LiLi MinervaQ
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We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
They're imposters, who create nothing of their own. They inject themselves into everything & destroy to attain power. All through history - over & over. They betray, destroy & steal the narrative by hiding amongst the true chosen. They'll hide & confuse historical accounts of what really happened to justify their royal "god-like" status. They're not chosen, not Jews, Christians or Muslims etc & they're not Kings / Queens (etc). They have domain over💩! They're shit eating, baby offering, decrepit donkey f-ing Satanists. Slaves to demons & their manipulations. There is zero divine in that & ZERO honour (with -zero strength). The more everything unravels, the more pathetic they become. Once you see their true form (playbook) they're exposed. The tactics are always the same bc they can't create. Only love & light can do that. They copy, which really means their fate is sealed. Nothing can destroy, cheat, project, invert, steal or hide truth & thrive.
Source: God, Universe, Esa ..

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Yep, it makes me feel like I'm in a zoo at times ... watching all the animals in cages, while I'm witnessing on the outside. I've always been the "black sheep" of the fam though ... turns out, I may have always been the one seeing clearly, even though I didn't realize it at the time. It can be overwhelming sometimes - the inkling of a thought, about the possible damage to my family members who got the shot, makes me very emotional. I still research to find detoxes for them, or ways to target the damage & disable or stunt the spike. I'm not offended & I don't feel excluded anymore. I still feel the need to protect them - a lifetime of experience dealing with this programming everywhere. I was born to be aware of the lies & thrive bc the BS - I know this. I see the wizard behind the curtain - story of my life. It's most likely the same story for all of us!

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
I'd have to dig deeper into your mentions but I've found options that target the GO & SP in the shots & various stages of the virus: Zinc will destroy GO + Quercetin, it dulls the SP so it can't lock onto the ACE2 protein receptor & replicate. Pine Needle Tea (mentioned by Judy Mikovitz, with its medicinal term) is a powerful one that can cure "cov". Anise tea targets the virus in a similar way.
Hydrogen Peroxide (& vit C injections) was used to cure SARS patients. In Italy, it increased the CO2 in the cells to cure & heal even lung lesions caused by the virus. Chlorine Dioxide, in the right dosage - is a powerful cure for almost everything it comes across. Colloidal Silver destroys bacteria. Thankfully, there are ways to counter damage from the shots & cure "covid". CO2 is an important part in any treatment or cure. Chinchoa, vit C, Zinc & Quercetin were the 1st I found to cure "cov" back in Mar 2020. Turns out the "HCQ protocol" combines the same properties to prevent & treat.

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
I was just thinking what a joke these bunch of potatoes are! They use the same playbook every time & once you can see the pattern, it's impossible to use it with all they do. The way they word these ads, as if these are legit acting gigs. You'd have to live under a rock if this isn't obvious at this point.

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
As of early 2021 FEMA was operating under the leadership of Chris Miller, who was chosen by Pres. DJT to lead a select team of special forces in the US military. They were set up to be an autonomous wing though, who didn't answer to anyone by Miller & Trump. From my understanding, they operate in oversight & disaster recovery in the country. They would be the first team necessary in emergency situations where the country & the people are in danger or threatened. They'd also take the lead with traitors to America & the Constitutional Republic, I believe. Last I heard, Chris Miller was still there, leading the charge. 280k more nurses ✨ 🤔

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
In New Round of Tests, Monsanto’s Weedkiller Still Contaminates Foods Marketed to Children | Environmental Working Group
Major food companies like General Mills continue to sell popular children’s breakfast cereals and other foods contaminated with troubling levels of glyphosate, the cancer-causing ingredient in the
We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
For more information and analysis: 23 page response by Denis Rancourt, Researcher, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, with citations:
Health Canada Wants to Increase Glyphosate in Food – Safe Food Matters
Have your say by July 20th! Issue The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is proposing to increase the amount of glyphosate (Roundup®) permitted in Canadian food. Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)…
We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Glyphosate And COVID
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, an MIT scientist, discusses with Hilda Labrada Gore glyphosate’s role in respiratory illnesses (including COVID).
We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Wow, good find! If you haven't already ... read up on the rest of the family (ie: brothers). I wouldn't be surprised if there was more ("trafficking") in that "family business" or if she was still in charge of carrying it on to present day!

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Nope. Even though the WHO tried to update the definition of "vaccine" to include "mRNA" in the description. How you can add this to the definition of "vaccine", when mRNA has never been used on humans before & is still experimental, is beyond the depths my logic can take me. The dangerous side effects they continue to hide from the people has them acting like straight up nazis...& that's not nearly the end to what's being kept from us!

