Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
I support Joe M heart and soul sending prayers and love to him. GOD WINS 🙏 ♥️

I believe he is here among us!

I believe Joe M to be an insider -- his videos are far too good and too professional to have not been created by a strategic team. When I consider how they will roll out disclosure via informative, documentary style videos this is the level I would expect. I'm a comms strategist + video producer/director, so I always consider what I would do if I had to get this message out. Joe M taking 10 days of darkness is another crumb.
Our real work begins after disclosure, right now we are in a test of faith, we're being asked to trust ourselves so we are ready to guide our communities. Trust 🙏🏻💓

#ibelieve All can benefit by living your best balanced life! “Go boldly in the direction of your dreams...live the life you imagined! ♥️🇺🇸
Always thought Joe M could be Juan O' Savin

All That You Perceive And All That You Do, Is A Manifestation Of Energy, Experienced & Expressed In Love 💫 Pureblood, Starseed, Observer
I'm disappointed in You Erza. either you didn't take the time to Read this or you are intentionally reading it wrong. Joe isn't proclaiming it's a hoax, he brought up what many others were feeling at that time. Thousands were holding out hope for the 20th that were so let down they were ready to throw in the towel. Joe reminded them that GOD is in charge & that he still firmly believes in His plan. Joe spells that out Very clearly. I didn't follow him on Twitter but what I've read it's clear to me he is strong in his faith. He is a Patriots. Casting doubt on him is not cool.

Wife. Mom. Christian. MAGA. Love this movie! Got banned from Twitter, so I’m pretty proud of that!!
Busy acting. Dang good too!

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening
The key is *discernment*.
I noticed Joe going dark- there is no one person/source that I've ever used while digging. I find things, cross-connect them to other items I've found to put together a more coherent whole.
That means people-including myself-will draw their own conclusions. At some point more things click & connect. If it's a deep op though you can make an educated guess but won't know for sure until it's revealed.
In the meantime patriots need to hold the line & focus on getting to the greater truth, & not hang everything on someone's speculation about what might or might not b

One thing we know -- we can't rely on specific dates - this is a military operation. Moves and counter-moves. We are told to TRUST - Our Lord too, tells us to have faith. EVEN if things look impossible we know GOD WINS - this is not a time to blame, we are all in this together. NOBODY has all the facts! We support all truth-tellers and way-showers!

I disagree with you and agree with many in the comments about Joe M - he is single handedly responsble for waking up so many. He shared info willingly and always fought to bring truth to light. I trust Joe and whatever his reasons are for going dark. Timelines change, move and counter moves. None of us can understand or predict, even him. But love that your post is exposing the shills.....

Joe M i believe he stepped aside bc he knew what was coming and didnt want ro be answering all tge questions. cant blame him at all he is a patriot and will be back

who cares!!

OG Anon uncovering truths & exposing shills. Advocate for health, family & freedom. #SaveOurKids #FenBen #Ivermectin1.87%
joe M got carried away; guess he really never understood the whole Q comm thing afterall; 1) disinfo is necessary and 2) whilst playing 5D chess moves; creates counter moves; Joe M, just another anon; w/large following; whose ego got caught up; always good to check oneself; show some 'real' humility (and eat some humble pie); unless he was 'fifth column'; all along ( some in his posse'; are considered just that; by other anons) >>food for thought; let the chips fall where tthey may; eventualy truth will be known; Q back chans was the only way; to get past the propganda machine. WRWY🇺🇸GodWins

MAGA Trump supporter; Historic Preservation; Genealogist; Survivor of The Great Twitter Purge of 1/8/2021 & Battle Honed; God Bless America
Have seen some similarly discouraging info about Liz Crokin....previously quite chummy with Cabal elites in H'wood and perhaps not the patriot we think sh eis.

Jesus Christ is Salvation God bless our President, John-John, Gen Flynn our Military SAVE OUR CHILDREN Gratitude for our HEROES OF HUMANITY
I believe in God and His PLAN people can make up stories but just wait ans see BOOM!!!!!! GODWON KennedyWON Seek and ye shall find Proof of what is happening or already happened is there

it was a little strange to say
"Im going to go dark" did he lose his faith ?

CalmInTheStorm 🇺🇸 FollowerOfJesus * FamilyIsEverything * Eph 6 ArmorOfGod * 2 Timothy 1:7 * PrayerWarrior/Writer/Researcher

All For Family, God, Country and Humankind! We the People, We Are One! #MAGA #SaveOurChildren
Keep the faith! We are ONE!

