Paul Atreides
4 years ago

Paul Atreides

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"No war. No Civil Unrest. Clean and Swift."
1. War is rearing its ugly head at this very moment. Democrats have attacked Syria. Many Patriots simply don't believe it, call it a false flag. Accepting no reports: "SHOE ME PROOF!" Nothing you present theses Patriots will satisfy them that it did happen. That is NOT a good sign: inflexibility, intolerance, discounting credible evidence.
2. As for Civil Unrest, there is Civil Unrest going on right now on this platform. Invoking God and his timeline: well, He gave us Free Will for a reason. To ACT. Table that; and think on this: the more nothing happens, the CLOSER you get to Civil Unrest. Humanity at its most fundamental level. We are set upon by a tyrannnical government, we have the RIGHT to sever ties and establish a government for the people. It is immoral to be in a official capacity as an Officer of the United States and to to ignore the overthrow of thevduly elected POTUS. That offense is known as "misprion of treason."

WE THE PEOPLE are pissed, with good reason. The ironic element of all this is the lecture a Patriot gets for stating the obvious. As if there is no room for debate. Democrats and Liberals conduct themselves in that way. We shouldn't.
Trump's speech at CPAC was classic Trump, and its been heard before. What is amazing is that some of us latch on to the smallest elements because of confirmation bias. WE WANT TO BELIEVE. There is really nothing to go on, except heresay, complex manipulations of Q information, God being invoked alot.
There is a term for that.
God's time, right? Well, Patriots are only human & want to live a good life to worship him as commanded. We cannot accomplish that under the tyranny the Left. Thus, simple logic dictates we may very well not see restoration in our lifetime. Which then brings up concerns about our children & grand children. It is shaky theological ground.
Why all the mental gymnastics to try and solve a straightfoward mattter

The Presidential Transition Act. The Presidential Tranistion Act DOES NOT ADDRESS MILITARY COMMAND or give the outgoing President "control over the military for 60 days." The only service extended is that by the General Services Administration (GSA) which is Admin and Logistics, NOT THE MILITARY CHAIN OF COMMAND.
The break down of the act is here, research it for yourselves:
Patriots. PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ OR HEAR, NO MATTER HOW GOOD IT SOUNDS. I want to believe to. Does Trump have command of the military? Perhaps. But NOT throguh Senate Bill 394 or the Presidential Tranistion Act. References provided. If you don't believe the evidence provided, then there is nothing else to be done. These are dangerous times, and a false belief can inflict a major loss. Research! Check!

well, we have all the Infinity Stones, President Trump has his Stark Enterprises Gauntlet, and Thanos is running amuck...



The most definite proof of the "Plan" is what happened to the privately owned Federal Reserve. Fed ACH down; to completely down for approximately one hour. That is a major "habbening" (KEK)! Another datum is the call by Democrats to "decentralize" the control of the Nuclear TRIAD (the Football). This is no small matter. I have no crystal ball & ANYONE (Anon or normie) claiming to have exact knowledge of any event in this stage of human civilization are WRONG. No amount of decodes, gematria, Q-Clocks are going to give any of us exact answers. Some me maybe right, some have been proven false. Hacks abound. Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, Robert David Steele: you watch & listen to them & make your own conclusions. We all have to research ourselves, listening to these men is not research. Blind faith in human sources w/o evidence is not discernment. However, we are all Patriots together, & when it comes down to it, I would raise my shield to my left & right to protect ALL of you, regardless.

well, so much for the Tribunal Stage / Gallows in front of tve White House...

1. SCOTUS corrupt. NO JUSTICE.
2. Durham, our supposed key prosecutor - DONE.

what now? continue to trust the plan? God's time?

this is an Echo chamber. i live cominh here, but the battle is external to

Durham was our key to prosecutions and indictments. disinformation?

