TRutH N LyZe
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😻 Of all the things President/CiC Trump said today,
this is the most important for Patriots/Keyboard Warriors 💪🐸🇺🇸
🦅🇺🇸🪖 President/CiC Trump, Walker MI
“The only good thing about what happened
with this 4-year disaster
they’ll be much more understanding
than they would have been
if we’d just went straight ahead & did it” 🇺🇸🪖🎥🍿
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
🇺🇸 9-27-24 Elon Musk
Near the fall of the Roman Empire,
the Roman Army also increasingly relied on non-citizens 💥
The ‘pause’ is nearly over 🥳

Dad to 4, 1 in Heaven, Baylor Grad, Messianic * Pilot #JesusIsTheSonOfGod * #LifeBeginsAtConception #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #StandAgainstEvil

"Silent Spectator 🕵️ | Unveiling hidden truths through undercover lenses. Navigating the shadows to expose untold stories. Join 🇺🇸

#FamilyIsEverything #BlueGreenTeam Chef Photographer Colon Cancer Survivor Military Baker ✍🐉🦌🪶⚜⚓🌹💙💚

How are you doing it? I ask this non-hypothetically and sincerely as I'm struggling to find a path. Paying for health insurance. Paying taxes. Both institutions coordinated to commit crimes against humanity for profit. Living/working is basically impossible to do without propping up those compromised institutions. I can't be the only one who would rather die than live a life where those responsible haven't been publicly held to account, or worse, never face consequences . That sham of an existence is no longer an option I can continually live with - it is legitimately soul destroying.
My personal citizen strike is now affecting those around me which is notably worse. It's killing me. A burden, thats what civil disobedience against active tyranny makes you?
I have asked God. And he tells me to just get through the day. Don't compromise, change is coming, you're important, the world needs you.
I question Q in silence.
What mentality do you deploy against these conditions?

Full Comedy Special: Country Boy Will Survive | Jim Breuer
SUBSCRIBE + LIKE for more from comedian Jim Breuer! Official merch available at Tour dates and more at The Breuniverse Podcast premieres weekly
I find it interesting that people are calling out Bibi. Saying there was stand down order,#BibiKnew etc. I think he knew. I think it was calculated. I think it was evil.
Can't ignore the parallels. There's has been a stand down order in the US for the past 3 years... If you believe Trump is still president, then,#TrumpKnew. Trump still knows. I still think it is calculated. I still think stand down orders are evil.
'Not everything will be clean' regularly surfaces in my mind. No I'm not naïve, the decisions of war are rarely voluntary. Enigma. Chess. Trust.
I think we're all rdy for the final move.

The Noose
The Chair
The Squad
The Wrath
The Injection
The Creator

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..

O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman - Poems | Academy of American Poets
O Captain! My Captain! - O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
There comes a point when it's not OK to deliberately keep us plebs in the dark about what's coming and when in terms of tax, debts, courts etc. — because those of us in the real world are facing choices over where we put our energy into fighting a corrupt system to be able to make it through to another day. The state is busy robbing, defrauding, intimidating, harassing, and stealing. Make a mistake and you can end up in jail. It's not funny being strung along for too long... eventually there has to be plausibly deniable guidance or some form of relief. Otherwise we're just tools or puppets of new controllers keeping information to themselves.

Pt.2 of 2
P#2. cont... The cycle repeats. Wars being plain examples though it's much broader than those climaxes. People organize against tyranny and it'd be foolish to think there hasn't been an effect force of some kind. Especially in the U.S.
P#3. Our side. How would you have done it? There is power in anonymity. I have been personally critical of the covert nature of their actions. Should they all unmask and expose themselves to the evident risks, would you? I'm sure your family would be just fine. Is it even necessary yet? I only bring this up to elevate the logic behind the method. Not saying I agree. There have been plenty of nods in our direction however.
P#4. We're still here. If you think you are a victim of OT. Then (paradoxically) you are now liberated from the fog. Yes, you might be a target (technically you were already), what are you going to do now? What can you do? Will you just be in the way? It doesn't really change much. Please present your solution.

Pt.1 Time to address this 🐘 or at least unpack it a bit. Operation Trust. Yes, there are certainly disturbing and valid correlations but, there are also significant differences that don't fit logically.
OT was designed to discourage and pinpoint those that understood and would rebel outright. Honestly, us. We know the sides, stakes, stimulus etc. It's clearly an effective deterrant.
Problem#1. More people are becoming aware of the nature of this conflict, the number is growing. The awakening is happening. It's counterproductive to the opposition. There are thousands of invisible ways to resist and reorient, they're happening, and they add up. The goal would logically have been to stop the ball before it starts rolling. Well it's rolling.
P#2. History. White hats aren't 'made up'. The Declaration of Independence has signatures. Those men fought against the tyranny of their time. 1776 lives in the hearts of men and women and at the heart of this country... continued

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when they deserve it. A banger. - ty SLC

In case you were wondering about Vivek. Not a bad video.

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......

Patriot, Disabled Veteran, Ex Firefighter. I will follow back all patriots and anons.

Last one.
“Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man? There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly."

Confucius said: "If a state is governed by the principles of reason, poverty and misery are subjects of shame; if a state is not governed by the principles of reason, riches and honors are the subjects of shame."

Civil Disobedience is a short but incredible read. Definitely worth consideration or reconsideration.

"It is not a man's duty, as a matter of course, to devote himself to the eradication of any, even the most enormous, wrong; he may still properly have other concerns to engage him; but it is his duty, at least, to wash his hands of it, and, if he gives it no thought longer, not to give it practically his support." - Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

Ladies, if you've ever wondered why men are pulling back from dating. Here's my 2 cents.
It's simple, don't make our life harder than it has to be. The sacrifice and risk needed to enter a relationship is huge for most men. You become our#1 priority, we choose to let you inside the walls. Our life changes completely. We know this going in and we don't ask for much in return. You can't compete with the life we can create for our ourselves, the only way you stand a chance is if you're on board to make both our lives better and your actions reflect that. Whatever it takes. Life is more expensive than it's ever been, right now. We sell our soul to idiotic jobs that AI, automation or the next guy could replace in an instant. Our future is under attack, money is a joke, work is meaningless and the one thing we put up with all of that superficial bullshit for (Love/Companionship) is shallowed out to a numbers game that doesn't justify the risk. So we don't play.