These are what I call fairweather friends. They are the Ravenclaws of Q. When the battle rages they fly away. Thank goodness we have Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs to continue the fight against Slytherin.

I understand Joe's conundrum - we have all had moments of doubt.
But I'll also ask these questions: Who do you really trust? Why do you trust them? Should you trust them?
Revelation outlines a very clear map for the endtimes that has come into clearer focus over the last decade.
THAT is what I trust. The cabal is NOT going to just 'give up' and say 'ok - you win.' Regardless of evidence.
Because they know, if people are stupid enough to elect Obama 7 years after 9/11 - they are stupid enough to believe anything the media tells them...again

Proud to be an American!! I am a skincare consultant & would love to assist you with your skin care issues!
i don't get that from his post! i feel like he believes we will see things soon to show that the good guys sre in control!

I agree. i never got that from his post either. He said "I believe it is the second one".

The Great Awakening. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.
So he is not an insider, and he doesn't know what he believes himself.

Patriot. Truth Seeker. The Best Is Yet To Come!! It’s going to be BIBLICAL!! God Bless Our Country and God Bless President Trump!
After reading through all the comments, I am struck by level of civil discourse everyone here has to share their opinions for and against with truth and civility. THIS is how Patriots move forward in this fight against evil!! Down to earth conversation. You all inspire me!! Thank You!!

Q doesn't come with a timeline, and hasn't revealed any details of "The Plan". So why anyone would stop believing, just because their own 'guesses' proves to be wrong, beats me. Anyone making specific detailed predictions, are just guessing. Wishing something to much, makes you unequipped to decode anything.

Standing strong 4 God, family & country. Been there; done that. Failed. Got up. Tried again. Kept working. Living the solution. U can 2.
What if someone was in the military or intelligence and had to move without being tracked?
Would he take a smart phone or computer and make sure he has an internet connection?
What is the bigger picture? What is the end goal? Joe M?

Beyond any box. Suspended during the great Twitter purge of 2021. Love America, Patriots and my President. #WWG1WGA #NCSWIC #SaveTheChildren
I know you are taking heat for this post, but I appreciate your doing it. I had asked about Joe M yesterday, because I hadn't seen anything new on Gab since his post about going "dark for a little while." I thought it was a strange time to be absent for so long, and regardless of why, the optics are terrible considering the timing and the way all went down at the "inauguration." He has a large following, that deserves at least a little drop-in by now, IMO. I trust God more than any anon, but larger accounts have a responsibility to their following, even if they don't realize it.

Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
I think we should be careful not to jump to conclusions. I am also tempted to go away for a bit until it is all over. Some patriots are deliberately muddying the waters. If you think about it, even Donald Trump is misleading credulous people intentionally with his double meanings. Disinformation may be needed to disarm the last crooks

Old school 'conspiracy theorist' living in Austin Texas. Hobbies include rabbit hole dives and extensive researching 😉
I have had faith in Joe M since this Truth Movement began.
Joe M doesn't f*ck around with his words ✌

#Patriot🇺🇸 #TheMeekShallInheritTheEarth #MAGA Trump is still my President!
....10 days of darkness would end on the 30th!🤔

yes and FREEDOM say the 31st

Raising a PatriQtic family! Eyes wide QPEN!
We dont know when it will happen, but when it happens, we will know. Stop setting dates people!

EVEL is out of gas. if you can help with just a gallon or more.. it would mean a lot!!
the OUTCOME.. happens every day.. hour.. minute.. second..

Are you on the Side that Oppresses or one that Liberates? GESARA: A Free United & Prosperous Humanity: WWG1WGA!
NO. JOE M has not lost faith!
He has NOT jumped ship.
He is clarifying that his faith
Was never in Q in the 1st place
Nor has all his efforts been for Q....
But rather both faith & efforts are for
(which includes those in US Military)
That willtake back America....
And so it should be!

exactly and Juan O Savin said the same thing. Give the glory to God not Q. JoeM isn't saying Q is fake.

the one speaking the loudest and everyone being seen as a cult , forget to keepo humility. is not about being right , is not about being the one right ...its not about staying in the middle , its about being together ...yea he wasnt right and if he is a real patriot or even not a real patriot, he and the rest are still people we should learn to live with! status dont matter ...inclusion instead of division. for those who purposely want to deceit us , justice will prevail! for the rest they are human and remember we need us all

Egos tend to get in the way