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Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
She'd be 95 or 96 yrs old now. This woman doesnt look that old.

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Well, we've been told she was executed some time ago, so which is it??

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
How do you get people to wake up to whats really going on in the world by telling them "This is not the place for you"? Not everyone here is a devout Anon....yet, and are going to have to catch up. Our whole lives have been a lie, so now "Trusting the integrity" of ANYTHING isn't easy.

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
How fitting that going "Left" leads you to Communism and going "Right" to a free world!!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Good!! im sick of all of em!!!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Matt Groening was a good frisnd of Jefferey Epstein. Spent alot of time on Pedo Island. Might have had good intel on Deep State plan.

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Tired...but still here!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
We're supposed to believe this...why? More False Flags? Seems like everything we read similar to this ends up being bullsh*t!!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
That doesnt look like the same guy.

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
I see another planned "Distraction", just like the George Floyd incident. From what i heard, the suspect was killed, and by this video, he looks Black. BLM and Antifa will be all over this one. "They kill the Black guy, but take the White ones in unharmed"

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
"Containers with live and dead inside". Live and dead WHAT? Was supposed to be livestock on the ship. is it ANIMALS or PEOPLE?

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
I havent heard this anywhere else. Could be BS at this point.

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Now even HE is backpedaling on the whole April 1st - Easter dates. Hes been telling us for MONTHS!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
So, what does this mean exactly?

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
If there's ANYTHING left maybe!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
I heard Mike Lindell say in an interview that they hope to have DT back in office by August. Lotsa destruction can happen between now and August!!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
And we're supposed to keep trying to "Red Pill" people? They just think we"re going crazier by the day!!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Just like Trump said from the beginning..."A HOAX!"

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
I watched a different on that said it was free. So much for seeing whats in those containers!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
He's afraid of heights??

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
I speak out on my local FB groups, but I'm so outnumbered it isnt funny! This "waking" people up is NOT working for alot of people! If I just mention the Vax only being experimental, I'm attacked from all sides!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Now its August? What happened to Easter?? There wont be anything left by August! And whe August comes, it will be December...

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
That doesnt mean the whole world knows its a "movie". The ones who dont are laughing at the United States right now.

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
And when they laugh at HIM, they're laughing at ALL OF US!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
He cant answer a question about the border crisis without blaming it on Trump! This guy is pathetic!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Lotta STD's right there!! No self respect! Maybe Bidan will let them ALL interview him next time!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Another George Floyd "Performance"!!!!

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
There wont be anything left in 60 days! People flooding the border, Russia, North Korea ready for a fight, people losing jobs, gas prices skyrocketing, racial tensions rising AGAIN, etc..

Just a Patriot who loves my country, and above all, wants to see the children safe and for all of the Cabal to be put where they belong!
Oh brother! Pointing makes people related?