakening journey from Cluelessness was quite emotional and on my own. Began 11 months ago. Numbers again😁TY God for those Patriots who encouraged me along the way. Trying my best to help others as I continue to learn. What has been hidden is almost unbelievable. I eagerly wait for the hidden knowledge to come forth from the Vatican💙🙏💙

Agree with everything you wrote, Victoria. The trudge to AWAKENING and TRUTH and actually seeing the demon matrix prison we've all been living in has been unbelievable. But Starseeds and Lightworkers like yourself, found your inner light and shined it. Thank you.
I cannot WAIT for the darkness reveal so we can get it over with and get on with the business of 5D+ Light, Love, Peace, Health, Happiness and all good and wonderous things 🙏💓🎉🌟

👀 for truth in all things with the 👀 &👂of the holy spirit. Q is the Father's master plan. Jesus is King. Isaiah 11:4-9
Before I knew 90% of what I now know, this poured our of me into paper one morning. Speaking of soulessness and trading your soul for demonic gain . . .

So sorry Tweezie, I don't do FB 🙏💓

👀 for truth in all things with the 👀 &👂of the holy spirit. Q is the Father's master plan. Jesus is King. Isaiah 11:4-9
Before I knew 90% of what I now know, this poured our of me into paper one morning. Speaking of soulessness and trading your soul for demonic gain . . .

correction, everything that has live has a soul , demons have soul but completly covered with ignorance , demon means agianst God but the soul itself is always pure and immortal , everything will be punished by the low of karma , it is the mind and heart that is bad or good our senses that covers our real identity of the soul

Once again: "In coming weeks" been hearing that for moths maybe years. Now is the time before Pedo Bidens BS is irreversible!

My awakening is killing my family. they have disowned me. just got off the phone with my very successful 26yr old. we were both intears because of my belief in Q. The awakening needs to hapoen soon. too many people are suicidal bevsuse we believed and lost family snd i feel let down. like i was lied to. im sorry im weak and i cant hang on much longer. i cant face my family if the 'truth' doesnt come out by march 4th.

U24me xxx

HOLD THE LINE Neanderthal,s! organicfarming,Beaglemom. Veteran
I like to call them "PARASITES"

That's a good one, Milidee! 👍 Juan O'Savin calls them "monsters." Gene Decode calls them "soulless rats." I call them "demons." Whatever they are, they're despicable monstrous soulless demon rat parasites!! NOT Human 😼🙏

Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.
Thank you for each of your transcriptions. Much appreciated!!

Thank you so much for letting me know. It's an honor 🙏💓😻