Meggie Jam
1 hour ago

Meggie Jam

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In response Jason Webber to his Publication

I was amazed as I was reading an article the other day that says butterflies actually fly further on longer trips than bees, and while bees live 28-30 hours, butterflies who are also pollinators carry on for days without rest going back and forth pollinating vegetables and fruits. Just amazing at God's creation and how each depends on the other. That's why we should not use poison in our farms. Every worm, bug and fly all have a purpose, and some of those worms are future butterflies.

In response Dan Smith to his Publication

It's a relative to the dandelion. Every weed, plant in your yard, you can eat, make tea, rub on your body. God doesn't make junk.

They are favorite for bees. I cut them down once the root starts to dry out, so it can spring new plants for the bees to enjoy. I used to clean out my farm of all weeds, then I found out I was destroying food and nutrition. And, I don't use pesticides anymore. I noticed as well that I get a lot of butterflies, and interesting birds. Once you make your yard suitable for anything to live there, you will get some of mother nature's finest.

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Yeah I remember this day very well. I worked for a risk management company. We had our annual meeting in Scottsdale, AZ when 911 happened. Usually we attract all the reinsurers who sell products to our clients, they are typical line-based employees and middle executives. This meeting in particular appeared very strange. For the first time we had presidents of insurance companies attending; most had never been to our meetings before. When the news hit about the towers, they calmly got in their cars and drove home. Of course the airports were shut down so travel by car was the only way. Did they know something?

In response Yester Vue to his Publication

Familiar story! I sometimes miss my $3,500 biweekly check, all the THINGS I had accumulated that didn't mean much. Lost in twilight zone.Today I live on $100 a week, and miss nothing. Once you leave the matrix, none of that is important any more. I enjoy birds, bees, neighbor's cats and dogs, dirt, food from the garden, sunshine, rain, walking - cause I don't have a car, and don't need one. God is amazing when you look to Him and see He is your source for everything. The fairly tale life is over!

In response Mrs. Ohcountrygal to her Publication

I'm crying..... sooooo sweet!

In response Laurie Sunshine to her Publication

My favorite creature:) Without bees we can't live, no food and no beauty, it pollinates everything. God Bless these creatures.

In response Laurie Sunshine to her Publication

This great! I also do fresh pineapple skins with black mint or any kind of mint, has a nice warming flavor. Add some tumeric and garlic to give it a kick.

In response memes matter to her Publication

That is sooooo cool!! Love it!

In response Kay Cee to her Publication

I see hair on its chest, and there is some sort of shadow around the neck above the necklace.

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

Amen, Amen, Amen!!!!!! i.e. left job, husband, relocated...... Praise God a million times over!!!

In response Joelle Clista to her Publication

I used to buy dandelion tea at the health food store, it was great for upset stomach. I now live on a farm and it grows wild. I make my own tea with the roots, I cook with all of the plant in a vegetable dish, love it. Haven't made the oil as yet, that's my next project. Dandelion is a favorite for bees and butterflies, so I keep a section of the farm where I let them grow to satisfy the bees. I don't use any chemicals in my farm, since the bees come regularly.

In response Carol Roberts to her Publication

It's been like this all week, very slow, and don't try to play a video or add a response, it takes for ever to load.

In response Casey Turnup to her Publication

All I know is I was getting a lot of weird people coming through for Airbnb.They would steal my towels and linens, dishes, silverware, break drinking glasses, have more people than who was registered, or the registration would be in one name, and that person was not who would show up. So I cancelled my account. Don't trust them anymore.

In response NoVacks . . . to his Publication

Add birds to this list. I have planted nothing in my farm, it's all from the birds who drop seeds, i.e. watermelon - 4- ten pound ones last summer. This spring, I'm loaded with pumpkins. I have birds that visit and I share seed with them, they obviously know what to do. God is great, as nature does it thing. Loves the bees, birds and all the other critters that contribute to our food chain.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

I had lasik surgery in my 30's and the doctor stated that I would be married to sunglasses for the rest of my life. After I self retired five years ago, I haven't worn sunglasses since and actually have perfect vision, unless I'm at the computer for several hours. I go out in the sun can stare at the sky and don't feel any strains or any other difficulties. I work in my farm all day long in the hot bright sun and it doesn't bother me at all.