@Ghostezra Running sentiment analysis on the relatively few tweets that Exra Cohen-Watnick, while serving as USD(I) on his twitter, posted, compared with your syntax, writing style and the simple fact that you are unverfied, gives a 90% probaability that who ever is behind this account is NOT Ezra Cohen Watnick.
A Naval Officer, graduate of the Camp
Peary Clandestine Course of Instruction (COI), and Intelligence Officer WOULD NOT ever be on a Q board, much less have ANY social media account. You ARE NOT Watnick.
Which is fine by me, as imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. You post good content, keep morale going. Why take on someone else's persona? Ego? Followers?
With a bright future ahead of him, in addition to the sentiment analysis, it is doubtful that Mr. Watnick would man a keyboard throughout the dat and night, posting on anonup or telegraph. You could be located and traced.
I could be wrong.
Don't think I am though...

Frequencies cast upon a mind by an external actor can make you brlieve or do things you don't want to do?

Hmmm. Where to begin...


Zero evidence, open to experimentation and falsifiability.

The obvious: why hasn't the enemy used this on us already? if we know of the premise, wouldn't they?

You want to atrengthen your mind?

Practice Zazen and Shikantanza.

If you believe everything that fits your desired outcome, you can be controlked - NO EXTERNAL FREQUENCIES REQUIRED.

"Do not act as if you had ten thousand years to throw away. Death stands at your elbow. Be good for something while you live and it is in your power.” ― Marcus Aurelius

The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.
- Nikola Tesla
Med Beds?
Project Looking Glass?
Galatic Federation?

Patriots. Really?

Let's make a pact. Focus on getting factual, evidence based, scientificalky falsifiable infor matuon out to the copper tops. Ket's beat the CIA at THEIR own game. The objective is to control the narrative, right?

How do any of the above items help the cause in controlling the narrative? THEY DON'T.

Prove it AFTER we get the Republic back, because these things CANNOT be brought forth if we fon't have our Republic back!

Grave this on your memory: A world is supported by four things...
1. The learning of the wise
2. The justice of the great
3. The prayers of the righteous
4. The valor of the brave.
But all of these things are as nothing without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!

JUS AD BELLUM: The Christian just war tradition is the history of how just war theory has been conceived and applied in Christian thought and ethics.
The Christian tradition of just war theory began in the fifth century with Augustine. Augustine’s view of justice in warfare can be summed up by his statement that, “We do not seek peace in order to be at war, but we go to war that we may have peace. Be peaceful, therefore, in warring, so that you may vanquish those whom you war against, and bring them to the prosperity of peace.”
JUS AD BELLUM is rooted in Romans 13:3-4: “For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have its approval. For it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, because it does not carry the sword for no reason. For it is God’s servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong.” WE ARE JUSTIFIED IN TAKING OUR REPUBLIC BACK, BY FORCE.

Three maxims were inscribed on a column in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi:

1. Know thyself
2. Nothing in excess
3. Surety brings ruin

Phoebus Apollo is one of the Greatest Mythological Gods of the Greek Pantheon. The Mythological god of music, medicine, prophecy, archery, Athletes, war, philisophy and science.

Apollis is what Carl Jung would call an Archetype: Legendary figures caughts in msnkinds celluar memory and collective unconscious.

"But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.
- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Could the enigma of Black Eyed Kids be somehow an effect, or consequence of the Khazaran Death Cult? How many of the world's mysteries and fortean, eldritch phenomena be a direct or indirect trsult of actins by the Cabal? Yes, as hard as I am on some Patriots as a scientist, there are some things that spark mystery in me.
I am in no way perfect, and as human as the next man. As a break from the mysteries that may come to light, here is a brief escape from the Election Steal.

There is no spoon...

I still do not understand how the Schuman Resonace & its measurement at the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) range is an indicator of any of rise or "connectivity" in human consciousness on the globe. At 7.83 Mhz, the resonance is well understood as electrical activity taking place from the earth's surface to the ionosphere;which is basically a closed wave guide. One must concede that lightning storm activity, earth quakes, solar flates and the sunspot cycle (accurately predicted since the early 1940s to occur every 11 years - military operators have to learn this cycle because it has a negative effect on communications plans and must be mitigated) affect the Schuman Frequency.
How does this tie in with elevated human consciousness? Both the Schuman Resonance & the Human brain are closed systems.
Is the proposition that thinking positive thoughts directly changesw the Schuman Resonance, & that human consciousness "good" levels are able to be read by tracking this frequency? NOPE.

Quantum Theory & Quantum computing have ZERO inpact or effect on the theories of Special and General Relativity. Layman's Terms: Time doesn't change because of quantum theory. It flows as it does on the macro scale. As a matter of fact, Quantum Mechanics have zero affect on spacetime which was firmly established by Einstein.
Quantum mechanics, as it’s been conventionally understood for the past 93 years, in no way whatsoever involves time travel into the past. Indeed, it’s sometimes been remarked that, for all of quantum mechanics’ revolutionary implications, time is ironically one of the few concepts that it didn’t change at all! In standard quantum mechanics (that is, without relativity), time is just a continuous parameter that flows at the same rate everywhere in the universe. Special relativity & General relativity, not quantum mechanics, established that time might be mutable; time dilation stems from, for instance, traveling close to the speed of light or flying by a black hole

The Office of Military Commissions is the Department of Defense organization that schedules, conducts and processes Military Tribunals in the United States. Miltary Tribunals can be closed to the public if there is classified information involved. But with the DECLAS before Trump's departure, those tribunals that have been declassified must be reported to the public in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. CLAIM: MILITARY TRIBUNALS ARE BEING CONDUCTED. Evidence: NONE. The docket of the Military Commisssions is blank. Which means: WE DO NOT KNOW.

Basics. Hypothesis Testing: For A theory to be proven true or possible, it must be FALSIFIABLE. It means a claim (hypotheses, or theory) can be tested; subject to experiment. It means it allows for the possibility of more accurate explanations to be considered & formulated. It's important because it helps us progress.
UNFALSIBIABILITY. Confidently asserting that a theory or hypothesis is true or false even though the theory or hypothesis cannot possibly be contradicted by an observation or the outcome of any physical experiment, usually without strong evidence or good reasons.

"We have a new firm date."
Unsound Logic.

Why hasn't anyone burned Comet Ping Ping to the ground??? Asking for a friend...

@johntiger There ate two forms of logic: Informal and conditional. In debate one offers a syllogism and defends it with rebuttals based on logic, fact, precedent and critical thinking. If one truly knows what they speak of, stating that a proposition is invorrect and not offering a counterrevuttal and stating, "I'll let you figure it out" is the ultimate hypocrisy snd sn inducator of Dunning-Krueger Effect.
Layman's Terms: Don't talk shit when you don't know what your talking about. A coward attacks does not offer a rebuttal. That is not debate, but gaslighting, and is just plain ignorance.

The Pineal gland is called the Third Eye because of the reticle receptor rods that are similiar to those found in the eye. IT DETECTS LIGHT.
The pineal gland's primary purpose is to regulate the the body's cicardian rythm & produce melatonin to induce sleep.
Having the pineal gland removed does happen; mostly due to pineal gland cysts.
The people whose pineal gland has been removed CONTINUE to function normally, the biggest impact of pineal gland removal is sleep induction, which is usually treated with melatonin. THIS INCLUDES CHRISTIANS.

The Gateway Experience. Higher connection to "energies of the universe by synchronization of both hemispheres of the brain." NOPE. Based on a 1983 paper found in the "Vault" The Gateway is a "activated" by
Transcendental Meditation, Hypnosis and biofeedback. Friends, the human brain hemispheres are ALREADY synchronized, the limbic system is spread across both. The human brain generates at most 20W of electricity. The four fundamental forces(energies) of the universe are the Strong & Weak Nuclear Force, Gravity & the Electromagnetic force. The brain CANNOT be directly connected to these.

RIP Rush Limbaugh. Your loss is a DEVASTATING blow to the cause.

Does anyone that is a Patriot, especially veterans, believe that any source aupporting Patriots will leak anything? Wars have been lost to leaks. Get your heads straight. An anon mentioned the other day of people poisiong the well.
If you are not going to research, investigate and counter Operation Mockingbird, and live in Gematria, Numerology, Med Bed, JFK Jr is alive delusions, you are not helping the cause. Extraodinary Claims require Extraodinary proof. I can already see Patriots calling BS. GOOD.
If those extraodinary things happen & are true, GREAT!