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Vijay Menon
Vijay Menon
7 months ago

Vijay Menon

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I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

i say 💥NOTHING HAPPENS.. sadly.. the wait is killing us😡😡😡

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Elle DiNardi to her Publication

Heres one more...One of his major ‘boom’ discoveries was the same identical starmap on MARS when ESA (the European Space Agency) released images of a clear Map up there which features a giant LION geoglyph. It’s famous 5 sided D&M Pyramid is the lion’s nose, and hence why the Monarchy use a lion as their symbol, whilst the famous FACE, already being featured in 1958 publications, is in the correct astronomical position for the most important one of the 3 exoplanets where our fore FATHERs originate from- Sol1.

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Elle DiNardi to her Publication

Wayne Herschel has discovered 43 repeating starmaps all over the planet, either carved in stone petroglyphs, or set up as huge outside geoglyphs (stonehenge is one) or laid out as a floor mosaic in a church or vatican, that all demonstrate the SAME Map showing that these 3 planets –that cannot be seen with the naked eye- yet are correctly depicted astronomically by ancients going back thousands of years, are where our original human ancestors first came from, using instant wormhole/stargate travel, that CERN and the SSP has been keeping secret from us since the very beginning. WH found evidence for stargates at many of the sites & decoded that the SERPENT, LION, ROSE and LOTUS flower are all secret, elite code for wormholes or portals through which people & craft traversed space.

This is also why the UK Royal Family’s BUCKingham Palace (one of Q’s Buckle Up), when viewed from above resembles a pyramid with stargate, the same being on the US dollar bills and a UK Driving Licence.

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Elle DiNardi to her Publication

you can decode it in several ways with several meanings... I feel Q was ahead of its time... many of Qs decode leads to star maps and its leading to Wayne Herschel book... i quote this from a friend In astronomy Snow White is a nickname for the star Sirius because it is the brightest. It’s SEVEN dwarfs are the SEVEN dwarf planets of the Pleiades. If you start at Snow White (Sirius) position, the famous 3 main stars of Orion (mirrored on earth by the 3 Giza pyramids) act as a pointer to 3 (Q Godfather III) very special earth like planets (each with their own suns just like we have, and are called exoplanets) near the Pleiades. You will see that the REAL meaning behind the Masons 33 degrees, is, in fact, the angle the line makes to reach one of the 3 exoplanets when starting at Orion. In astronomy the measurements are always in degrees.

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

well u need to check Osho he demonstrated famously the various meanings of. the word "fuck" based on context and intonation. It can. be everything from adoration to insult. The vdo is of 1970😂

Osho on about fuck#osho - YouTube

this video talking about word 'fuck'amarican people how to use daily life in this word this video is a spiritual video any funny way explain the word fuck ...

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

am 31😊😊

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Vijay Menon to his Publication
Stories of Wisdom - Frog in the Well - Tales of Swami Vivekananda - Moral Stories for Children - YouTube

Swami Vivekananda was born in Calcutta on 12th January 1863. His father was a renowned lawyer of his time and lived an aristocratic but pious life. His mothe...

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Vijay Menon to his Publication

That has been the difficulty all the while.

I am a Hindu. I am sitting in my own little well and thinking that the whole world is my little well. The Christian sits in his little well and thinks the whole world is his well. The Mohammedan sits in his little well and thinks that is the whole world. I have to thank you of America for the great attempt you are making to break down the barriers of this little world of ours, and hope that, in the future, the Lord will help you to accomplish your purpose.

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Vijay Menon to his Publication

or not, but, for our story’s sake, we must take it for granted that it had its eyes, and that it every day cleansed the water of all the worms and bacilli that lived in it with an energy that would do credit to our modern bacteriologists. In this way it went on and became a little sleek and fat. Well, one day another frog that lived in the sea came and fell into the well.

“Where are you from?”

“I am from the sea.”

“The sea! How big is that? Is it as big as my well?” and he took a leap from one side of the well to the other.

“My friend,” said the frog of the sea, “how do you compare the sea with your little well?”

