I know that "we have it all" means everything is monitored and stored, so we have no privacy. I also know that my personal life is none of the business of "white hats" — or anyone else not directly involved. As long as I am not involved in anything that brings me into their militarised realm of organised crime and insurrection, then it doesn't matter. Any meddling in our lives is not on us. It also means there is no expectation of special treatment or rescue: I am accountable for my own actions, and have to experience the consequences. Now, if someone wanted to whack me for my Q-themed work, that is different. I am due protection from what is essentially a non-civilian attack by foreign enemy forces. It's not me getting my comeuppance due to being a bit wayward or partying too hard. I am due certain rights like free speech, and it's OK to protect them with force.

Interesting. I personally struggle with the idea of 100% personal responsibility (in this case). If an outside force sets the conditions of (y)our life in such a way that solely rewards the reptilian part of (y)our being. And obstructs the light. How responsible are you for your actions? and more importantly, how responsible are they?
Picture a pit with 10 prisoners and one warden. The warden has unlimited bread, but chooses to only throw in one loaf every 3 days. The warden could have chosen a worse path, or a better one. But the prisoners are left with limited choice, in other words, forced action.
The prisoners will hate the warden but fight and judge each other out of necessity. The warden, not subject to the same conditions, (judges) their actions as well. However, the warden created the conditions for all subsequent and compounding evil to occur.
Sometimes it's best to just destroy the pit.