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Right there with you. When civil disobedience becomes morally obligatory how exactly is it best done? The alternatives are um, unpleasant. Loyalty and duty are earned (in and out).

10 4

Agreed. Wish I wasn't as tired as I am.

Been far more than six months since this came out.

Thank you! Will look into the reference' origin. Pulled mine strait from an online version of Civil Disobedience.

Sometimes it's best to just destroy the pit.

Interesting. I personally struggle with the idea of 100% personal responsibility (in this case). If an outside force sets the conditions of (y)our life in such a way that solely rewards the reptilian part of (y)our being. And obstructs the light. How responsible are you for your actions? and more importantly, how responsible are they?
Picture a pit with 10 prisoners and one warden. The warden has unlimited bread, but chooses to only throw in one loaf every 3 days. The warden could have chosen a worse path, or a better one. But the prisoners are left with limited choice, in other words, forced action.
The prisoners will hate the warden but fight and judge each other out of necessity. The warden, not subject to the same conditions, (judges) their actions as well. However, the warden created the conditions for all subsequent and compounding evil to occur.

Anybody else feel like their purpose is veiled by mandatory participation in a compromising game? Every dream, or path seems tainted by the process (taking part in the lie).
I don't know... Dug myself quite the hole being a rooted pawn. Looking for some wisdom.

Should money exist? Tougher question than you might think.

Thought about this quite a lot. Ties to Maslows hierarchy of human needs. We need so little to survive but right now every physiological requirement is leveraged to control our actions.
The war we should be waging is against scarcity (artificial or real). Ex: World hunger could be solved in months by simply making farming, food preservation and automation focal and high status professions. Shared knowledge and benefits, no patents and corporate profit models. Solution centric. Same for housing, energy and transportation. Solve the problem, automate, next problem.

It's not perfect but there's more valuable information on this platform than most. No MSM or advertising, just people that are aware of the lie that want to move forward.

Honey is also a major appetite suppressant. Throw a tablespoon in your morning coffee. Has gotten me through some rough days

You've been wrong several times. Just stop

Me too Mrs. Oceane. Hang in there! God knows you've lifted us up enough times. We love you.

Judging by this post I think we all know plenty about you, dude...

If you're comfortable right now I question your humanity. Anxiety for the well being of others is not them "beating" you, it is fuel for higher purpose. You're only truly beat if you succumb to playing by their rules.

There are game makers and players. When the makers don't have a suitable answer for, Why? Our role, as pieces still stuck on their broken board, shifts.
Going outside may be your solution. I prefer to aim at different targets.

??? Where you at? If you're gonna step up. Step up.

It was a legitimate question. Thought provoking for those folks with brains.
But since you took it as a complaint. Go ahead and defend this shit. I'll wait.

The fall cometh before the pride... month.

Might not mean much but this anon is proud of you. Follow your heart, not the money.

Sometimes preparing a meal (literally anything) and just leaving it somewhere for them can be incredibly uplifting. Trying too hard to help can have the opposite effect... Hope everything works out. Prayers

It's difficult to any of it seriously at this point. Treason and tyranny deserve consequence.

I worked on this problem for several months. Found the answer and a solution... it broke my whole reality.

Also close man. My heart tells me something incredible is coming. However, it's also telling me that this game and ALL of its makers can fuck right off. This passage has claimed everything except my existence.

Bwahahahaha! This got me. I've been got

UNNNfortunately these are "nice" questions. Leave no man behind seems to be a forsaken ethos. The Q_uiet is deafening.
Stop calling it a movie. It's a psychological Attack actively Manipulating our Collective consciousness... with an obvious and unacceptable collateral damage "allowance." It was Evil when they did it, and it's evil now.

Love (and hate) this truth. Why the veil?

Agreed. Unfortunately the sequel was garbage