Victoria Chapman
3 years ago

Victoria Chapman

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Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

Truest Truth💥 We see alot of ignorance, people telling others they are idiots or stupid for not seeing the truth. (Im guilty, Ive said it out of frusturation myself about others in conversations with other like minded people)
What we must all remember though is each person is on their own frequency, and just because they have reached a desire to search for truth does not mean they are not intelligent. Programming runs deep. Deprogramming also takes time. We are not responsible for awakening others. We are responsible for sharing information. Who it reaches and when it reaches them, is out of our hands. Thats up to their frequency and path.
Stay true to yourself and keep searching for truths, if thats what feels right to you, but dont hate on those who arent there yet. It creates seperstion and division. Trust that Gawd is working with, for and on all of us, at our level of frequency, to help us SEE what is true to our souls to see.🌑✨☀️🙏❤️

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

I love a Supermoon in Sag🌕! The fire of sag helps us burn away what is no longer for our highest good! The Gemini ☀️ offers us a fresh breath of air, to help us cultivate the changes we seek in our spirits. This amazing combo of energies moves us forward, and closer to our authentic vibrations! Happy Moon Vibes World😘 Lets straighten our crowns, strengthen our faith and keep prayin! The collective consciousness continues to move from 🌑✨☀️ and these moons, our prayers and intentions are sending ripples of light to those who need our love the most!🌺🥰

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

Are we ready yet? Theres so many aspects to look at but my love for my fellow beings and working within the mental health field, i’ll start here.
Did you know that 80% of the medication perscribed for ‘mental health’ issues, are prescribed by physicians that know next to nothing about mental health and the damaging side effects of the medications they are perscribing, that actually further ones ‘issues’, such as psychosis, homelessness, crime, addiction,or suicide.
Are we ready to talk about how the narrative was scripted to make one belief that in order to attain mental ‘health’, it is best to feed the brain drugs, your whole life. Are we ready to talk about how this narrative was developed when big pharma bank rolled the psychiatry industry in 1970, and how big pharma pays all physicians extra monies to push the narrative? Are we ready yet to talk about doctors being the biggest drug dealers on the planet? Please tell me we are ready!.....asking for a friend🤪🧐🤷‍♀️🌑✨☀️💥

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

Seriously Though!

Mind you, it is a beautiful thing to see more and more people, uncomfortable with the non sense narratives, starting to realize something is off, and starting to do their research, and starting to understand that they have been watching a movie their whole life!
Its also incredible to continue seeing that Masses are coming together to stand for rights and freedom ACROSS THE WORLD! 🌑✨☀️🙏❤️

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

Shout outs to all of you amazing people using your voice and speaking up against the psychological warfare we are experiencing, full throttle in this planet. Thank you for being truth seekers and speakers. Thank you for being on this planet for this time in history. I appreciate all of you!❤️🙏❤️

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

Iif anyone has the link to#mikelindell new documentary can you please post the link below! Much Love❤️🙏❤️

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

Earth is playing out a full blown psychological thriller🧐
Black Mirror or Saw comes to mind🤔
First they decided to poke our pinel glands,
now they are swabbing our asses, and offering us shots disguised as a 'vaccine' that blocks the immunes systems ability to heal itself..... ALL for a 'respiratory virus'......makes PERFECT sense!🤣🤦‍♀️🤣
May each and everyone of you remember your God/dess source self and nourish your love and light! Collective consciousness is shifting- and every ripple of light is holding space for another soul to awaken! Keep up the vibes- our planet needs them!🙏☀️🙏

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

I needed this humour in my day today🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I’ve been AWAKE since 1980, and have researched for 40 years. I’m a veteran of 4ch, 8ch and 8KUN. I now only have accounts here, WEGO & Gab.

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

Can you feel the energy shifting?! 🌑✨☀️Its like peoples brain are coming back 'online'. Many that thought 'B1D3N' was authentic in his campaign and meant the words he half slurred about freedom and unity. Were only on day 4, and there are now more people on the planet swallowing the red pill based on the broken promises and the bizzare approach hes already taking to cut jobs, start wars and ban travel. He's playing the role of waking his own party up.
I feel the#Aquarius energy upon us, working in favour of humanities evolutions. Keep Vibin High, keep praying and hold the line.❤️🙏

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."

That's us, friends.
Stay Dreaming and Different.
Stay Bold and Crazy.
Stay Committed.

Juan O'Savin - A summary of what is going on

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

Everyone enjoying your popcorn and the movie!?!🤪🍿🎥
I cant wait to see what the plot twist of this one is!
Im in anticipation, feeling the climax getting close💥
Tonight I'm praying for the President, his family, all military involved, all the digital soldiers and each of the truth seeker patriots in the USA and around the world!
I pray that this plot twist has a drastic affect on the consciousness of humanity, awakening the sleepers from the programming bestowed upon them, so that we can infact unite and heal as a species and planet! 🌑✨☀️❤️🙏 I love you all! Stay blessed!

Leader of Love❤️ Insight Advocate.🌑✨☀️ Energy Medicine Practitioner✨ Intuitive Oracle Reader.🔮 Quantum Conduit👽😇

How the heck did I not know this site existed🤷‍♀️😍🙌 Looking forward to learning how to navigate the site and connect with all of you!❤️🙏