Then the frog took another leap and asked, “Is your sea so big?”

“What nonsense you speak, to compare the sea with your well!”

“Well, then,” said the frog of the well, “nothing can be bigger than my well; there can be nothing bigger than this; this fellow is a liar, so turn him out.”

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication

Your statement reminds me of swami vivekananda statement he gave to parliament of relgions in Chicago in 1893 on why people Why we disagree? pls read will give u some sense

Why we disagree?

Swami Vivekananda told this story at the Parliament of the World’s Religions on 15 September 1893. It was his second lecture at the Parliament. He told—[Source]

I will tell you a little story. You have heard the eloquent speaker who has just finished say, “Let us cease from abusing each other,” and he was very sorry that there should be always so much variance.

But I think I should tell you a story which would illustrate the cause of this variance. A frog lived in a well. It had lived there for a long time. It was born there and brought up there, and yet was a little, small frog. Of course the evolutionists were not there then to tell us whether the frog lost its eyes or not, but, for our story’s sake, we must take it for granted that it had its eyes,

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Vijay Menon to his Publication

Miguel Serrano, in his book The Serpent of Paradise, writes: "Nobody knows what he did or where he lived until he was thirty, the year he began his preaching. There is a legend, however, that says he was in Kashir - the original name of Kashmir. Ka means the same as or equal to, and shir, Syria."

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication

i dont know but am quoting from OSHO... the missing years of jesus.. such an important figure in christianty .. but why its missing...

Christianity has no knowledge of where Jesus was for thirty years. With the exception of two earlier incidents - when he was born, and once when he was seven years old - only the three years of his ministry are known; the remaining period is unknown. But India has many traditions about it: there are folk stories in Kashmir indicating that he was meditating in a Buddhist monastery there during all the years which are not accounted for.

Then, when he was thirty, he suddenly appeared in Jerusalem. Then he was crucified and there is the story of his resurrection. But again, where does he disappear to after he resurrects? Christianity has nothing to say about it. Where did he go? When did he die a natural death?

Miguel Serrano, in his book The Serpent of Paradise, writes: "Nobody knows what he did or where he lived until he was thirty, the year he

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Meggie Jam to her Publication

i would rather request you to listen to sapien medicine.. he has got many tapes on skins related issue if u can surf his channel... u can listen to this one below for Skin Ulcers, Deep Gouges and General External Wounds

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Patriot AztekJade to her Publication


I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Kris Williams to her Publication

Persecute those Traitors of DOD... morons.. not disclosing u have made america far worst than any civil war....

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

i still Din get it.. whats the purpose to still go on with secret execution.... if its a movie why the vax... why many forced to take it.. if white hats under control.. dont u think even they are part and parcel for this charade and did crimes against humanity....

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response DorQus Patriot to her Publication

My heartfelt condolences to you and your family, U & Ur family are in my thoughts and my prayers 💐💐💐

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication


I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Beverly Hayes to her Publication

Wooh .. that a beautiful dragonfly... more like a Bat-Dragon

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Courtney Webster to her Publication

Or we can use the movie matrix quote werein the Oracle says this to NEO.....

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Courtney Webster to her Publication

one query though was it a A1 milk or A2 milk he consumed???

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Florentzia Q17 to her Publication

Epic and common sense😂😂

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

well thats from remotest india... No Fear... why should we... its mother nature at her worst and we know best is yet to come... dark to light

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Courtney Webster to her Publication

Same here...😊

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Am surethe Fuc***g Judge that pased this order is a Pedophile😡😡

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Aortic Warrior to her Publication


I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Daughter Of The King to her Publication

Well this photos were taken from Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Amazon rainforest by British explorer Alfred Isaac middleton?? Unfortunately all of his journals and scholarly writings were also lost in the year 1901 when Alfred and his team went missing on an expedition to Sumatra to discover the fabled lost cities of Dawleetoo...

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication

this one is from 2021.. still waiting

I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q

In response Jean Kilroy⭐ to her Publication

well this thing was used as Ligthining weapon in wars in tartaria civilization