Mark Kirin
3 years ago

Mark Kirin

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In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Exactly - told my family the same thing years ago - in one ear and out the other.

In response Borescoped ... to his Publication

I think you're over the target. I'm confident Randy is running around in the movie

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Fucking right, Doc - Good call

You can't 'hold the line' AND in the same breath 'be willing to initiate change at the precipice.' Washington didn't invite Cornwallis into his tent for tea and crumpets. Most of us were ready to go months ago on 11.4 when we knew the election was stolen.

Most are weary of the gamesmanship and the cute Q proofs. The only thing that has held my tongue this long is I'm assuming there is a really good reason for the delay - and if it's related to saving children, I'm 100% behind it.

But as far as the Demtards go - they will not wake up unless you hit them with 10 days of non-stop EBS. And even that may not do it. This idealistic goal of thinking we're going to get 90% of the people to wake up is fantasy. We've been telling them about Hillary's laptop (and Weiner's) for 5 years. And what has that accomplished other than derision and censorship?

Trump talking thru the press about how Bidan is an idiot only aggravates Dems - not waking anyone up t

In response Veronica Wolski to her Publication

You are speaing the truth Veronica.

Never (ever) think twice about publishing truth

All lies will be revealed

In response TheBob WhoKnew to his Publication

I sent them a love letter telling them they were full of shit, along with Richard's clip from March 12th

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Notice the flag is backward on the plane's tail

Military footing...incoming toward the battle and getting ready to land

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Give it to people as a screensaver

In response America First to his Publication

'The Plan' you need to think about is this came from Apple News

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Some will never get it. You cannot fix stupidity or eyes that God has veiled.

Some that did get it are weak. They now resort to passing out black pills because the visible progress meter didn't align with their timetables.

For me personally, I have the faith to stand with God and the people I trust

And as smart as I am, I'm not smart enough to know everything going on behind the scenes.

I'm confident there are good reasons for the timing of the public unveiling

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I am not trying to be disrespectful.

But many of us are too polite. I am not quite as polite.

We have had enough of these liars wasting our time and controlling our lives.

It is time to unleash...everything.

In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication

Great response. He's a good man also and his primary goal is to raise awareness. I get the fact that people don't want to see it.

However, SOMEONE needs to see it if this evil is going to be defeated. Too many have looked the other way and want to pretend it doesn't exist. That will not fix this.

The satanists and sick pedophiles who practice these horrors deserve to be punished. Absolutely no mercy. Photos like Xanon's help steel people's resolve to ensure that punishment is dealt...and swiftly.

In response Mark Kirin to his Publication

(2 of 3)
3. John Sullivan - already arrested in the summer of 2020 for inciting violence - was caught on tape with Jade Sacker, a CNN employee talking about how they successfully invaded the Capitol exclaiming "we did it!"
4. Then that jackass Cooper did an interview on CNN with Sullivan and Sacker later on the air - it was all pre-planned, because Sullivan was supposed to delete the video - but didn't.
5. The FBI was complicit in the planning - Thomas Caldwell has been indicted and charged with conspiracy. Can't wait to see all those connections.

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

Judeo-Christian values my ass.

Good thing all the 'old school' ways of execution have been restored

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Dick be dead. Probably why his shit-for-brains daughter has so much vitriol for Trump.

Reminds of Meghan asshat and her old man 'No Name'

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Yes, Ezra can sing well.

Intrestingly, TIMBERwolf was George Scherff's (aka George HW Bush) Secret Service code name

I'd be willing to bet Pitbull had no idea his song would be used this way

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Most of 'us' see it and know it. As part of the patriot family, I 'try' not be overly concerned about when it will be revealed - some days, it's hard. All of us 'woke up' at different times and at various paces - that also applies to all the normies out there who go about their business and have no clue what is happening. Take solace in the fact that one day - I believe very soon - they are going to be hit over the head with the proverbial sledgehammer. And once that 'holy shit' moment arrives, we'll see the changes begin that we've all been hoping and praying for.

In response THE REAL SANTINO to his Publication

🤣Found it

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I understand Joe's conundrum - we have all had moments of doubt.

But I'll also ask these questions: Who do you really trust? Why do you trust them? Should you trust them?

Revelation outlines a very clear map for the endtimes that has come into clearer focus over the last decade.

THAT is what I trust. The cabal is NOT going to just 'give up' and say 'ok - you win.' Regardless of evidence.

Because they know, if people are stupid enough to elect Obama 7 years after 9/11 - they are stupid enough to believe anything the media tells them...again

In response Juan Q Seven to his Publication

Thank you for all you do.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

I like this one even better. Who needs ultra-liberal (and likely pedo) Stevie Nicks

When you have@whoislaniee