Everything has been a lie when they say it will be biblical its about the Bible and all that was taken out of it and then lied about
Ready for the truth on all fronts
An exhaustive and critical reevaluation of all artifacts pertaining to the archaeology of Nazareth shows that the site was not inhabited at the time Jesus Of Nazareth and his family should have been living there
Three Tombs of Jesus: Which is the Real One? – Bible Archaeology Report
The tomb in which they buried Jesus of Nazareth was empty that first Easter morning. On this point the ancient eyewitnesses agree.1 The vast majority of modern scholars – critical or otherwise - also agree.2 There are three tombs in Jerusalem people point to as the place Jesus of Nazareth was ..
I’ve learned I don’t know anything. Have also learned that people will pay for what I know. Life is good.. i love MAGA Q
there one more its in indian part of kashmir