Paul Atreides
4 years ago

Paul Atreides

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In response The Wise Owl_AZ to his Publication

This IS NOT CORRECT. The Presidential Tranistion Act DOES NOT ADDRESS MILITARY COMMAND or give the outgoing President "control over the military for 60 days." The only service extended is that by the General Services Administration (GSA) which is Admin and Logistics, NOT THE MILITARY CHAIN OF COMMAND.
The break down of the act is here, research it for yourselves:
Patriots. PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH OR BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ, NO MATTER HOW GOOD IT SOUNDS. I want to believe to. Does Trump have command of the military? Perhaps. But NOT throguh Senate Bill 394 or the Presidential Tranistion Act. References provided. If you don't believe the evidence provided, then there is nothing else to be done. These are dangerous times, and a false belief can inflict a major loss. Research! Check!

In response The Wise Owl_AZ to his Publication

Gotta admit, that one is oerplexing. Also Jen Psaki is acting...weird. simple question: why are there no Marines at the White House? incoherent answer. This SOTU datum is unexplainable. why even advertise it?

In response The Wise Owl_AZ to his Publication

Some advice Patriots: DO NOT GET LOCKED ON DATES. The pronoucements has proven incorrect in our experience of all this. also, I would recommend keeping track which individuals are making pronoucements on exact dates that have been proven wrong. Consider this: if the Plan is known to less than 10 people, and no leaks, hiw can ANYONE outside that group know anything? it breaks OPSEC. could it be a brilliant deduction on spot on? Sure. then again: why telegraph anything to the enemy?

In response The Wise Owl_AZ to his Publication

Ezra Cohen Watnick is NO LONGER acting USD(I). it is highly improbable (but not impossible) that@ghostezra is actually Ezra Cohen Watnick. Also the information on these posts have been around for awhile.

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

Thought the military was on our side?

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

That's a hell of a coincidence, for the RADAR sweep to be caught at the Q position. so, each service component has thier own Public Affairs Officer (PAO). no coincidences, right? a large iperation indeed, for Navy, Army, Air Force and Marine Corps PAOs to post pics with such comms. as always there is the possibility that our Groupthink are making anons see things in a certain way, to match our cognitive bias. or the scale of this mission is grand. keep in mind, SECDEF authorizes, via each component CIO / PAO what gets posted online. is the conspiracy that vast? mind boggling...

In response Mic Band-Z to his Publication

Actually, I think we are the troublemakers EVERYWHERE...boy, did I fire up
some people on unity there. everybody wants to know more than everybody else. Our movement...has issues. if there is a plan, I hope its out soon. the Natives are getting restless...

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Fair enough, Nana.

In response Stormy Weather to her Publication

Concur. To those who believe this fight will not come to your door: you're wrong.

In response Candie Mattos to her Publication

Not working.

In response Stormy Weather to her Publication

I agree. there is no cavalry coming.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

This a primary duty of the Military, a key tenet of their oath, and inculcated into them during general military training every month. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO AUTHORIZE ANYTHING.

In response white light to his Publication

Then perhaps we shoikd stop projecting dates?

In response Janet Lewis to his Publication

possibly. If we cannot fix election rigging, it is for naught. no election result can be trusted.

In response The Wise Owl_AZ to his Publication

more moving goal posts...I thought we won already?

In response MARINE_LEO_ Mom to her Publication

No. He never is.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

I am fully awarr of the switch from the SWIFT to the QFS. The Central Bank in the United States is still in the SWIFT. The Private Central Bank in the US.S. is STILL in power. Contrast to Russia: the Rothschilds have been kicked out if the country. Myanmar has also seized tgeir Orivate Bank director. I am FULLY cognizant of the QFS. There are carying dates on WFS implementation in tbe U.S. as well - but we have not changed to a gold or silver standard. Ergo: the battle IS NOT YET won, as the private central bank is still in place and QFS not implrmented.
Paris Climate Accord has been rejoined. That is a LOSS.
The SCOTUS kicked the can into next week on Sydney Powell and Lin Wood's cases. Thats a LOSS.
I do not write statements thst I am "incognizant" of. I do not SEE the battle won.

In response Cob Cob to his Publication

Pretty sure, but I must admit that I am not a biologist or neuronsurgeon. Worth rsearching more - If there is any evidence, it should be over places of worship (true focused prayer) or meditation (dharmsala). iIf the theory is correct, then a different frequency should be evudent over the vatican - as the brains there cast negative thoughts. Should negative intention lower or higher EMF?

So...the decode tells us a US Leadership change on 28 Feb 21?
Or "soon"?
Which is it?
Sorry, no decode markers have been correct.
Example: marker 11.3. I have four different "decodes"; none of them match.
It is worth noting that that if we can decode, so can the enemy. Why would we telegraph such a critical date? Isn't that breaking OPSEC?

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

I ask the same question and you are spot on. THE BIGGER QUESTION IS WHY NO ACTION IS BEING TAKEN BY THE U.S.MILITARY TO RESTORE THE REPUBLIC? I know the Anon party line: "There's a Plan."
IF that plan is ever executed, when we do the Lessons Learned or Hotwash, perhaps we will be informed on the suffering required to be endured. Onevfors NOT see pain on the Enemy. At least from our level. If anything REAL and NEGATIVE consequences are hspoening RIGHT NOW, because of a "movie.".
Why are conservatives being kept docike?
Why is MAGA believing shills like Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Gene Decode?
Why are we talking sbout great revelations when they will come in time IF TRUE, but NOT discussing how to get our duly elected President in his rightful place?

In response Patriot Girl17 to her Publication

Why are we NOT doing this?
Whoever finds thecanswer to tgat wuestion will have solved the entire enigma.
Myanmar has acted.
Haiti has acted.
What is goingbon here that the simpkest solution is not being used?

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

I usually do not use this type of language, Patriots, forgive me. But she's a "Hoe.".

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Trump caught the voterfraud without the need of a Qusntum Computer (QC). He had been telling us what we ALREADY knew from the bioartisan Carter Report: MAIL IN BALLOTS ARE RIPE FOR FRAUD.
What does this very broad snd incomplete explanation of a QC show us in regard to Trump catching voter fraud? Qubits are used? Yes, 1&0s, exist at the same time (superposition) in a QC.However, they are still the bits of information processed by a regular computer. Quantum entanglement ("spooky action at a distance") increases processing power, as the qubits are quanta (photons). This the fatest a QC can process data is at the speed of light, which makes QCs more error prone than regular computers. This is known as decoherence.In the end, most QCs are owned by the Enemy: IBM, Intel, Microsoft, & Google.So they have this capability as well. The simplest solution would have been to deploy military or US Marshals to those counties that committed fraud and COUNT THE PAPER BALLOTS.Of course he caught it.

Love is selfless and can be deemed limitless. As humans, however, we are imperfect and may not reflect the God's perfrction of expressing love. Howver, as with snything that deal with homo sapiens sapiens there are metrics that can be applied.
One way to measure love is to look at behaviors that people engage in to express love. Chapman (1995) theorized that there were five broad classes of behaviors that people would engage in to express love: (1) words of affirmation, (2) spending quality time, (3) giving gifts, (4) acts of service, and (5) physical touch.
Goff, Goddard, Pointer, and Jackson (2007) developed a survey instrument to measure expressions of love. They created a series of questions that were designed to measure one (and only one) of the different behaviors that Chapman laid out. These involved asking questions about how a lover does things. This attempt at "gotcha" when it comes to science and love is an old trope and stereotypical. It is easily rebutted.

That is hopeful nrws. Lets us pray that the Court will not just consider the cases, but call them to order and review based on the merits. If the SCOTUS primary judges ate free from coercion and blackmail, we have the chance at a just and legal solution.

In response Radiant Patriot -Z to her Publication

Prayer is a supplication to the Almighty. It allows for our communication with God; hiwever, the Lord has placed us in a teality that had physical laws and he has given us free will. Ergo: prayer cannot in and of itself change an outcome unless the preconditions for achievement have been met.
Vibes. is this referent to the Electro Magnetic Force? How does one adjust one's "Vibes"? In our human make up, ehat exactly is vibrating?
Intentions ate indeed necessary fir leading a good life and making the world a better place. However, intentions are thought forms created by our brains only.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

This is easily tested & falsifiable. The Electron is the lightest stable subatomic particle known. It carries a negative charge of 1.602176634 × 10−19 coulomb, which is considered the basic unit of electric charge. The rest mass of the electron is 9.1093837015 × 10−31 kg, which is only 1/1,836the mass of a proton. An electron is therefore considered nearly massless in comparison with a proton or a neutron, & the electron mass is not included in the mass number of an atom. EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE EXHIBITS WAVE|PARTICLE DUALITY. What in meditation allows for the manipulation of matter?

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

I wish them luck with that. Won't go anywhere.

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication


In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Things have not gone the way they should AT ALL. Of course I'll be good. If a battle is necessary, it will be fought. I pray, but act. Prayer without action is inaction in and of itself. Empires rise and fall. Evil will continue to exist because all things in nature require balance. Good exists. In the end, this to shall pass. nothing lasts forever, balance will be struck. we are but minor events in an infinite universe.