I don't know if med beds are real. I've never seen a real one or know anyone who has. I'm taking everything with a grain of salt here too. But I have hope. It just goes to show you how brainwashed our society is when you speak with others about med beds or NESARA and they either ignore you or doubt. They can't or won't even allow themselves a to 'go there' and really discuss it. To allow themselves a shed of hope. Have we really lost the notion that there is better or God wants to or will give us good things? We're ingrained that we must take what's given us, suck it up, and die without any gr

Christian🙏,Wife❤️, homeschooling Momo'5, Patriot, KAGA🇺🇸, Bible believing, gun carrying, justice loving truther🤩,
great new miraculous possibilities!? 😐