Diane Bachman
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VK : i posted yesterday on your othread about your cousin that you beed to look into obtaining Leronlimab for him under right to try . its the only monoclonal antibody that works in severe/critical covid cases . it takes death off the table. It is from a biotech company called CytoDyn from Vancouver washington . The FDA and Big Pharma have done everything to preveht its approval . it has No side effects . Dr Scott Kelly is the chief meducal officer and can be reached directly at CytoDyn .
Leronlimab has completed many clinical trials successfully . Many doctors who have had covid themselves have been saved. by this molecule.
Please look into it . This molecule will chamge the way medicine is practiced . it is considered by many to be the penicilin of the 21st century . And it is very lijely the moniclonal antibody that was given to President Teump at Walter Reed. Godspeed

The only molecule that takes death off the table in severe/critical covid is Leronlimab from CtyDyn.
if you are not aware of it go to their site as it is available right now only under Right to try . It has no Side Effects . none . Dr Scott Kelly can be reached directly at CytoDyn .
The world is about to know the life saving molecule that wilk forever change medicine .

For me , as an MD , when the government orders me to be the vac police and vac patients against their will . They can have my license but I will refuse and still practice medicine even from prison

Esther with a missing H . soon you will know Esther
she is the one who frees her people from extiction and anihilation . the plot to kill the jews was done by Haman . H = Hillary and she’s missing . Candace tells the story of the destruction of the black community by H well . she will be instrumental in freeing them

got it . yes . however today Forbes jumped on the bandeagon of trying to discredit the story . why ? its a very small blog and it didn’t go viral . very few evrn noticed it .

So many typos . sorry ..
veterinarian doc
The efficacy of the covid vaccines
adverse side effects of these sane vaccines
Sniopes immediately

casey : today the conservstive beaver reported that the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourdin , a veterinarian dic , eas arrested for fraud this morning and detained until he posts bail . In the meantime , the msm including CNBC and Fox interviewed him all day long!!! The fraud charge is for misleading the public about the efficacy of yhe covid vsccijes and the adverse side effects of thede same vaccines !!! Snopes immedisyely posted on this and called it Fake news !
a judge in Scarsdale NY where he lives ( home was raided by feds ) granted a media blackout !! plesdr help shed light on this ? its spreading like wildfire on social media!!
dr Diane

it was reported today by consevathve beaver that the pfizer ceo was arrested this morning while he was being “interviewed” on msm . let me know your thoughts on this . its Big !!!

Does anyome know anything about the news article this morning on the conservative beaver site that the Pfizer CEO was arrestef for fraud ??? Snopes immediately calling it fake . Many twitter anins reportimg it om posts . anyone know if this is legit ?

posted at 7:01 . mirror = 17

other audits have been taking place including Georgia anx results will be announced shorly

Mathematically impossible comes to mind 😂

Is Vincent posting anywhere else ? why the silence ? i miss him ...

I agree with you Kat :) And yes it will get rid of banksters control . He did contradict himself on this one in his description of what a Jubilee year was about from when he firrst described it year ago on Jen Mac . The Jubilee year was supposed to end all debts that had been incurred by the people with the advent of the new ruler . He now said that it would be unwise to forgive mortgage loans as the money belongs to other citizens who put their money in the bank and it would. crash the exonomy!! I dont agree with this but there needs to be a way of extracting the people from the debt slavery theyve been pushed into for generations and Lands that were taken away by the banksters need to be restored to the people and families of origin . He did mention that once before about the Lands or properties .

Today is the Day of the End of the D party and there will be a Red Carpet event witb the Oscars tonight at Union Station in Los Angeles. This will be the path to public outrage : they will go to JAIL .
The “untouchables” will be on full display tonight
6 Feet under . Dan’s tweet is a Comm and 54 times is Q post 540 above . Briliant !!

The vaccine push is a move by the Deep State to pretend they do want the vaccine to end lockdowns while at the same time attempting to mandate passports and thereby control the people . The negative stories regarding the vaccines are also generated by the DS and the white hats to scare people into not taking them and to determine who wins the information warfare . If no vaccines are taken by the people then they will move for the passports . The best we can do is Resist . We will not take the vaccine and we will not fear the virus or the people who do . We are in an information warfare . All of these stories are fake news on both sides . The vaccines are worthless but they probably are overall harmless : The shot heard around the World comes to mind . But having said that , and as an MD , I do not advise anyone to take it at this time for many reasons . Resist and hold the Line is the best we can do right now . Stop wearing masks as it is scientifically invalid for any virus .

Juan said it was juvenile to interpret Gessara and Nessara the way its being currehtly done by anons .
He said there is a difference between a year of Jubillee which he described as a time of rest rather than enrichment . He was clear that money value will be reset but not like its being stated here . Not to expect milions of dollars to come your way as this would crash the economy and shows lack of understanding of how economics work . thereby he calied it JUVENILE thinking . Thats what he said
i petsonally dont agree that this second year of the Jubilee has been “restful” .

Dumb and outrageous "theory" that was started by trolls to descedit Q and make us all look like fools
Controlled opposotion fake . Sad . Best to leave this type of parentage questioning of Barron in the category of unseemly attempts against this family

i really think these are fake statistics once again ..
Most peoole i know are not taking the shot , even normies and lefties .. Most people feel the urgency is gone at this point ... so no ..

Because it was a staged Fake call ...

Now That ☝️is funny 😂. Bug Zapper !!

congrats Tank !!! it's a wonderful gift for your daughter :)
Could you let me know where you purchased XRP and Doge ? I can't seem to find my way through this right now and I have a little bit to spare and use to help for college funds also :) thank you for sharing 🙏

Entertaining . well written but it doesnt sound legit .. Reads like a work of fiction from a mediocre novelist ... so no .. wishful thinking at best . maybe someday we will see the real tribunal and HRC will speak and .. scream

Great points. This Prince was truly the head of the snake of all the European royalties.It's interestimg that his mothers name was Alice and she dedicated her life to God and became a nun. The power of the evil was him.

Patriots Day is tomorrow 4/19.

The funeral of Prince Philip , Royal Regent ( RR) is a start . However his deeds were not made public yet and its possible he was allowed to keep his fake legacy . everything is bad

The Scare Event will involve Russia as a "helper" in
saving hunanity . The precipice of destruction for a near death exoerience ( Juan07) will awaken the World. it had to be this way . something similar to the Cuban missile Crises will happen ( Juan07). The shot heard around the world

Brilliant !!
Trump mentions 1943 in his condolence letter .
q 1943 is about Iran .

yes . its a scripted Comm , i agree . just trying to decode what it means ...But there are some that believe that he is 120 years or older ...

The coast of Southern California has been lined up with cargo ships from Long Beach all the way down to Newport Beach for several mobths now every day . I've never seen this before and have wondered why is this backup occurring ? Juan07 mentioned this seceral times in recent interviews but inferred they are part of the carrier fleets to protect the west coast . Its very unusual and I am now thinking that these ships are being unloaded after a thotough inspection at the port . If they were carrying humans these would not survive under these conditions and for so long . Human organs wouodnt either so it remains a mystery