If I'm thinking logically, the entire Trump term was his special forces removing the bad guys.
Plenty of good guys have been in the forces/military and have been waiting for the day. When Trump got into office it was time.
Look at all things that occurred in year one. Basically impossible things... unless certain people were removed.
When Q said "to be blunt, game over", I think the chess game was over. Majority of the key players were removed while we filled spots with actors wearing a mask on top of a mask.
The final part is getting key people domestically to believe this is all real and happening.
Imagine removing an evil childs evil parent from them. That's their only source of info and it's not going to go well. I think we're in that phase.
Open to hearing others thoughts as well.


AKA Poppy Clark. I love America and Patriots 🇺🇸
wQw you all have a lot to say about nothing.

Citizen of Heaven first. Answerable to God first.
"The final part is getting key people domestically to believe this is all real and happening."
That is never going to happen unless the lying, corrupt mrdia gets taken down.

It's as good a theory as any. I almost feel like if what we are witnessing isn't controlled by the good guys, things would already be a hell of a lot worse. Not to mention the swamp rats are not trying to hide what they are anymore. I do believe that the media needs to be 'fixed' before the rest of the sheep even begin to pay attention to what's really going on.

MAGA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Trump Won🇺🇸🇺🇸WWG1WGA 🙏🏻Save The Children🙏🏻 💛💛Trump is Still my President💛💛 PLEASE no DM’s
my husband is having a hard time with all of this. he served in the military and belives in his government and country. i've had to go slow, planting seeds, he tthinks i'm a bit crazy, maybe nieve. i told him, he's going to owe me a huge appology. it's not easy, i keep dropping crumbs and planting seeds

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Thats a problem, people chose to not know what rights are, to not research what law is.
Government has never been the law, the traitor governments lied, did fraud, treason for hundrends of years.
Anyone that reads the law, knows.
A majoe issues is the traitor government minions, BAR attorneys, schools hide the truth, usurped the rights of the people, rights are the law.
Kirks law corner ,E-clause, people have had the chance to learn, beliefs, opinions, laziness, and ego hindered, has almost destroyed the world.

I am known in certain circles of knowing much. I know alot about this world's lies, secrets in TRUTH! Still, I have tried logically to explain to normies the truth of this world, the truth with what's actually happening and showing them proof. NORMIES WILL BE NORMIES UNTIL THE RELEASE PUBLICLY!!

Father, Husband, Son, Patriot, Seems cliche at this point to put that but that and truth teller and seeker of truth should just about do it.
I started thinking that the other day. Now not for nothing but there are a lot of other events that coincide with drops at regular intervals over the last term but I do think that once he was legally able to act they absolutely went full force. I think that's what all the impeachment, spying, smear campaign and if we're being honest at least two assassination attempts were trying to stop.

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.
Blunt....I thought they were gonna cushion this for normies, but it’s looking more like they are gonna get moabs....like taking the kid from evil parents. If they’re gonna moab, drop that mf’er! 😂

Ultra MAGA, outspoken, insubordinate nurse, with bags packed for reeducation camp.
this is why we have so many people who cant deal.

Ultra MAGA, outspoken, insubordinate nurse, with bags packed for reeducation camp.
i have had to accept that a lot of people i admired are evil and need to be put down. everyone else can suck it up too.

Retired truck driver, wife, mother, grandmother. Grateful to be in the USA at this time in history. Sept 17, 1993 sobriety date.
yes but...
at what point do stop coddling the bad child for thesake of the good children.
Only followers of this user (@KimDonaldson07) can see their posts

Oh for Pete' sake, GOD WINS! Trust in God's plan, not to worry. Whatever happens, if we survive or not, here on earth, we will most definitley meet again, in heaven. Be at peace.

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
There are so many in MICHIGAN that are only going to wake up if they see it. They might even be patriots but there is a veil over their eyes. Even strong conservative Christians are taking the vaccine.I'm not worried about timing but there are real people being hurt.

here in west michigan and its hard over here to tell most of these ppl....its a hard veil

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide
Its just my opinion, but, we have lost those that must see the holes in Jesus hands. Faith, only through sight, only given by reaching out and touching, is NOT Faith--it is LOGIC.
I pray the 'reveal' is soon. Our people are suffering. We desperately need relief.
If anyone believes this can't turn violent they haven't been watching the gun sales sky rocket, teenage suicides escalate,or even begun to comprehend how we're going to deal with those poor resecued children. We can't just 'eliminate' the evil we have at the helm, it's not that simple, but instead, I believe that the White Hats have already done it and they need to do 'away' with the clones, bollywood, and, those atheletes that bent their knee to their most unholy god.
Its time for truth to reign

Some will never get it. You cannot fix stupidity or eyes that God has veiled.
Some that did get it are weak. They now resort to passing out black pills because the visible progress meter didn't align with their timetables.
For me personally, I have the faith to stand with God and the people I trust
And as smart as I am, I'm not smart enough to know everything going on behind the scenes.
I'm confident there are good reasons for the timing of the public unveiling

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America
Watching this is truly painful.
Sometimes I feel like the person on the street wearing a sandwhich board sign that says "the beginning is near" and shouting "Open your Eyes! You are being manipulated!" while people in filthy germ riddled masks walk by and shout that I have lost my mind and I am selfish for not wearing a mask.
Who are the crazy ones?

