Well, as Simon said. He's a PINO Patriot In Name Only.

Once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through...but one thing is certain. You won't be the same person who walked in.
I don't think Neon knows DJT's forgotten about more dollars than it takes to run a social media platform...and has a more knowledgeable staff than Neon could ever dream of.
I can't make it any clearer what a fraud Neon is--the fact that he suggests DJT lost the election should be your FIRST clue.

I got a lot to say! You can interact with my blog, see my books and art.
No Ezra. I read Neon's highly intelligent book cover to cover numerous times in hyperspeed as the primer that it is. I came to understand so much of of what the dark side has been upto b/c of his important work. I don't attack people for what they say. I read and listen. Therefore, I question your motives here. It appears that you are attempting to stir up dissension. However the one thing I do battle for is if anyone threatens me or my family. Now that is a multi-tiered fight no holds barred. I save my energy and pick my battles very wisely. Its the great American way.

I agree. Neon does seem like a fool though. If he really believes the "dystopium" he's selling, he's the worst kind of salesman: the totally WRONG pessimist! If you're gonna be wrong, at least let it be based on hopeless optimism!

The wisest shills for the other side give just enough information to make themselves believable. Neon is obviously now activated to use his nororiety & the confidence he's built to lower our frequency & cause dissent. I knew this was coming, wasn't sure which of the most popular would be the ones but this one does not surprise me

So is this article accurate? Of who he is? https://mashable.com/article/qanon-neon-revolt-unmasked/
Failed screenwriter outed as QAnon influencer used conspiracy to carry out personal vendettas
A major QAnon personality has been unmasked as a failed screenwriter who appears to have used the conspiracy theory to settle his own personal grudges.
I got a lot to say! You can interact with my blog, see my books and art.
See my post above in response too. I've read Neon's very intelligent book- he actually disects Q posts in a masterful way and it is an excellent autobiographical trail of his singular voyage of discovery of what many of us know today as truth. He talks about his PWood experiences and his return to NJ in excruciating detail- so it wouldn't be hard to Dox him if you were a hacker type. So this expose isn't really exposing anything that Neon himself hasn't already told us himself, except his name. I wouldn't know anything about Q or the Anons if it hadn't been for Neon's book so the last thing I'm going to do is now denounce him. If I did, I would be like Mitch McConnell betraying Trump after begging for his endorsement! :)

You told us the trolls would come....

Conservative American patriot, God & country, THE SWAMP IS DEEPER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE, Fight back & be patient
Arrogance. Maybe consider unfollowing as I did.

How does a person with discernment react to a post telling them what to do?. I am not a mindless group-thinker that needs to be told what to do by anyone.

Wife, Mom. Animal rescuer 🐶🐹🐰🐢 Patriot ✨🇺🇸🦅. L💕ve & L✨ght
i dont agree with this, besides the fact that he just wants Trump on Gab.

Dad to 4, 1 in Heaven, Baylor Grad, Messianic * Pilot #JesusIsTheSonOfGod * #LifeBeginsAtConception #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #StandAgainstEvil
As Q said:
"Be careful who you follow."
There are many so-called "Patriots" who are NOT Patriots, but shills, dis-info agents and ENEMIES of: We the People, our Republic and our Constitution.
Finally, we KNOW who President Trump is:
he is STILL our POTUS!!!!!!!
President Trump is a GENIUS who is allowing our enemies to expose themselves while THEY DEFEAT THEMSELVES because we are watching PRESIDENT TRUMP'S PLAN ("movie") in real time!

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
The height of folly is criticizing people **before** you have ALL the data.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet
Interesting. He always goes ranting and unhinged on anyone he thinks might be a boomer. Anyone making a post he doesn't like becomes a boomer, too. Think he needs some humility and perspective.
We're fools if we try and criticize Trump's moves, without a fraction of the real information he has at his disposal. It's wiser instead to try and understand who the target is, is the move offensive or defensive, and what may be the potential outcome. Assume from the start the move is good. Drop your ego and what you thought should happen.
We can see the lies clearly, but do not yet know even a tiny part of the truth. So I think he's out of line to think we don't need a better platform to serve as a true public square.

I already let him know President Trump is not stupid and to remember that. There was more trolls in the replies too. We do not have a stupid President.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
My response to ppl who criticize Donald Trump is this: He's stupid? Tell me when you made your first $1,000,000,000.

He needs to check himself before he wrecks himself. passionate people can be like this some times. he needs to check his ego definitely. No serious person thinks 45 is exclusively working on a social media app. come on now

Exactly. He's dead asleep. Selling great awakening books.