In response Captain Morgan to her Publication

I dont see sleep on the list:)

In response wht 2.0 to his Publication

Well, it appears he didn't like them that much, according to the history he left that church and never went back. I read he was persuaded by a few people to get re-baptized in his older years and he did, however, I don't think he now practices any religion.

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

The best Reflexology is natural grass. Walk barefoot in the mornings, or evening, after a rain fall. It helps the body heal and gets rid of toxins.

In response Royal Raven to her Publication

Absolutely, you don't need pesticides when using copper wire in your yard, farm, etc. I've contributed to the bee population because they always come here and avoid my neighbors who uses pesticides.

In response George Edmiston to his Publication

Yes, they are amazing people who don' wear colored glasses to block out the truth. They know what's going on because they don't watch TV. I always said to myself, if the world was ending, I would be living right there with the Amish.

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Haiti is one of the richest country in the world. I think there are two others, can't remember. I had the opportunity to travel with an NGO, and the corruption in this country is beyond amazing. My grandfather who visited Haiti quite a bit in his young years, also told us about the place and how criminals and politicians sold the country and its people to foreigners. Some of the history of the population in the Caribbean, the slave trade of Ghana and Nigeria landed many from Africa. Africans sold their own blood relatives and people they didn't like to the slave trade in the Caribbean. Now that I understand the terror of human sacrifices, I see the reason for Haiti's demise has always been its oil, gold and other natural resources found in abundance there.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

Another way to kill us!

In response Spear Header3 to her Publication

I feel your pain, so many of us are in the same mentally disorganized family. I have three siblings who are in the medical field, and they have proven on this subject to be idiots, all vaxed up, including their children and grand children. I'm the outcast because to them I'm stupid and dumb. I have a niece who now suffers from blood clots, a brother who passed last year from 4 heart attacks in one day due to the vax. One of the husbands is on his way out as he lost over 50 pounds in less than a month, barely can sit up straight anymore. I watch from a distance and shake my head. I don't have any relationship with them anymore. And, I've resolve, that's fine... life for me is better without them.

In response Elle DiNardi to her Publication

The Sun and the Moon are clocks/time? My birds are here all day. Then they fly off at around 4:30 pm. How do they know? They come back at 6am the next day. A neighbor with bees 8 houses down the street; his bees visit my farm daily. They arrive around 7:00AM maybe even sooner, and leave at 4PM on the dot, EVERY DAY!!! How do they know time? You have a cat or a dog and feed them same time morning and evening. They know time, and they don't have a do they know? Yet as humans we have no idea what time it is without looking at our watch/phone, etc. I'm one of those.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

So glad you "lived" to tell about it, there's hope for the rest of us:)

In response Jack Wightman to his Publication

Don't they all do this? it is a mind control system called "religion" and their objective is to brain wash "members."

In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication

3 time machine.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

For those who have the 5G towers near you, if you see birds perched near the wires, or birds just around in general, then the towers are probably not harming you. But if birds do not fly anywhere near them, and you don't see birds on a regular basis, I'd run, move, go somewhere else. A farmer told me that city folks should put up copper wire around and on top of their homes, this apparently numbs the frequency the towers can amid. They stopped selling copper wire for farming because they know it's good for you and the environment. All farm tools were once all copper. I have copper wire through out my farm and my place is loaded with birds, I get lots of bird visitors daily, and some residents ones that never leave.

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

Yep, another 911 those who gets rich off of these "accidents"...hummmm

In response memes matter to her Publication

2 cloves of garlic, crushed or diced with a spoon of honey first thing in the morning. You can repeat at night.just before bed. You will also sleep better.