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
People had to see with their own eyes, they obviously dont even believe their own woke family members so no way would have believed out right military take over.
How many would have died if the military had just taken over? and then civil war would it have started before EBS declass or after cause they didnt believe it?
Nesara roll out and exposing the children and what these evil sobs have done will do it.
No matter what happens there will still only be a certain % that will actually get involved afterwards for more than a minute unless God intervenes.

Patriot 🇺🇸 President Trump ❤️ God saved my life and Jesus is the way 🙏 I stand up for truth, justice and freedom #wwg1wga
people need to see things with their owns in order to believe. for example, i have many friebds who are Trump supporters and love him, but they can not comprehend that this is a movie. i have to show them the latex upper body masks in order foe them tto open their minds to even begin to entertain the tthought that this indeed is real.
Figure out how to break cognitive dissonace and there's your answer

Patriot 🇺🇸 President Trump ❤️ God saved my life and Jesus is the way 🙏 I stand up for truth, justice and freedom #wwg1wga
*their own eyes

Just a blue collar millwright determined to never allow my children to grow up in a communist state. Q loud and Q proud. #WWGOWGA
I just wanna know whats real so i can fade away into peace, nature, and family.

Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield
I am a firm believer that this spiritual war is at fever pitch.
There is war in heaven. The devil was kicked out and he is causing havoc, as predicted.
I pray constantly throughout the day and night.
Please pray for your land.
Reclaim your community.
Through#Jesus rebuke, aand reclaim our land from the demons stronghold.
God's timing is impeccable.

if folks don't believe they are using the masks .watch the movie The Irishman

it is either that or we are all seriously fucked on this planet...pedophiles still getting arrested is a good sign

❤️Christ❤️Family❤️Country. Born Again. Here to support the Constitution and President Trump! #SaveAmerica #WWG1WGA #MAGA
i agree with you. I think most of the clean up work (by white hats) was done in secret. Although it is hard for us to wait for the reveal i believe this is the best way to handle things otherwise there would have been massive rioting by the Soros groupies. My family and friends think i have gone off the deep end but God will not let this stuff continue. im just grateful that we have good men and woman that did not stand for this and put the plan in place. Juan O Savin said Trump will be back in (which i believe he was sworn in on 3/4/21 as the 19th President) by April 1st.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 NLT Fight for Freedom!! 🇺🇸 Love our POTUS❤️ WWG1WGA
Utsava said he was sworn in on January 11. Either way, I believe he was secretly sworn in

Juan also keeps reassurung us that Trump walked away and stepped down which could also be a tatic to those who are listening that are not on our side. I've also noticed he's revealing more recently which ttells me this is done behind the scenes we are nearly there 🙏🏻💫💓

GOD SAYS...time to grow up children. Claim your sovereignty and break into small manageable communities. Take care of each other as family does.
Never has government been reliable for anything other than the work of Satan. Now, it is worse than ever. So many lessor gods with them in the schools and no one will lift a finger to save the children.
We have no proof any children were saved from the tunnels...where would you house MILLIONS of children from around the world???
GOD is TRUTH and that has not been used to wake others up.
PAID Chaos, welcoming the shutdown, lying about it being a few weeks, masks to make us sick, forced vaccinations of DNA altering potions that KILL, nursing homes killing the seniors, CHEMTRAILS and DEW Planes attacking American soil at will without radar detection and military responses... I am done with government for the cabal that needs to take America to get the rest of the world to cave.
YOUR FAMILIES ARE GOOD AS DEAD - you will not question an

🤣😇😌😍We all wish the news would just come out already! My family still thinks I am NUTS for what I tell them IS happening, it will take something HUGE to wake them up. ARRESTS of THE ELITES would do it. NESARA and GESARA TOO! WOW!!! I really wish not to wait any longer.#GREATAWAKENING

They think I am crazy too, some have been really ugly about it. I keep the faith and hope for the best. Trust in God.

When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
I've been a#Theorist🤔😏 for 20 yrs now (or more) and it's funny how although I'm just "nuts" now 😱, I'm the first person they call when something happens they don't understand AND everything I've told them has in fact, occurred while the other stuff, is falling perfectly in line.#ToldYaSo They know it, they just don't want to admit they backed the wrong horse. It's the Pride before the fall.
Do what I do now. Flip it. Look at them like "You seriously don't know this? How is that possible? Let me guess, CNN? You are that mentally challenged and#BRAVOTV 😵brainwashed, not to mention just too lazy😩 to research & find the real facts yourself? I'm embarassed for you, really, I am. Well, if I were you, I'd#PharmaUp immediately because you're gonna need them!" 🤕 😏🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm the least crazy person I know, yet my best childhood friend called my daughter and asked if I was doing drugs!! She's a teacher too.
So, we have to pray for them...sadly, they can't see this is#godsplan.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
Good points.
"To be blunt" was a catch-phrase that Rush Limbaugh often used.
One year delta on the day he died.

Mask over mask >
Now I understand the double masks. Or 3 actually.

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
True, with importance being shared about the minions of masters, those elities didn't enslave on their own.
Part of a plan to awaken the world to the matrix corruption, that governments force slavery.