He needs to check himself before he wrecks himself. passionate people can be like this some times. he needs to check his ego definitely. No serious person thinks 45 is exclusively working on a social media app. come on now

I LQVE Big Daddy Trump🕴️ 🇺🇲🐸 https://gab.com/Mhielovez_U
jelious much 😆👌 I'll take big daddy on any platform we can get him on so we can know wtf is going on...i miss his tweets they made my day🇺🇲🕴️

Love My President Donald J. Trump Love My Country 1776 U.S.A. Republic LOVE MY GOD !!! BTW I identify as a ... LIGHT SUPREMACIST 🕆🛐🕆
Amen x 10!!! I miss@realDonaldTrump .@POTUS tweets as well! Especially how they drove Legacy Media Nutz😎! ChYYnaJoe is a puke fest on steroids!

Unfortunately part of the tactics for the black hats was to install controlled op in our movement. Some did a very good job of getting followers & are now using that popularity to sow the seeds of division in this movement & to sow mistrust amongst us & btw us & our president. NR has given me that vibe for a very long time

God/Fam (Gkidz)/Country. 2A. Former IT Director/ Bank VP/ LEO/ EMS. Looking for verifiable TRUTH and JUSTICE. More questions than answers.
I'm shocked and dismayed that Neon Revolt pretends to think that he knows more than DJT. I used to the that NR was a source that mattered. Now I see it is not.

Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@humunu

Love My President Donald J. Trump Love My Country 1776 U.S.A. Republic LOVE MY GOD !!! BTW I identify as a ... LIGHT SUPREMACIST 🕆🛐🕆
so... another "PAY"triot ??? 😔

Born again Christian. My faith and trust is in the Lord alone but I believe Trump Is who God has appointed for this time!! GET READY!!
We are no better than anyone else if when we see an opinion we don't like we try and cancel them! How about we all just make our own decisions and use our own discernment🧐!

Born again Christian. My faith and trust is in the Lord alone but I believe Trump Is who God has appointed for this time!! GET READY!!
I've seen a few posts telling us to be wary of Ghost Ezra but I am an intelligent woman who can read something and then do my research.

Not on GAB, but when he was on Twit, I did follow him and he followed me, until I caught him taking info that I got and tried to pass it off as his own. I called hi out on it, and he blocked me.....next thing I know, he and a bunch were attcking patriots and calling everyone shills while asking for money to keep their info coming. I've learned how to weed out PAYtriots.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
I unfollwed them a month ago. something VERY strange about them. I think they are a wolf in sheeps clothing.

MAGA Staunch Trump supporter. Constitutionalist. WWG1WGA
welp, he won so not following the logic of neon. he needs a brighter bulb.

Heard about this site from Santasurfing. I am a Clothing Designer & Fit Officianado:. Going on deep dives, hitting head Rabbit Holes.
Are we sure that's him ghost Ezra that's like a complete 180? And what about Ron a.k.a. code monkey Z . he did a 180 on Telegram what the heck is going on?

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
REALLY? Codemonkey is part of Q...is he being stupid? WTF is going on with these people?

Codemonkey and Neon Revolt are non comparable. Codemonkey was called on by Potus to do a job. Then told to keep quiet after his job was completed. Codemonkey is a smart cookie. He reads the drops. He knows what's going on. Neon is clueless. Big difference.

I dumped him a while back.

Yep it stands true what Q said... Be careful who you follow! Not all Anons are real, but Injected... Some grow in popularity and then use their Following to make a buck off them... Disgrace.

What the heck happened.. wasnt he one of your 17? There are fraudsters all around us! GhostEzra stay true please! I hold your insight as very valuable!

he was but for different reasons than you think. I've always had a question about him.

I think he is still upset like a lot of people including myself. I was upset to see the illusion of loss i wanted the reelect too. Q was not something i really got involved in as i very skeptical about these things. I was very skeptical about Trump back in 2017 but i knew he was the only safe bet. I didn't know i was watching a show all i knew was nothing makes sense in terms of democrat strategy. It was as if they are intentionally screwing up just to give Trump the win.
The only conclusion i came up with was they are all on the same side as usual. But even that conclusion didn't add up until they launched the virus. However when Trump lost the election it was my ego that wanted to appear to be right to others. I too was very upset, but one thing i knew for sure was no one who expects to get robbed on a particular day using a particular weapon. Yet they allow it to happen for sure it must be a setup of some type and this i can hold as truth.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
He didnt lose the elction. Maybe you NEED to follow Q. Q hasnt let us down yet. Boy whats wrong with you people.

I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments