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Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Tim Qsentme to his Publication

Read, study The Word of God aka The Holy Bible. Repent of sin, ask for forgiveness, ask Jesus to cleanse you, pray & worship. You will have a right spirit in you. May God bless you and yours.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Jacky Johson to his Publication

That link is unsafe.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Robby Ball to his Publication

Lou was just offered a job at OANN.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Total Truth to his Publication

I was about to ask who the OP was referring hopes that she meant Jesus Christ. Amen Total Truth...amen.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Judy 777 to her Publication

I'm listening. Thanks for the link.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

Netflix? TV? Turn them off...really. They are all about mind control. Who wants to support the enemy? Study God's Word..turn on audio tapes of The Holy Bible. Journaling is good to do through thiis 'period' in your life. I was just listening to this woman who talks about creativity and how fear blocks this. Create a safe spot in your home, for prayer and meditition, a place of peace. God bless you. This is about TV:

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication

Hi Kobayashi, Congrats to those #'s! I'm also a member of Gab and I'm a big proponent of free speech. I know Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab and how hard he's worked to be independent of Big Tech and keeping a safe platform for conservatives. Could you tell me a bit about this site? How and when it got started? You too have your own servers? Soon after I got here, I wanted to deactivate because I wasn't sure, not sure, who's behind the curtain, so to 'speak,' and was unable to deactivate..that gave me more concern. Thank you.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Janine Halls to her Publication

She blocked me on Twitter at least a year ago. My heart goes out to matter what, she's obviously in pain and I don't want to cause her any more.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Janine Halls to her Publication

She say's Trump is in on it..and Melania is also a sex trafficking victim. I just don't know...

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Maurizio Pedrini to his Publication

Matthew 24: 23-33 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
28 For wheresoever th

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Maurizio Pedrini to his Publication

What a crock of nonsense. This site is 'for the birds.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Maurizio Pedrini to his Publication

FaceBook? Gotta' be kiddin me? I'm still unsure if this is a safe place. Who runs this platform? Good way of rounding up all the anons. Could it be FBI..CIA? Who knows... There is a red alert on domestic terrorists so wouldnt surprise anyone if they did open a platform.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Maurizio Pedrini to his Publication


Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Prof Dolores Cahill; Why People Will Start Dying A Few Months After the First MRNA Vaccination

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Jo Anne Vidito to her Publication

Zook's wife, "He believed in vaccines. I’m sure he would take that vaccine again, and he’d want the public to take it," she said. 🤪😳 If I were a betting woman..I'd bet the wife was coached, badly coached, but coached nonetheless. Perhaps even a pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow. Only explanation I can fathom.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication

Cytokine Storm

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Kingdom Builder to his Publication

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Kingdom Builder to his Publication

😌 Amen! That scripture was my pinned post on Twitter.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Kingdom Builder to his Publication

I pray the dam is breaking. The problem is, and always has been, the victims were not believed. May our Lord God continue to shine through you and may He bless you abundantly. 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication

..and let's not forget the addiction of plastic surgery and what all you can buy when you have the big bucks. I'm seeing so much disinfo here...which no doubt its purpose is to make us all look like crazy whack jobs. Never has it been more important to the newbies: Be careful who you follow.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Kingdom Builder to his Publication

This video has been out for years...on Youtube no less.#HampsteadPedos

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response LoveConquers All to her Publication

This is The Word of God aka The Holy Bible. Selah.

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

The bloodlne of Judah...? Off your meds? Don't get it twisted. The Lord may use who He wills... All The Glory Goes To God... Forever and Ever AMEN!

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Hertz SoGood to her Publication

The only one who came to "Save The World" is Jesus Christ. May you found Him now. Thank God, Trump gave Him the Glory..forever and ever AMEN. Isaiah 55:6 "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found."

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response LoveMy Cats to her Publication

😶🙄His wife's comments...?

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Search Truth to her Publication

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Warrior for Truth to his Publication

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

In response Michael Dare to his Publication

Nice try..? Did you see the video...💁‍♀️

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

BTW: Charlie Ward is no more a Dr than I am...oy!

Perpetual Student of God's Word aka The Holy Bible, Independent Thinker, Constitutionalist. #SaveOurChildren #TrumpIsMyPresident

So the following video (That I also poster earlier to you today) doesn't dissuade you from Simon Parkes and therefore Charlie Ward etc etc.? Seriously? Simon Parkes is a whack job. Did you see his alien lover, mother, and 'alien child'? Get outta here with him.