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
She recently did an interview where she spoke out against "woke politics", the damage in labeling "cultural appropriation" & twisting the context, while also slamming Hollywood for being opinionated about politics, in general
Something to the effect of: "it's nobody's business what your political leanings are, keep them to yourself" + "admiration & interest in exploring cultural differences is now called cultural appropriation" & "Hollywood really doesn't knows anything about politics and the effects on the lives of people living in the real world, so celebrities should just keep their mouth closed. Hers included" I'm paraphrasing a bit here lol but this is what she was talking about in the interview.
It was an interesting perspective coming from Stefani, but it was decent to hear. 🤔✨

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
💙 This is pretty kick ass too!!! ❤️ 😘

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
They have to stop this insanity. Stew Peters just had Dr. Jane Ruby on his show and it was horrifying - she revealed a study conducted by Spanish doctors, after they tested what's in the injections -
Nobody, especially not children (the youth) should be asked (never mind the ultimatums or coercion) to even consider getting this!!!
Dr. Jane Ruby - Pfizer Jab Contents EXPOSED - Stew Peters Show / July 5, 2021
EVEN ATTACKS BY MEANS OF NEGATIVE REVIEWS CANNOT STOP THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED ================================================================================ ENGLISH (very important documentation during holiday time)…
We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
I hear you! I would 100% consider home schooling after all the insanity that's been exposed over the last couple of years. Indoctrination at every level, the education system is broken....academia & "higher learning" is broken. All these institutions needs a complete overhaul & unfortunately, I wouldn't trust any teacher to have the best interest of my child (or any child) in mind (sorry teachers...the duty is so important & many of you have failed miserably). The dust would need to settle first. It's not unreasonable to be concerned & thinking the way you are. Ask God to help you decide. 💫🙏✨

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Yo, not sure this is legit. ????? I'm also seeing that those signing up aren't getting their verification code.

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
I think the meaning of "demon" has been misconstrued over time. The word stems from the ancient Greek translation, meaning spirit guides or the beings between god and humans. My understanding of the Jinn is that there are "evil" Jinn and "good" Jinn & the extent to which we sway (in action, good or evil) towards one or the other determines which we're more connected to. The same could be applied to the "demon" of ancient Greek, I'd say and they're most likely equivalent to "angels" (ie: there are good angels & evil angels). Even the "watchers" (from the Summerian stories) where they split into being either the Protectors of humanity or the Persecutors of humanity. The language in each translation and the meaning of the terms in each can definitely complicate things. The context can get skewed without an understanding of how each language interprets the words. I always try to trace them backwards to try and grasp the closest connection to the meanings. So interesting though!

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Don't forget there's also manyreferences of Jesus since he's highly revered by Muslims - his name appears in the Quaran as Isa. There is also a similar account of revelations & the Apocalypse where Isa is the main character. He appears with the last 2000 true Muslims, surrounded by the armies of Dajjal. Isa (and only Isa) defeats Dajjal in the last battle. Dajjal being the "deceiver" aka the anti-christ & only Isa can kick his ass!!

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
I found this: "On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest."
I also found this: "The Final Call has learned that the Executive Order was never repealed by any U.S. President through an Executive Order and is still valid."
👆 Not sure about this yet because I've seen statements that it was repealed by Pres. Lyndon 🤔🧐

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
💙 the cello! ... what happened to#2 though?! These 2 are amazing!

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Hmmm, I read it was Moderna. Time to stop the madness & shut them all down, in my opinion!

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Not active position per se, but he is/was a Marine. 💫

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Is the rash starting to become itchy at all? It looks similar to what I developed, after being around a couple who had just got their 1st shot. I was told my rash was an immune system reaction to a viral or bacterial infection. It was diagnosed as "Pityriasis Rosea" which is a herpes 6-8 strain (not the STD kind) - lasts anywhere from 4 - 10 months. I would get that looked at and documented bc its most def a reaction to what's in the shot. I used calamine lotion, when the rash became unbearable, and literally sprayed myself with a watered down dettol mixture. I'll be doing a heavy metal / morgellons cleanse next. I also took (still take) nano-silver, Quercetin, vitamin C & Zinc. You could also look up pine needle tea, to F-up spike proteins. ❤️✨

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Since the mentioned are either non-existent, insignificant or defunct. it makes him an illegitimate imposter and, for the most part how the rest of the planet sees him 🗣️🤡💩

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
🤣🤣🤣 ROFL !!!

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
If you put it in the search, it's@RealGenFlynn ✨

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Not sure about Kayleigh McEnany's but I know for a fact that's not Gen. Flynn's.

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
I'm moving to Alberta! In fact, we should just make every province a "state", in my opinion! 😉

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
Yep, I saw my parents Easter weekend and they had both just got their first shot. I've been nursing hives and a full body rash ever since then. Quercetin, vitamin C and colloidal silver have been helping.

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA

We have power over our mind-not outside events. Realize this and we will find strength ~ Marcus Aurelius Veritas Aequitas. WWG1WGA
ummm, except that's not the "handshake" ... LOL ... not even close to the "handshake" ... like, come the hell on now 🤣🙄